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OT: Entitlement at its finest!

princessmofo's picture I have this fear for the future. It's actually in dh's court order that he has to pay half of college tuition for an in-state school. The attorney said the "courts can't hold you to it though if you don't have the funds." Oh yeah? Doesn't look like it anymore.


hereiam's picture

I was thinking this exact thing. SD23 didn't even get a HS diploma or a GED.

I would have liked for her to get one or the other but...

Justme54's picture

WOW! Did you read to story. I did not read it all. The parent's story is she did not do all the paper work for scholarships. She also moved out of her mother's home due to chores and curfew. OMG!

princessmofo's picture

Sure did! And where did she run? To the grandparents! Sound familiar to any StepTalkers? So the grandparents are enablers, if you ask me. It blows my mind that the judge didn't even consider that the kid seek other funds, like student loans, etc. I am utterly terrified that this will be my future. And so help me, if it comes down to this when ss is 18, I will divorce dh based on this. I emphatically WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE TO SS'S COLLEGE TUITION and throw my bios chances down the drain!!!!!! I didn't stick my cock in twat waffle and procreate with her but somehow I'm supposed to help support her sex trophy. NOPE!!! Honey Badger don't care.

Teas83's picture

My thoughts exactly, Princess.

It's in my husband's CO that he has to pay for 92% of SD's college tuition (if she goes.....big IF). He has already told me that there's no way he's paying for her tuition since we also have a DD together who isn't entitled to it. He'll also have given BM over $350,000 in CS by then and he feels that's enough.

His lawyer told him that it will have to be SD to take him to court for it if he doesn't pay. If she does this, she will not be welcome in our family anymore.

Teas83's picture

I know he'll have to pay if it's in his CO, but only if someone takes him to court for it since he's not going to willingly pay for it up front. It's just like anything else in a CO.....if someone doesn't stick to it, the other party has to take them to court to have it enforced. He's not planning on paying up front because a) we have a DD who will not necessarily have her education paid for, and b) SD doesn't stick to anything so even if she goes to college she most likely won't finish it and it'll be a waste of money. If she were to go to college and actually finish it, then he'd reconsider it.

His lawyer didn't say the court won't hold him to it. He said that if he doesn't pay for it willingly, SD will have to take him to court for it to get it.

He has said he'll help her out in other ways, like by letting her live with us rent-free if she goes to college.

Teas83's picture

I absolutely hate these stories. I didn't read the whole thing because it irritates me so much. Why are CODs entitled to having their education paid for? Why do these spoiled brats think it's okay to sue their own parents for it? I hope she realizes that they'll probably write her out of the will now, and I'm sure her inheritance would've been worth more than college tuition.

Sports Fan's picture

I'm positive that SS will be one of these stories. He wants to go to an expensive private college and has "told" DH he has 4 years to get the money together for it. Entitled COD.

Willow2010's picture

The attorney said the "courts can't hold you to it though if you don't have the funds."
He is wrong.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

My DH has similar 'half of in state tuition' wording in his custody agreement as well. The skids are a year apart. Plus CS goes until 21 here. So he will have to pay for 1/2 of college for 2 kids and CS at the same time. I have no idea how he will afford it... he can't... I will end up paying for it.

IslandGal's picture

Thank GOD we don't have anything like that in Aussie! (At least not as far as I know). CS stops at 18 and that's it. If skids want to go to uni then it's on them to get a loan from the govt and pay it back later - and many, many kids here already do that. I think I'd go bloody bananas if we had to continue supporting them after they hit 18!

I'm lucky there though because SD doesn't come around anymore and there's only 4 more years til she's 18. Back in the days where she still lived with her dad, when I used to visit, she informed me that she was going to be a lawyer and daddee would pay for it. She then said she'd make a good lawyer because she loves to argue and debate. Only problem there is BM isn't so big on education. She doesn't even know how to say the vowels correctly. She also took it upon herself to allow SD and SS a day off per month as a RDO. When SO asked her what the hell she was thinking, she responded that if workers had an RDO per month, then so could her kids (so they could unwind..take time off..etc). SO told her that when they were working they could have one but other than that, he was prepared to write to their schools to advise them of her decision and let them know that he disagreed with it.

I told SO that BM wasn't bothering with their education now because she probably believes SD will get married and pump out 4 kids by 30 and SS..she might try to get him into uni/college and then try to guilt SO into helping her pay for it.