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For those whose skids are picky eaters

SASX's picture

I found the following on CNN this morning:

I really find it hard to believe this kids mother, in 15 years, could not gain control of what her kid ate.


SASX's picture

Amen. And look at the expression on the childs face. Pure enjoyment of the attention she has brought to herself.

Disneyfan's picture

I'm not buying it. Look at her hair, skin and teeth. She looks healthy.

There's no way she would look like that if she only ate nuggets for the last 15 years.

AmIReallyTheStepParentHere's picture

If this were true, is there not someway the BM could be charged with abuse or neglect. 2 years old! SD is 2 years old, she rarely gets to pick out an entire meal. She gets choices, yes, but never full on decisions on her meals.