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Old email from BM

ReginaPhalange's picture

Now that SS is 18 and I don't have to deal with SS or bitchy BM anymore.  I'm sharing an email from BM.  This was YEARS ago.



I have spoken to <teacher>.  There is no need to lie.  You harassed <teacher> about <son>.  I hope you are embarassed because I sure am.  How dare you.  Who do you think you are?  <son>'s teacher needs to spend her energy and focus on <son> and finding what is going to work for him.  It certainly shouldn't be spent respong to your harassment.  I'm blown away by your behavior.  I know you harass me on a regular basis, but I never thought you would behave that way to his teacher.  I never want to have another discussion with a teacher/coach/team mom, etc. in which they tell me that you are harassing them.  I'm OVER it.  It's not your place.  He's not your son.  He's not your son, <ReginaPhalange>.  You're not entitled to behave like he is.  And what's crazy is that you harassed his teacher for all of his academic information, yet don't do anything at your home to help him out.  You don't even have any books for him.       

And yes, I've seen <my son> in <your son's> clothes enough times to say something about it.

Please learn to stay within your boundaries as <her son's> step-mother and respect my role as his mother.       



I had emailed teacher about SS's grades.  He was failing 3rd grade.  He averaged 30 absences every semester.  Teacher and BM were friends.  And the team mom she was talking about was her best friend and her husband was coach.  I emailed team mom at the end of the season because we didn't receive our picture order - mom had it. 

Any communication I sent to her was "harassment".  Even though, she would send emails over and over again to DH whenever he didn't respond - but that wasn't harassment?!

Also, we would do homework with SS on WEEKENDS that we had him because he was doing so bad in school.  He had books at our house.

She snooped on my Facebook and saw my son wearing her son's hoodie - A freaking sweater. 

And as far as respecting the role of step mother, she would bring snacks on her stepsons birthday to class, even though the birth mom was there.  She would try to show up her BM.


advice.only2's picture

God this e-mail reeks of GUBM! I am thankful Meth Mouth never had any of my contact information! But GrandHag was a teacher and one of her friends was VP at my sons school. BS did get in trouble for fighting when he was much younger and one time when I was called in the VP let some information slip that she should not have been privy to. I stopped talking to her at that point and asked to speak to the principal. Funny that VP "retired" once that school year was up.

ReginaPhalange's picture

The VP (grandhag's friend) was privy to information about your DS that she shouldn't have known?

Like what?

advice.only2's picture

She made a comment asking if BS got into fights at home with his stepsister. Which made no sense because as far as the school knew BS only had one sibling, my BD who was with me at the time because she was still a baby. When I spoke to the principal I did let them know that we had just recently gotten custody of Spawn, but that it made no sense for the VP to ask such a direct question as that.
A year later after some minor internet hacking I found an e-mail from Grandhag to Meth Mouth stating that she would talk to VP about BS (this was prior to him getting in the second fight) to see if there was anything that they could use in court to try and keep DH from getting custody.

ReginaPhalange's picture

I can't believe that!  Caught!  Glad you figured it out so that she wasn't able to snoop into your life anymore.

In hindsight, I figured out that BM and that teacher was friends because during the parent/teacher conference the teacher said to me "I know you want <the BM> to fail but.... ".  I was like - wait a minute, why the fuck would I not want her to succeed and on top of that what would make YOU think that.  And, BM wasn't succeeding.  SS was failing 3rd grade and he was missing at least a month of school each semester.  She would freak out if he coughed and drugged him up and take him to the doctor.  

tog redux's picture

I can honestly say that not once in my life have a I sent an email saying I was "blown away" by someone's behavior. It's so narcissistic, and sounds just like BM here's old emails (directed at DH, I just stayed out of everything). 

ReginaPhalange's picture

This was the first email.  Literally talking about a hoodie that my son put on for one night that was on Facebook.


I think that it is very tasteless that you take the clothes that I buy for <son> and give them to <your son> to wear.  I don't buy the clothes for <your son>.  I buy them for <Son>.  I've seen <your son> in <my son's> clothes several times.  Please, even if you think they don't fit <my son>, return the clothes I buy him to me.  The only clothes that I have bought that you should have at your house is the one outfit that he is returning in from the previous week.  Everything else needs to be returned to me. 

tog redux's picture

DH used to get manifestos from BM that we would laugh hysterically about, full of this kind of bossy narcissistic crap.  A lot of it was projection, too, which is what yours is doing.

Gah, the things BM said. I'm so glad we are done with that stuff, too - I hope. She started the crap again about money (CS goes to 21 here, sadly) after SS aged out of the custody order and she wasn't Queen Boss of Everything anymore, but DH just ignores her all the time now.  She can either go back to court or nothing.


ReginaPhalange's picture

Like... your son is 18.  Let him figure life out.  Raise him to be a man, not a needy ex-wife. 

thinkthrice's picture

from the Girhippo telling me I wasn't "fit to glance upon her babies. "

She also poisoned the football coach against us. 

ReginaPhalange's picture

Wow!  That's creative at least.  Did she tell you all about her golden uterus too, LOL.

thinkthrice's picture

I am a successful parent having raised two children as a real single parent with NO CS to adulthood!

shamds's picture

but play dumb or do not acknowledge they do the same friggin thing.

they are neglectful parents but they accuse exhubby of being a neglectful parent whilst mummy is awesome as... such double standards is the norm so i yawn sarcastically when more crap happens from these gubm