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My dr put me in celexa....

purpledaisies's picture

I had a full check up today and I didn't say anything about being depressed or anything like that but we just got to talking about a few things that has happened.

She suggested that me try celexa...anyone try this and does it help?


BabyDoll's picture

My doctor started giving me Wellbutrin about 2 years ago after a particularly trying time with the skids. I have found that it helped me alot. Good luck!

Eagle Eye's picture

Yes my doctor prescribed Citalopram (Celexa) a year ago!! It has made quite a difference for me!! I didn't realize how bad I was feeling before I started taking it!

It was a gradual change over a 2-3 week period. I took it before bed because it was supposed to help me sleep but it didn't. I now take it at 5:00 every afternoon I don't feel drowsy or have any side effects. The doctor told me to try and take it at the same time every day for the best results and that way it becomes a habit.

Now I just wonder how long I will need to take it for and what will happen if I stop.

FeuilleMorte's picture

If I can stick my two cents in, be sure to research sexual side effects -- Paxil shut me down for two years.

FeuilleMorte's picture

Apparently Wellbutrin does not -- that will be my only option, as I am NOT giving up sex Smile

purpledaisies's picture

Thanks great info that I needed to hear. I have been under some stress lately for other reasons and i started a fight with dh over a freaking hat! I was frustrated and said something to my doc this am and put me on this.

imjustthemaid's picture

I have been thinking about taking something also. My doctor retired so all I have is my gyno that I see. I wonder if she would give me a prescription? I am afraid of taking something that might make me gain a few pounds.

FeuilleMorte's picture

Many women use their gynos as their primary care physician, so I'm sure you can ask her for an Rx.

asheeha's picture gyno is the one who is most sensitive to this need. my primary care doctor never asks but my OBGYN even keeps notes and asks how it's going whenever i see her.

imjustthemaid's picture

Oh thats good to hear because I think I am due to go in May so I am going to ask for something. Which prescription is the best?? And cheapest because I currently have no health insurance!!

sarrina's picture

My doc put me on Trazadone for depression (SD21) the cause. They gave me those cus I use to have horrid dreams tht I couldnt control and I would wake in a rage and tht wud be me for the night. They are from the Prozac family. Had quite severe crampin like pains every morn when I woke. nottheemomma I had the exact same thought. Why should I let tht brat make me take drugs. Taking the drugs only made me more passive to get walked all over so off to the docs I went and reduced quite quickly...I found a better mediciene. Inner strength and determination to make mt life better wiothout drugs. Hence why wen SD decided 8 weeks ago to leave yet again cus her dad took my side and was hopping to come back yet again after she made her dad cry I said OVER MY DEAD BODY. this is my house Ive had 6 years of this nightmare well im awake now and I wont let nothing giv me tht nightmare again