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SASX's Blog


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Two weeks of living in a hotel, yuck!!

I have "S", and so far she is doing wonderfully. We arrived at my house Thursday evening with me driving one hellaciously large Uhaul. To be truthful it was not that big but it sure felt like I was driving a mack truck.

SO and the FCAT

SASX's picture

I had a conversation with SO about the FCAT and the kids scores last evening. He was under the impression from listening to skuttlebutt that the FCAT was going to be done away with, therefore was not important. I pointed out to him in the last two years they have introduced a science section, year one the score didn't "count" for graduation, year two it did. How if they are introducing new testing sections are they just going to do away with it?

Would this be overstepping?

SASX's picture

Ok so the fskids both failed sections of the FCAT which they need to pass to graduate HS and get a Diploma. Florida Virtual Schools offers a free online test prep course to help kids. BM and BF think it would be 'unfair' to require the skids to take the course over the summer.

Not my kids, not my problem in this area isn't working for me. I see a future filled with these kids never leaving home as they wouldn't be able to read or add.

Skids update

SASX's picture

Grades are in: Both made A/B honor roll for the forth quarter.

Sounds good right? Then we got the low down from their guidance councelors. They both failed the FCAT. Have to pass to get a HS Diploma, if they don't pass they get a certificate of attendence instead of a HSD.

For those not in Florida the test grades out at levels 1 thru 5. Kids must have a minimum of a level 3 in all areas, reading, math, science and writing.

FSD got a level 1 in reading.
FSS got a level 2 (LOW 2) in math.

Seems like a lot of us had a hard day:

SASX's picture

Hope some of these one liners give you a small smile or chuckle.

If I have to "put my big girl panties on and deal with it" many more times, I'm gonna wear out the elastic and really show my a**!!

If you have a man that cheated on you, send the new girlfriend flowers and thank her for saving your life!

Awwwww, I missed you. *Reloads Gun* But I won't miss again!

Nah. I don't have an attitude problem, well I have an attitude but it's not a problem lol

I don't need anger management...don't piss me off and I won't get angry!
