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Burn baby burn

Queencow's picture

As expected BM blamed us for the teenagers sunburns.

In fact apparently the kids "were not provided sunscreen nor was it put on them" are kidding right!? This is a joke right!? You actually think anyone on gods green earth would believe that we would not "provide" sunscreen (ummm the 8 yr old ours kid seemed to always have some, neither she nor I not my teenage child burned) even better do you seriously think the 13/14 yr old are completely incapable of asking for it and or applying it!? And given very fresh abuse allegations you think I will touch your children (hells to the no there).

Are you too f****ing stupid to figure out that the reason your precious tarts burned is entirely because of THEIR OWN DOING - refusing to apply sunscreen, despite repeated REPEATED requests to do so. Cause teens are known for listening to parents. Especially teens who have been taught the parents are abusive. Dumbass.

That's right - dad/sm never provided it. That believable. You idiot. I call it lesson learned and accountability. Lay the blame where it belongs sweet pea with your precious stupid children. Oh right you can't see past you 12 years of hatred to see your children are not perfect (funny how you are all up advocating for them to make choices when they do you bidding hey!?)


yoursandmine's picture

This sounds like something the animal would do! Oh my God Im cracking up "were not provided with sunscreen nor was it put on them" Im laughing for real. I love it when they try way to hard to sound smart.

Shes just saying the same thing in a different way. Im sorry but after 10 you are most certainly in charge of your own sunscreen. Lmao, after ten youre on own. I will tell you once and its up to you. 13 and 14. Damn the woman is grasping at straws.

thinkthrice's picture

Ha! BM said this when I was disengaging! The skids in my case would make Casper the Friendly Ghost look ETHNIC! They are red heads (one blonde)

EVERY year, biodad goes out shirtless and burns himself to a crisp, peels and then gets a light tan. He HATES sunblock and didn't apply it to his kids after I disengaged. . . WHOOPS!

Queencow's picture

Would I get in SHIT if they forgot deodorant...yes...In fact we have been shit on - get this - because when they went home after a week with us it didn't look like they brushed their teeth at all....WTF?! are you serious?! Did you get out you handy dandy at home scaling kit and give it a test? (AND YET the kids have not been to the dentist in a YEAR NOW despite insurance...), Shit on for "how many baths and showers/period....shit on because, heaven forbid, THEY ARE TIRED WHEN THEY GO HOME (yet are up at 1am on FB at her house on a school night?!)....

I am one of those super lucky girls that gets to deal with a real special kinda a special.

My life story would be so unbelievable you would believe it to be fiction.

thinkthrice's picture

Oh to be sure in the early years when was a doormat, I did EVERYTHING for all three that the BM wouldn't do--nail trimming, baths, showers, kid friendly meals :sick: , all planning and prep including sunblock. For my efforts, I had rocks thrown at me, was called "WOMAN!!" by a six year old, had my house literally defecated on, had my arm almost torn off by biodad for stopping YSS from shaking and exploding a can of soda, had CPS called on me by the CPS worker BM, broke my foot playing with the little S.O.Bs.

I woke up after finding this site and promptly started to disengage (which further enraged biodad because his EXTREMELY high maintenance children were all his to deal with).