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Venting part 2

Sam2's picture

Well SS did go and talk with a possible employer this afternoon.    So maybe a job will come of that.

SD hasn't joined us for the family meal the second night in a row.  SS hasn't joined us since last May.    I've written him off and really its much more pleasant without his scowling face at dinner.   He pretty much would eat and look at his phone.  When we weren't receptive to that behavior he decided he didn't want to eat with us anymore. He's 17 so not quite an adult though I suspect he doesn't plan to return to school in any capacity in the fall.

If we had added SD to the insurance within 30 days of her coming to live with us she could've been added due to COVID permissions.  She might still be able to since she did leave Japan because of COVID and the school there was providing her coverage.  She had just stopped actively going to class.  My human resources department is looking into it.  It doesn't add any additonal cost since we have the family plan anyway , its just why wasn't this thought of earlier.  I figured she was set from mom.

Yes both kids should be with their mom, she's the same way.  Works very little (but when she does work gets big bucks of course)  and sleeps a lot of the day away.  She has one of those jobs that you can make a lot of money with a couple days of work.  However, she works for her nephew and he runs hot and cold and she is currently out of work due to COVID and living with her sister.  

Time will tell and we will see if SD gets a job.  Three times of not joining us for dinner, and I reconsider if I should make enough to include her.   I'm thinking not.



SteppedOut's picture

Why does ss17 get a choice on if he goes back to school? Why is sd allowed to not look for work? She is going to get too comfortable quick. Time to lay down the law with both of them.

BM works a couple days a week and makes a lot of money? Stripper?! LOL! What does she do, if you don't mind me asking? 


Sam2's picture

She's in advertising in California. 

Well I have no say in the going back to school.  He was offered and encouraged to take the GED last October when he pulled the crap of I'm not going to school and missed at least two or three days a week.  DH lets them have too much freedom and I'm not mean enough and figure I won't get back up from DH.    However, I have already decided no school full time job when the Fall comes.   As for SD same thing, if by Fall, no job, get out.  Things are still opening up in our state.   She turned in application two weeks ago but hasn't heard.  We'll lead by example.  My daughter is a full time college student, works at a substitute teacher and plans on moving out next summer when she graduates and works as a teacher.  My severe autistic son will be returning to his job site once the dining room in the restuarant opens up for eating and he's in contact with his job coach and supervisor once a week and checks his work email daily.  Independently mind you.   My youngest son is only fourteen but works as a part time DJ/roadie with his dad and does some yard work and minor repairs for his grandfather.  I just get no where with the skids.


Harry's picture

Either he goes back to school and passes or he lives somewhere else.  Like get a job, paid rent buy food clean up ect.  Only one way or the other.  Not sitting home all day doing video games