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SD12 thinks we're poor

SeeYouNever's picture

This didn't come from BM who thinks we must have a money room. Still I don't usually get affected by anything my snotty brat of a SD12 says but this one pissed me off. 

I'm going to brag for a moment. We have a bigger house than BM, we drive newer cars, she drives a car that DH paid for that she got in the divorce. We are pretty sure BM is using all the tv/music streaming services that we have SD logins to. DH sends $1000 a month in CS. We both have very good jobs. I go grocery shopping and don't bother looking at prices. For online shopping I sort by review not price! I always get guac at Chipotle. I'm being facetious but I used to be very careful with money when I didn't have any and it is very nice to not have to worry so much anymore. My husband and I have worked very hard to get to where we are and to have our well paying jobs. We don't live in a million dollar house but I know in the grand scheme we are well off and I'm proud of us. Brag over. 

F*ck this little twit. She only said that because she wanted to make DH feel bad to try to get him to buy her something because to her spending money equals love. She even grabs receipts out of my DHs hand to see how much money we've spent. She thinks we're poor because we usually cook at home rather than get takeout for every meal like BM. or because we don't have huge guady logos on all of our clothing like she and BM do. Or because DH limits her shopping sprees rather than let her buy the whole store. He must be poor because he tells her no. 

I'm so sick of this little B acting like she is better than us. She puts on this snotty voice and starts critiquing everything from the movies we watch to the food we serve like the whole world exists for her pleasure. She done this snotty critique voice since I've known her at 6 and still does it now at 12. It has been sooooo embarrassing at restaurants. She even does it to the servers after she orders some complex custom meal (I'm being sarcastic she usually just describes macaroni and cheese to the server as if they have never heard of such a thing before and it isn't already on the children's menu) she thinks she sounds sophisticated and british. BM's side must be encouraging it because she has always done this and DH has told me that they are stuck up and all about money. I find it so incredibly rude.




tog redux's picture

OK, I pulled one thing out of there, but no way would BM be having access to our streaming services. SS used it at our house, but he was not allowed the password.  BM can pay for her own with the 1K in Child Support (my DH pays 1K too - for an almost 21-year-old.  3 more payments!)

DH needs to tell SD to knock it off.

ESMOD's picture

"Hahahaha... honey.. we aren't poor.. you are poor.. we just choose how we spend our wealth wisely"

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Takeout every night really adds up to a lot of money down the drain. That plus the brand name clothes, no wonder BM is always broke. I would use every complaint as a chance to try to teach SD that. Not that she will listen but if she ever hopes to launch she will need to know. My SO had a daughter who paid no bills, worked 20 hours a week, and blew it all on takeout, gas, and weed. She was literally baffled as to why she didn't have any money in the bank! 

SeeYouNever's picture

Exactly, you don't get wealth by blowing all your money away! 

I think it's too late for a lesson, BM is all about status and flaunting and SD12 is just the same. She could be telling SD we're poor and then bitching to my DH about how we spend our money. It burns me up. She gave him an earful about how he needs to do more for SD when I got a new car. I bought it with my own money but this B thought that DH got it for me and that was why he was pushing back on her demands for extra money on top of CS. BM is an entitled B*tch that still thinks she has more of a claim to DHs money than his wife does. And now SD has learned to guilt trip DH by saying we're poor and pouting that he can't buy her love by buying some hideous $150 sneakers that some celebrity is hocking.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Ahhh, money discussions. Aren't they grand?

In all seriousness, has DH sat down SD and actually had a talk with her about money and her snobby attitude? Has he taken her to see folks who are ACTUALLY poor? Has he put her on a "budget" so she learns the value of a dollar?

I understand where you're coming from. DH and I live much the same way. The "benefit" we've had is that Eternal Teenager blows through every dollar she ever makes, and she doesn't spend a lot of time or effort on making the few dollars she has. DH has been forced to have conversations with his kids about finances because ET crying poor and blaming DH was a pretty consistent theme. While our conversations with the boys are likely different than the ones your DH needs to have with SD, he still needs to have them. And he needs to deliver consequences accordingly.

SeeYouNever's picture

He hasn't. He will tell her no and not make it a negotiation. 

For my daughter's birthday we got a few duplicate gifts. I said that it was ok, keep them in the package and we can donate them to toys for tots. I try to be a good role model but at the time SD was too busy showing off the "sister gift" got her so she wouldnt feel left out.

Kes's picture

What does a 12 yr old know?  Don't let a stupid little twit make you feel insecure,.  Cooking at home is great - it shows you have some skills and knowledge how to produce lovely meals for a fraction of the money of eating out all the time.  

I remember NPD BM and the SDs used to laugh at us when they were growing up, because of the obscene level of CS my DH paid to them, they could afford all sorts of things we couldn't, including a big house and foreign holidays.   We now have the last laugh because NPD was always useless with money, and is in financial trouble, while we have just bought a big house in the country.   I could hear the screams of fury and jealousy coming all the way from her place when she found this out.  

SeeYouNever's picture

Yeah I'm pretty sure the CS my DH pays is BMs fun money. She has asked to get it early a few times, always right before going on vacation.

advice.only2's picture

Spawn looked down her noses at DH and I about money as well, but really she and Meth Mouth were just poor trailer trash who happened to live in a nice house because somebody else was always footing the bill. But it sure as hell wasn't Meth Mouth buying Spawn her designer clothes and purses and make-up.

Kes's picture

Exactly - same with NPD all those years.  Now she and the Walking Wallet (whose business is also failing) are paying their own bills, they don't look so smug. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Your SD12 is silly.  British people don't talk about money ever if they are really posh.  They also don't wear logo clothes.  The really old money people I've met wore twin sets and pearls or tweeds.  Ask her if she ever seen the young royals in branded clothes.  LOL.

If you are feeling mean you could use the phrase that I used to use to shut YSS up when he was being a pain about how much was being spent - "You know the cost of everything and the value of nothing"

SeeYouNever's picture

I'm going to keep that saying in my pocket!

SD and BM are what we'd call "hood rich" it means you get checks of money in the mail and spend it on gaudy branded clothes, purses, shoes, nails and hair. Money can't buy class!

simifan's picture

You should take this and run with it. Have a little fun. Nope, can't afford the XXX you want, we're poor remember. No, can't stop at McD's - we're poor. SD just handed you a get out of jail free card. 

halo1998's picture

and was always asking DH for the latest shoes, hoodies, etc.  DH and I have a nice's a fixer upper in progress. We own our cars, including the cars the kids drive and take very good vacations.  Travel is important to DH and I so we prioritze that.  We eat at home 6 nights of the week and go out on Friday.We are not rich though and DH pays Beaver $1200 a month in CS.  Beaver on the other hand loves to have mani/pedi, eat out for every meal, buy the lastest beauty product (it ain't helping) and lives in a getto condo.

I always had to tell GWR...YOU are not rich.  You do not have ANY money.  Your father and I have money..and we are not rich.

GWR is what I call "faux rich".  He dresses like he has MOOOONNEEYYY...the shoes, clothes, etc..but in reality he couldn't afford the dollar menu at Taco Bell.  I remember one time he wanted a $300 Gucci belt...I laughed.  He then asked ..."Do you even KNOW what Gucci is?"  

Should have seen his face when I responded.

"YES I KNOW WHAT GUCCI IS.  Before I had kids and was single I had a LOT of money.  I have three, count them 3 Gucci watches upstairs and about 10 Gucci Scarves.  So yes, I KNOW WHAT Gucci is.  I also know its rather uncouth to flaunt your wealth."

I would also change every streaming password in our house...and report that an unkown person is using my streaming services.  

SeeYouNever's picture

Ah yes teens and tweens acting like they discovered things that have existed forever, always fun to school them. I am older than google, I know what I'm talking about!

notarelative's picture

When my bios were 12, DH1 was still alive. We lived in a nice house, in a very nice area. We belonged to the area pool. We always went on a nice vacation. But, we were careful with money and saving for college for two. We didn't buy brand name things and usually bought on sale. Years later YDS said to me that when he was a kid he always thought we were poor because we'd say that we couldn't afford (we'd say not in the budget) the keep up with the in crowd things he wanted. 

SD is 12. She has no idea yet of budgets and priorities. My bios decided they wanted things we would not buy so they got paper routes as soon as they were old enough. Magically the things they previously wanted were not bought when they were spending their own money. My bios were grateful that they didn't have the outsized college loans their friends with all the trendy things had.


ndc's picture

I think it's good if SD thinks you're poor - maybe she'll have her hand out less and lower her expectations.  Of course,  it sounds like she doesn't really think that; she just wants to complain.  I'd just treat her like you're poor. You and your DH know what you have,  why care what she thinks about finances?

SeeYouNever's picture

I shouldn't let it bother me.

My husband works with a lot of guys that "wealth shame" us because they think our house and newish cars are flashy. These guys have SAH wives and both my husband and I have good jobs, so effectively we have double the income. I don't judge people for having one spouse choose to stay home, I DO judge them when they complain about what they don't have because of it. It's the direct result of their choice. If they aren't happy with he choice then they can change it. 

So anyway we are somehow wealth shamed and called poor, it depends on who you're asking. 

BritJules18's picture

Literally looks down her nose at us. Little does she know that DH paid for the roof over her and her mothers heads and the CS pays for everything she has including her private education. We're ok with that. We wouldn't want our younger 3 to turn out so entitled.

MissK03's picture

I would let her "think" that.. I'm sure she knows you guys aren't "poor" though she sounds like she just using that to buy her stuff. Who cares what she thinks. 

Shes baiting you guys. Don't feed in to it or let it bother you. 

Harry's picture

Don't worry what she thinks or SK thinks.  You do what you want, you have control over your life .  Keep it that way. 
You like cooking so cook. If SD doesn't like it she can go to BM for fast food.

Chelseybychelsey's picture

As long as you role model to her to be nice to everyone even those that have what you consider less she will be fine.

CLove's picture

My Sd14 considers our side as "middle class". And she considers my family to be "rich". Her bio grandfather has wealth, but she doesnt benefit from it.

I would definitely have a sit down with sd - she needs to hear it, even if it doesnt change anything.

Felicity0224's picture

I'm going to be very honest here. I would rather my step kids think we are poor than have them think we're rich. Mine seem to believe that we have an endless supply of money and they openly tell everyone as much. This has caused them to be the most entitled and wasteful kids I've ever met. If I could go back in time, I would do more to conceal from them how much money we make because it's irritating to see them treat H like an ATM.

CLove's picture

I struggle with this myself. SD14 Munchkin, as sweet as she generally is, does ONE chore to earn her phone and thats it, and we have week on/week off. She becomes Pouty McPouterson if we go somewhere and she doesnt "get something".

DPW's picture

Hahaha.... children.

She'd be shown poverty by volunterring with the homeless to teach her a lesson if she was mine and behaved this way. 

shamds's picture

Exwife for the whole 14/15 yrs of their marriage. She couldn't even be bothered to do any home chores, any cooking. She thought it was too beneath her and ordered McDonald's everyday. This has resulted in 2 adults who lack any palate for healthy and good home cooked meals. 

for my birthday or hubbys, i made a whole roast chicken, roast veggies and gravy. Ss stormed out of the house telling daddy he needed to go to the store to buy chilli sauce to make it taste nice. Rude prick he is. Thats his subtle balless way of saying my cooking aint good but the hilarious thing is bio mum can't cook for shit.

it was laughable when she had eldest sd tell daddy she needed his sisters number for a cooking recipe like she turned into nigella lawson or gordon ramsay. Hubby and his sisters had a laugh about it.

hubbys exwife spent their whole marriage bragging how upper class and refined she was (her behaviour was far from it), then hubby divorced her and within 3 months was promoted to vp at his company. He was then promoted to snr vp. Bio mum was spewing when she found out hubby had met a caucasian woman much younger and attractive.  Feel the pain bitch to know you and your feral failure to launch reject of kids treated that hard working man like dog shit and his salary has now jumped to 8 times what he used to earn whilst married to her and he spends it on his loving wife and 2 young kids.

skids are just village type people, they want daddys noney to rub it in peoples face, not to do anything productive with it.