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Face book and skids

purpledaisies's picture

I posted a while back that my step sons unfriended me on face book. I didn't believe they were the ones that did. I was right I talked to the ss15 last night on face book and he had no idea and added me back. I do believe him at this point. The whole thing didn't make since as Bm would send texts about my face book and said that the boys showed it to her. How can they show it to her if they are not my friends anymore? Of course dh would tell her it was none of her business. Of course I had my private settings on. I think Bm was the one messing with their face books.


DaizyDuke's picture

Sure she is... that is why I have not friended SS, because I know that BM has access to his page and I don't want her in my business.. EVER!

purpledaisies's picture

I don't care if she has access, she won't get anything I never post anything. I change pics sometimes. Or I'll post things about life in general nothing personal.

on the fence's picture

I quit FB because of BF's daughters! It's too much drama. I don't care what they say on it. I don't even think about it anymore. It seems to cause more problems than it's worth and is most often used as a tool by SDs and BMs to stir shit!