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Purple hope's picture


Ok...I've had quite a few challenges during the months living with my fiance and his children, but this morning, my only thought (rant...whichever) is centered around the nasty toilet and practically grown boys lack of ability to AIM!!!

It's not that I mind cleaning the house. I'm not working at the moment so cleaning after SO and the kids a bit is not a particularly big deal. My SO helps tons on dishes, kids clothes, etc, so I can't complain there. But walking into a bathroom to see a toilet that has been transformed from spotless to yellowy-ickiness in a few days just has done me IN!!!

Here's my complaint...question? WHY can't boys AIM? seriously...I am NOT cleaning the back/sides, etc. of the nasty toilets they use anymore. I think what bugs me the most, is that having to go all the way across the house and through the Master to use the toilet everyday because I do NOT want to use the other two that need cleaned. That...and my personally induced guilt for wanting SO to clean it after he has worked hard all week already n such.

Am I crazy????....or is this just gross reality..and just another part of what I call... MY LIFE: "Stepping" AROUND..and SOMETIMES IN IT!!
Anyway...that's my first blog....all about pee...I genuinely hope that doesn't set a precedent.


lac925's picture

LIKE Smile

planningMyEscape's picture

Yea my steps are SLOBS in the bathroom too. I use my own, but also make them clean up after themselves in there. I'm NOT doing that!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

Same here, if I'm downstairs watching tv and I need to use the bathroom I go upstairs and use my own. The other 2 are the boys bathrooms and they ick me out. We have a cleaning lady that comes once a week now so atleast I don't have to clean that anymore. It's gross, but it's life with boys, I'm kinda used to it.

Purple hope's picture

Thanks Ladies for the advice, and Foxie...Bless you...cause I could NOT do the POO!! When we have them alot, they do clean in order to earn allowance, etc. Unfortunately we only have them a few days at a time now and SO is not good at making them clean well, etc. when we are also fighting PAS and trying to make their time here non-confrontational and pleasant. I guess I'll have to mention it again, and see what answers we can come up with.

duct_tape's picture

Their ability to aim is directly related to having to clean up the mess. Why should they care? It just gets magically cleaned! Put a pack of toilet cleaning wipes on the back of the toilet, and a little sign printed out that says,

"Aim carefully, it's shorter than you think."

mlmt1128's picture

I have my own bathroom in my room. The men of the house use the main bathroom, and I have recently decided to boycott cleaning it at all. If you can't pee in the toilet, or aim well enough to get your clothes in the hamper instead of on the floor near it, or if you can't seem to rinse a sink after you spit out your toothpaste? Then you can live with the filth. I can't even be in there. It smells like pee and I can't stand it. Me and dd have our own space.
I'm sure I will get disgusted enough to clean it, but right now I am just over it. I am not working, and they seem to be under the impression that because of that I am now the hired help. The house will get dirty enough that they will do it themselves eventually. If not, I may go stay somewhere else until it does!!

alwaysanxious's picture

SO does this still. Its not like he's tall either. I usually prompt him to clean it up.

Now that I think about it, maybe I'll get some of that spray and a UV light and show SO where he pee's. Maybe even take a pic for FB?? LOL kidding.

No telling what that UV light will pick up. :?

ThatGirl's picture

I do NOT clean skids' bathroom, nor are they allowed to use mine. It's SO responsibility to instruct them to clean it, and it it's not done right, he's the one who gets to pick up the slack.

I raised two boys. Neither one of them pissed all over the toilet. Want to know why? They had a mother who cared enough about them to teach them.