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No so much the pee it's the guilt.

sadstep's picture

You know I had a lot of comments on the last post about the pee, but the pee and cleaning up doesn't bother me as much as being ignored and shoved aside when it comes to making rules and controlling the ss11 with a little discipline. He has his Dad so much wrapped up in guilt that DH cannot see clearly. The fake crying bouts, only I can see this. At first I thought I was going crazy and second guessed myself. Then I realized after about 2 years that it's not me, I am a nice step parent, I make cookies, organize activities, etc. etc. etc. But I will not tolerate bullcrap. This kid is full of bullcrap. I am sad to say I don't even like looking at the kid. can't even look him in the eyes I don't like him so much. Makes me sad.


herewegoagain's picture

So sorry...I think some of us have been 11, I would not be cleaning up anyone's pee...sigh...

As far as you, for the most part women start out with the best's the nightmare that we are up against that turn our lives upside down, and thus our attitude...

Take a deep breath...a very deep breath...and attempt to enjoy your holidays...peace to you.

littlelucy's picture

Stop! Why are you working so hard only to be disrepected? The pee is not your problem! DH or SS need to handle it, ALL of it! Stop making cookies, organizing activities. They will notice soon enough and fall all over themselves to make you happy. I know this, I did it. It works!

sadstep's picture

Oh gosh, Little Lucy, so nice to hear that someone else has been abused. Because I just feel used and abused. Still happening all weekend. I will stop making everything, then I get the overly fake food requests and overly fake thank you's. Makes me want to throw up. I hope that it will work, but not overly optomistic.