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and the wool comes off.......

queenofthedamned's picture

Skid1 is starting to realize what an asshat his mother, and her whole clan of mouth breathing, banjo playing relatives, happens to be.

While I am a bit sad for him – it must suck to realize that half of your genes come from a pool of primordial ooze – I am happy for him as well, because he seems to get it, and seems to get that he needs to be very different from them if he wants his life to be different from theirs.

He called FDH the other day laughing his butt off at the latest group delusion.

BM’s nephew – let’s call him Yokel – has dropped out of high school at the ripe old age of 17. He intends to support his mother and sister, since his father is in prison and facing the death penalty. Commendable, for sure. Y’all, he’s got a PLAN!

Apparently, the slack jaws were all a-flapping last weekend at the great opportunity that has landed in Yokel’s lap. He’s going to be a bricklayer, and he’s going to make a million dollars a year, within the next 2 years.

And all the idiots actually BELIEVE this to be true. Skid1 said he actually argued with them, did the math and pointed out that a million dollars is roughly equal to $480/hr, which is just. not. possible. Particularly for a kid with no job experience, no education, and no brain.

They laughed their hee haw laughs in the face of logic, and skid1 laughed right back at their idiocy.
I’ve never been more proud of that kid.


bearcub25's picture

My SS20 is gonna get his conttractr that exact spelling. I'm pretty sure if you can't spell lisens, you won't pass the test.

When he went to juvie at 17, was a drop out, at 16, was on 5th grade level in school. Almost got all of his GED tests taken and then let out into the real world, where he, if you can believe it, can't find a job! On a side note, IDK how the probation office can let him roam free....quit adult school and no job, all violations of his terms of probation.

I took contractor's licensing test in 1984, it ain't easy folks. But by Gawd, SS20 thinks he can.