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Court Yesterday - What a Waste!!

PoisonApples's picture

BM stopped access in early March after a court hearing where she tried (and failed) to get assets held in trust for our daughter. Yesterday was the 'emergency' hearing to restore access.

At the start of the day we saw BM's answer to the court about why she stopped access. She had a post from an Irish talk board that some anonymous woman wrote about her boyfriend being a violent, depressed alcoholic that she had kicked out of the house. BM claimed that I wrote it - I didn't. This was her #1 basis for stopping access, she claimed. Next she had a letter from her mother describing last summer when we picked the skids up for 2 week holiday access. BM's entire extended family spent the entire day making the kids feel miserable about going, telling them how lonely BM would be, how they had to 'be strong' to get through the ordeal of being with us, etc. So when we got there BM sat down in the middle of the street and held both kids (age 5 and 7) on her lap while she clung to them and cried. They started crying too. My boyfriend had to peel them from her arms to put them in the car. Then she stood up and SMILED! It was clear then, and later from things she said, that she took them being so upset as a testament to what a great mother she is! In reality any mother who actually cared about her children would have played up the holiday and made it seem like an adventure to them rather than an ordeal that they would have to be strong to get through. Anyway, by the time we got 1/2 block away they were both happy and laughing and they didn't mention their mother even ONCE during the entire 2 weeks. (On the 3rd day the witch actually sent the police to our house to check on the welfare of her children and we had to get them out of bed to talk to the cops - she never called or texted us to ask how they were, just sent the police over.) Her mother wrote a letter to the court describing how the kids didn't want to come with us on that occasion and pleaded with the judge to 'please, won't someone think of the children'. It was pathetic.

Anyway, that was her case. As the day dragged on and they still didn't go before the court her lawyers started talking some sense into her and she started trying to make deals to not have to face the judge. She made a few pathetic offers - one day a week access - no overnights - and boyfriend shot them down. He has court ordered EOW and would accept nothing less. Finally, at the end of the day she agreed to restore access as normal and agreed to sign for passports.

How much did this cost I wonder? They each had solicitors and they each had barristers who devoted the entire day to being there in court. That had to cost over €3,000. They both missed a day of work - another €600 or so. In dollars that translates to over $4500, all because BM is a stupid, pig-headed, immature, delusional control freak.


imagr8tma's picture

We are at this point as well. DH and BM ended in court last year in Sept because she alledged that DH and myself were abusing SD. However, the counselor notes stated she put SD up to it and did it because she did not want to drive to the court ordered meeting location.

Well she and the lawyers offered every type of deal to DH as they could to keep from going before the judge - after looking over the evidence DH has been documenting as well.

So in the end the court order was written to include that she stop alienating SD from DH, allow telephone calls daily and share information as DH has joint custody. She was made to sign a memorandum of agreement to show she understood and would stop the alienation.

Well now since that case -things have gotten worse... she has been denying DH access to his daughter since Oct 09 - one month after court - amongst other things.

SO DH filed contempt charges against her..... We go to court 12 July. I am hoping they do more than just tell her to allow access. It is obvious over the past 7 years she has been caught doing stuff like this. DH has progressively gotten more and more in the court order due to BM's actions.

So we will see what the deal is. I hope the BM in your case does start to allow access.

Lilly's picture

Can you believe that crap? OMG its sounds like our BM.

She called the police on you? Why? does she know how tramatic that could be for the kids if the police knock on the door? What a self centered biotch. Im sorry this women would use her children to any length to get what she wants

She is playing emotional headgames with them.
Im glad you got your weekends back

HennyPen's picture


at least some good came out of it, he got his visitation with his kids back! that's a positive thing.

She does sound like a psycho, I feel bad for you having to deal with that! ugh.