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A letter to BM's fiancee on the eve of their nuptials. . .

princessmofo's picture

Dear Sir,

I am writing you this letter in the hope that I may perhaps offer you some guidance and solidarity as you are now to become a "step-parent". I offer my congratulations to you and horseface and hope that your life will be free of conflict and drama. Considering your choice in partner, it is highly doubtful.

I have been a step-parent for three years now to your soon to be ss. In that time I have experienced the ups and downs associated with a blended family and a hostile ex-partner. Judging by the short time frame in which you have been present, I can only assume you know little of the circumstances you are marrying into. I feel it is only necessary that you know that your partner has Never emotionally dettached herself from her ex-husband. She continues and will continue to manipulate him at every turn. Because, clearly, she still has feelings for him. Not knowing you personally, sir, I can only assume you are either blind to this reality or you are not marrying for love. I would think one would find it uncomfortable to constantly play "second fiddle" to an ex.

I commend you, sir on your tolerence as well. There are not many men who would consent to allow their partner's ex-husband's family to attend their wedding. I, personally, would find this highly disresptful and suspect. It is hard to move forward when you seem so ingrained in your past. But I am sure, you know what you are doing.

In regards to my step-son, I hope that you will make him a priority in your life. Parenting can be tricky, especially step-parenting and seeing as you have NO experience in either I wish you all the best. I realize that you and horseface will be having no children of your own due to her "condition" so you will be able to devote yourself to her and ss's every need. That is a great comfort to me. It may allow MY husband to now devote himself to OUR marriage as she has you to now manipulate.

In closing I would like to add that this letter is written with neither spite nor malice but just honesty. I honestly believe horseface is not over her ex. I honestly believe you are making a huge mistake. I honestly think you are not cut out for this life. I honestly believe, in the long run, it will be my ss who suffers most because decidedly you will not be here long.

Wishing you all the best,

Princess Mofo

If only I could actually send this man this letter. He has NO idea what he is getting into.


Living the dream's picture

I wish someone would marry our BM. I know it's a terrible thing to wish on some poor, unsuspecting bloke, but it would be nice if she had someone else to suck dry financially.

fedup13's picture

I love your letter!!! I would LOVE to do the same to BM's new husband. He married her after knowing her 2 months, he has NO clue what he has done to himself. He will know soon enough. She can't hide her scales forever.

misSTEP's picture

I know, sometimes I really feel sorry for the guy that BM roped into marrying getting knocked up yet again.

This poor guy will have to pay CS AND alimony! He is a sucker, for sure.