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DH's petty jealousy regarding my bios...

princessmofo's picture

Does anybody else experience this with their dh/bf/so? I'm truly baffled that an adult would act this way. So a little background, last night was parent-teacher conferences for my bios. Since my exH is a ghost he obviously does not attend. DH usually tags along to these things. He makes an effort to "try" at least to show support to my bios. My youngest bio is in Kindergarten and doing extremely well. His teacher adores him and she informed me that he is above grade-level! I was ecstatic to hear this. He had high marks consistently on his report card. Dh didn't comment much, on either kid's conference. When we were leaving I mentioned how happy I was about the straight "A"s on youngest bios report card. I was rebuffed by dh to the tune of "It's only Kindergarten. It's not Harvard." But if this were ss we were talking about he would be a "genius" and "the smartest kid". Anytime my bios accomplish anything we are met with the ss comparison. Dh genuinely cannot stand to see my kids excel. It rubs him the wrong way because he secretly looks down on them and believes that his kid is superior. And I'm not the only one who notices his contempt. My mother has pointed it out numerous times. She says, "he compares apples to oranges." But the truth is I think he just thinks his kid is better and it f*cks me off. His kid is an AVERAGE kid. Not exceptional. In fact, I believe the kid has emotional issues which neither bm or dh will acknowledge. And if I point this out I'm "picking on ss". So all I can say is dh is a douche canoe who can go sail himself down Dickhead Stream in the town of Iwannapunchyourfacein...


MamaDuck's picture

Soooo.. there's 'golden uterus' women.. and perhaps for men, we can refer to them as 'golden ball sacks' ... sounds like your DH could be one of em eh?!

Yosemite's picture

LOL! I can SOOOOOO relate. My FDH is an amazing wonderful man but sometimes he's jealous of my kids either in relation to their accomplishments vs. stepkids or in their taking my time away from him. He would never admit it in a hundred million years but it's true. He recently took it too far with some comments about my BD and I honestly thought we were going to break up over it.
Then he read my blog and told me if something was still bothering me so much I was telling strangers on the internet then I at least owed it to him to tell him how I feel. He said it was easier to see my point in my blog because he could read it without feeling attacked. So we worked it out.
Maybe that would work for you? Maybe you can try telling your DH to read your blog or if that would not help, maybe write it out in an email or letter for him to read?

Anon2009's picture

"I was rebuffed by dh to the tune of "It's only Kindergarten. It's not Harvard.""

He should've just said a polite "that's nice" or "that's nice that they're doing well."

I think that, if anything, these conferences remind him on some level that he is a bad parent. Maybe even uncaring. If he truly cared about his son he'd parent him and at least try to get him the help he needs. Maybe going to these conferences makes him a bit resentful as well? Although your ex isn't in the picture, your bios aren't DHs kids. Even though nobody is to blame for this but your ex, maybe your DH feels resentment that he's doing what, in his mind anyway, your ex should be doing. I'm not trying to be hurtful, but this is what he may be feeling.

That said, I also think you should tell him that if he cannot say something nice he shouldn't come to these things.

thinkthrice's picture

Ye Old Double Standard rears it's ugly head once again! I don't know how you ladies do it when you have similarly aged bios in the house with the golden skids!!

I'm glad that my kids were pretty much grown when I met Guilty Daddy. But that has not stopped the Double Standard. All three of his children get CRATER grades in school and have been "ever since the tragic breakup of he and the BM" (TM). The BM uses the breakup as an excuse and never had any standards or expectations of her children. Both of them have given all three "pet status" (watered, fed, toilet trained--barely, given lots of material goods) Did I mention the "tragic breakup" (TM) was over ten years ago and that BM is remarried to a well heeled guy?

My bios always got high marks in school. Guilty Daddy mocked out my bioson for being on the Chess Club in high school. He sees his children as "athletic" (they are not in the least-just HUGE for their age) and thought that they would be major league sports players :barf: :barf:

Funny thing is that YSS couldn't even catch a ball at age 6 1/2 despite having it slowly lobbed five feet away underhand. I had to stop watching after the 43rd attempt otherwise I was afraid I would break out laughing which is a capitol offense in Guilty Daddy's eyes.

thinkthrice's picture

"If you don't pass your classes, you don't play sports."

The skids attend the BM's alma mater and she is practically the MAYOR of that podunk town. She knows all the administrators (her contemporaries for the most part) and convinces them to pass her kids at the last minute and let them play sports/participate in all the extra curricular activities no matter what. For the BM, it's "having fun" that counts, not academics. She was raised this way as well by HER BM. The miracle princess who could have anything she wanted. Bailed out endlessly by HER BM; PASed out by her BM as well. Plagiarized her way through college/attending drunken sorority parties and in the colour/flag guard because she couldn't do any other sport. HER BM bailed her princess out left and right and so the legacy continues.

TASHA1983's picture

My dh has his moments with my BS9 but nothing really extreme but I do admit...I LOVE it that my BS9 is sooo much better, smarter, etc than dh's kid. }:)

My son does very well in school academically and behavior wise; his kid got in trouble for calling another kid a "fag" and seeing nothing wrong with it, my son is athletic, active, tall & skinny - skid is a fat, lazy, video game junkie.

I think on some level we are all in one way or another competetive when it comes to our/their bios vs. skids.

thinkthrice's picture

Yeah my BS is and always has been athletic, thin and tall--on the cross country team in high school and now in the Air Force. His kids have POOR genetics--huge for their age, big nosed, overweight, extremely pale, flat footed blobs; no shape or bone structure. Not their fault but Guilty Daddy thinks they are beeeaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful (his words not mine). Faces truly only a mother could love!

PeanutandSons's picture

Ive alwzys wondered if peopls with ugly children can see it, but just dont care..or .... If they are really blind to reality.....

LittlePanda's picture

This is my favorite thing in the world: So all I can say is dh is a douche canoe who can go sail himself down Dickhead Stream in the town of Iwannapunchyourfacein..


But anyway, I can see how you would be irritated, but also think about everyone on this site bitching about their skids. To your husband, YOUR bios are his skids...mind blown? I think so.

princessmofo's picture

I'd like to clarify that I DO NOT bad-mouth my ss to dh. In fact, I offer my opinion only when asked regarding his behavior, ability etc. So this came out of left-field for me when he got snarky about my bio.

Also dh voluntarily attends parent-teacher conferences and insists upon going. I have tried to tell him in the past that he does not have to go but he attends regardless.

Hanny's picture

I have similar issues, but not in grades. My bio is 33, his skids are 24 and 19. My daughter calle me daily, sometimes twice a day. We are very close. Drive SO crazy, he would never admit it either. Skids never call him, never text him. He sent youngest just turned 19 a BD card with money in it (I'm sure it was at least $100 or more) to her college apartment. Never heard anything, finally he text her and asked if she got it. 'oh yea, thanks'. He did tell her that she should have acknowledged it. Oldest same thing. Honestly, how hard is it to text someone, 'hi dad, doing great, busy working, love you'. That is all he expects, but they don't have the time to do that. But WAIT...if they wanted something ($) or a flight home from college, then they could reach out. Sometimes I don't tell him I've talked to my daughter, sometimes he asks, and I'll say yes, but I don't tell him I talked to her 2 maybe 3 times that day. Wink

farting_glitter's picture

Mofo, my DH does the same exact thing...his kid truly doesn't accomplish anything in school, is barely on average track for his grade girls on the other hand are BOTH reading at least a grade level above the grade they are in now, can spell a grade level above, etc...let me say one thing about my girls and DH tries to say something "special" about spawn...*gag*..