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Dang here we go again! Before I even had the chance to talk to dh about yuck calling!

purpledaisies's picture

What is with yuck?? Anyway dh just called to say that yuck called yet again b/c ss16 stayed up too late last night and he didn;t want to go to school b/c he was too tired. So what does yuck do?? She let ss16 sleep for a few more hours and told he can go to school when he gets up.. WTH???

I know ss16 personality he will not go to school he will try to stay home! Yep that is what he did and yuck called dh to get him to make him go to school. What is her problem??? She should have made him get up and go this morning. It was HIS fault he stayed up too late so it should be HIS problem that he went to school tired! Natural consequences!

Dh did tell yuck this so proud of him and all yuck could say was 'I know'! Talk about adult status!!

I did tell dh that this is why is having SOOO many problems with him and sometimes the other 2 as well. For one ss16 gets to do what he wants, he made hear some flack from yuck but still gets to do what he wants. then the other 2 see her favoring ss16 and they resent it!

Geez with women is driving me crazy with her NOT parenting and expecting dh to do it for her and then not seeing that SHE is the problem NOT the boys!

i will have a talk with dh about answering her calls unless she leaves a mess about what it is about.


purpledaisies's picture

That is what I said! He did tell her that he can't as he is not there and she is and SHE allowed him to sleep in not him.

Jmom's picture

I married DH last year. I have a BS (almost 12) and raised him as a single parent. I don't get these chicks who have to call someone else to control THEIR kid. I'm not saying that DH doesn't play a role but I'll be damned if someone's living under my roof and I can't handle them. My son is 12 and I can just give him the look and he knows I mean business. This kid doesn't respect BM because she's always calling his father. Someone should knock is ass out. He's old enough!

purpledaisies's picture

Jmom dh has and will continue to do so but he is NOT at yuck house and we live an hour away. there is nothing dh can do but talk to ss16 which he has too many times to count. Yuck HAS to control him herself or it will never work! Dh has tried to tell her this but she still tries to make dh be the bad guy and her rescuer! :sick: