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Sigh. The idiots are spreading this virus wholesale.

Rags's picture

My DW has been working from home for a week and a half with the exception for a few hours on Sat and half a day today.  Her firm has bee notified that it is a critical business and can remain open.  Due to the virus the office has been closed to the public that sam eweek and a half and employees have been given the option of working either at the office or at home.  The business is not set up for telecommuting but my DW took our personal laptop to work and got it set up to access the systems and office network remotely.

We considered picking up a second laptop but decided that though it is not prohibitive for us to purchase a second one that we were not spending out money for the benefit of her employer.  It is working out fine with one so.... no big deal.

Now for the drama.

My bride calls me with news that there are kids at the office. Kids who are usually in daycare, which are not closed here, but for some reason are closed today.  One is the child of one of DW's coworkers the other is the neighbor's kid whose parents could not step up and do the right thing.. the neighbor works in a Minor ER clinic.  Undoubtedly dragging whatever crap her patients drag in home to their family.  Combined with the untold thousands that all of the kids in that daycare have been in contact with through their own famlies social contacts.  So, so much for closed to the public and people using their heads.

We are so doomed.

Sadly it will not only be idiots that die.

I am on 19 days of signficant isolation other than two trips to the grocery store.  Generally I am of the mind that 2/3-ish of this is political/MSM manipulative drama and 1/3-ish notable and serious.  As a tick 4 boxes in the high risk column guy I am erring on the side of caution.

My family spent decades in the lands of highly infectious  and deadly diseases with a notable amount of seasoning with nasty but for the most part not deadly bugs of all flavors thrown in.  My youngest brother died of virulent meningitis (a term I remember from that time) and the whole family had to quaranteen, go through periodic spinal fluid testing, and take several courses of medications that I recall made me sick as a dog.  We are sensitive to hygiene and protecting ourselves.

But... stupid people still piss me off to no end.  



strugglingSM's picture

The moment I decided to work from home, was when my co-workers started bringing their kids to work. Their kids were sitting in all common spaces, including the one outside my ofice. 

DH is "at risk". I'm also potentially "at risk" and I have the ability to work from home. 

I  wish people would be smarter about this. I know it's difficult to have kids at home and I know some people cannot work remotely (DH is one of them), but we need to change the way we're approaching things. 

Chmmy's picture

I have gone nowhere for 3 weeks now besides a walk or a run everyday.  I quit going to the gym and unnecssry places as soon as Trump announced the National Emergency.  The older 2 skids go to work and whatever the fuck else they want to do and I'm coming down with something.  I made it real clear that there is no way I brought this in to the house but some asymptomatic asshole brought it to me.  He has no control over his fucking kids and if I could go back 30 days, I would lockdown with my parents and say see ya on the other side to DH.

Stay well

Rags's picture

My DW can only work remotely about 70% of the time.  She has to go to the office for part of at least one day of the week and occassionally part of another day.

When the kids showed up about 15mins after she arrived at the office this AM her head about exploded.

She is struggling with the whole stress thing.  I wish I was the one working right now. But... that is not happening.... yet.


Kes's picture

To be honest, some of the posts I have read on the site, from the majority of US members, have shocked me with the lack of regard for the devastation of COVID19.  I know Trump very much underplayed it in the early days - but I have in the past week read things here about people very much going about their normal lives and not adhering to social distancing etc. Here in the UK we have very strict measures in place which everyone is pretty much complying with.  

Chmmy's picture

Im living this. America is full of entitled assholes. Thanks for noticing. I thought it was just me that noticed. 

Ispofacto's picture

"Generally I am of the mind that 2/3-ish of this is political/MSM manipulative drama and 1/3-ish notable and serious."



Rags's picture

THe MSM churns steaming chunks of drama and crap that build their market share.  They do not report the facts. They hype and spin instead of report.  The political positioning is the other book end to the steaming chunks of MSM drama and crap. I get my Corona thoughts from the data.  I don't give a crap what the MSM or political talking heads say or think.

The medical pros said social distancing and quarantine is a viable method for moderating the spread of this virus and the data supports that. So I do it.  Idiots who jeopardize the health of others piss me off.

Rags's picture

About 40 years ago the news became an industry rather than a service segment of the US broadcasting companies.  That was the beginning of the demise of the collective American brain IMHO.  Now it is idiot talking heads pumping crap into the skulls of the Sheeple.

Sadly there is no requirement for intellect to retain American citizenship.

The media in the UK and a number of other countries has avoided much of the degredation that the commercialization of the American 4th estate has caused. Which is why the citizens of those countries tend to avoid quiite a bit of the confusion that the shit show of MSM and the hyper politicized partizen shit show in the US tends to create.