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Bowel movements and Mofo's breaking point...

princessmofo's picture

I give up. I do. I'm tired of sticking my hands into the hamper on days ss is here and putting my hands into a pair of sh*t stained underwear. All crusty, and dry. Nine years old and this is still going on. Dh has tried talking to him, making him sit and try to go to the bathroom, clean up his own mess to no avail. The kid just hides the underwear. Hell, I have even found poop pellets on the floor. Like little rabbit turds and dh blames the dog. Uh, no dh... Those are from ss as he holds his stool until he can't any longer.

Now in ss's defense it's not entirely his fault. He's had bowel issues since he was 5 and saw a pediatric specialist two years ago. The specialist told bm (twat waffle) to stop giving him Miralax everyday as he was becoming dependent on it and couldn't hold his stool. Instead the doctor instructed both dh and bm to change ss's diet. More whole grains and fruit and fiber, less processed junk. Well, that was too much to ask of bm. And she being more intelligent than a doctor, decided to up the child's dose to morning and night.

So by the time dh see's ss he is so backed up and filled with Miralax he just explodes in his underwear. And I for one, am sick and tired of cleaning it up!! It's not freaking fair!!!! This is not my child!! I get no say in anything pertaining to his upbringing but I damn sure get to clean up after him!! Lucky me!!! It's so very easy to just love all children like they are your own. After all, it's your duty as a woman to do so! :sick:

I'm truly at a loss. I'd like to put all of ss's dirty underwear in a bag and send it back to bm (twat waffle) every week but I know that's childish of me.


princessmofo's picture

Thanks, Sally. We've tried the soaking but ss just hides them if there is an accident and dh isn't diligent enough to check daily. But you are right. I am going to have to take a hardline on this and just stop doing his laundry entirely.

princessmofo's picture

Thanks, Sally. We've tried the soaking but ss just hides them if there is an accident and dh isn't diligent enough to check daily. But you are right. I am going to have to take a hardline on this and just stop doing his laundry entirely.

LikeMinded's picture

Hi Princess,

I'm right there with you. It's getting better over here, but it's been pretty bad. At least you have a medical contition to blame. Sir Poops Alot has had every test under the sun, and it's not physical, it's behavioral.... in other words, he gets off on the negative attention. So we don't give him any anymore.

The real sad part about all of this is how it affects the other children. His older brother, The Nice One, has been around the smell so much that he doesn't smell it anymore. My DD has stepped in poop that fell out of Poops Alot's pants when we were at a neighbor's party. We had to clean my kid's foot and my neighbor's floor, during a very large party. Talk about humiliating. The worse was when the Nice One started screaming bloody murder because LilBio's hands were full of his brother's poop. He was a toddler and he found a turd in their room.

I reached my breaking point when I put my hand in the hamper and pulled out a turd.

So now:
1. I don't do the SKID's laundry.
2. Sir Poops Alot must clean anything with skid marks by hand (DH makes him do it, I don't get involved).
3. If it sits around to long, I force DH to clean it, because the rest of us shouldn't be living in stink.
4. If he poops in his pants and sits in it all day (this just occured again), he looses electronics and TV for an entire week.

It's been tough, this SS is almost 11.

Part of our problem is that BM and MIL baby the boy and he likes the attention when they clean him, etc. It's really disturbing.

DaizyDuke's picture

Why are you not leaving all laundry to DH then? why in the world would your DH even THINK for a hot second that washing the poopy drawers of HIS son should be something that you need to be taxed with ???

This is on your DH. HE needs to check SS room for poopy drawers, HE needs to do SS laundry.

The only thing YOU need to do is stage a coup d'état and make it clear to your DH that YOU will have nothing to do with SS laundry any more.

notasm3's picture

Put him in adult diapers. Not to shame him. But they probably have some odor control attributes plus they can be tossed.

flipingout_6's picture

This is something that is a total pain in the rear. I think like othere posters suggested have your DH do skids laundry. Unfortunately unless DH decides to be vigilant to stay on top of it theres not an easy solution. You could always have mandatory toilet time and have skid sit on the toilet for ten mins throughout the day to try to encourage him to go. But that would cause more work for you, and im not really sure if it would be detrimental to skids self esteem.

princessmofo's picture

Thanks everyone. I told dh via text that I was DONE with this. He would do an underwear inspection nightly before ss's shower. If there's a problem, he will deal with it. Also, separate hampers. And I bow out of laundry duty for ss.

thinkthrice's picture

Good for you. Methinks DH will be at Costcos buying skid loads (no pun intended) of adult diapers