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Just got back from the Retinologist.

Rags's picture

The good news is that there is no permanent damage to my eye.  

They could not do the LASER procedure to seal the bleeding spot.  Still too much blood floating around. I was given three options.

1. Do nothing and wait for the eye to clear then have the LASER procedure.

2. Get an injection in my eye to temporarily minimize any possibility of more bleeds and get the LASER procedure when my eye has cleared.

3. Have surgery to remove the cloudy Aqueous Humor, replace it with clear goo, and have the retina procedure done at the same time.

I am going with option 2.  

The injection is scheduled for the 23rd.

Not a terrible procedure. I had an eye injection while we lived in Qatar in 2012.  Interestingly it is a far more relaxed process in the US.  No Hospital required, They do it in the office, pat you on the butt and send you home.  In Qatar it was a huge production with a Hospital stay, a high tech surgical suite, a team of people, a spider clamp holding my eye open, a machine doing the injection, etc....  My retinologist here found all of that to be interesting over kill.

So, two more weeks then the injection, then how ever long it take for the haze to clear, then LASER... then it should be a done deal.

The Retinologist concurred with the other two eye guys who have scanned my retinas in the past 9mos.  My eyes are remarkably healthy for a 40 year T-1 diabetic.  

Now to find a damned job.


thinkthrice's picture

that is all.

CLove's picture

Wow, OMg. Hope you get that surgery and it is very successful! Sending you good vibes, Rags.

Rags's picture

Got the eye injection on the 23rd.  I have had zombie eye for over a week.  My Rt eye was solid blood red from the bruising after the injection.  It has  cleared up by about 60% but still has some blood that has not diffused. It was pretty much a non event.  Once they took me back to the exam room they put drops in my eye then put in the socially distanced waiting area for about 15mins.  They then called me back to the exam room and from the second my butt hit the chair they put lydocain drops in my eye, sanitized the point where the needle was going in, stabbed my eye ball, squirted the goo in, and I was walking out in 2mins flat.  It really was not uncomfortable in the least....  until a couple of hours later when the lydocain wore off.  For a couple of hours after that it ached a bit but even that was not too bad.

I have my next follow up on the 13th when they can hopefully do the LASER procedure to seal the leaky vessels.

Thanks for the good vibes.