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My daughter dropped a bombshell the other day

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Just when I thought things were settling down.

I haven't posted much lately.

DH and SD are still estranged so life has become somewhat peaceful. He no longer rages at me. My daughter and I went to therapy for a while. I am disengaged to the max from all toxic family members including DH.

During The Great Wedding Wars of 2013 my husband became even more insane when I refused to attend.

There was one really nasty incident that went on for hours. It happened after SD lied about me to incite a riot over here between me and my husband.

I was accused of splitting up the family. He threw everything he could at me and reviled me at the top of his lungs.

He screamed that SD was his only daughter. All this time I thought she was outside and didn't hear. I told him he'd better be glad she didn't hear him.

The problem is she did hear him. She was in her room slicing up her thighs as he screamed at me.

I was devastated when she told me. I honestly had no idea that she had done a thing like that. I thought she was just being modest in her clothing choices. (She refuses to wear swimsuits and shorts)

She swears it was only the one time and that she'll never do it again.

I have her scheduled for a complete physical. She doesn't want to go. She's afraid somehow her dad will find out and go back to being insane which could trigger her.

Thank goodness we both went to therapy. She is doing much better now.

But I'm having trouble processing this new revelation and it's killing me that I have failed her so.


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

What do you think Cutting is a way for someone in severe emotional pain to distract themselves with physical pain. Either she really really did a number on herself and she's scarred on her legs or she is still doing it. If she's still doing it, therapy needs to continue. If it really was just the one time and things are calmer and easy going and the stress from her life that caused her to do that is now removed , then that is another. I would ask to look at her legs to see what you are dealing with.