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Visitation Day and BM tries to ruin it...

pixiedust10's picture

So FDH and Bottom Feeder showed up for visitation…This is what I got out of it
It was at BM/skid county family services offices. They have a game room set up for visitations.
More than one worker apologized to FDH for it being so long before he got to visit.

BM stormed up to the worker who was supervising the visit with a certified letter from clerk of court running her mouth that the social worker should rethink allowing FDH to visit the kids. They looked at the paper, all it was is the actual serving of papers for the hearing next Thursday. FDH and his attorney both have copies of this as well. They ignored her comment and asked if they wanted to visit skids together, BM ACTUALLY said after all this crap and the TPO that she had no problem with it! FDH said NO. No way. So BM says, fine well then I want to go first. Social worker asks FDH if that's okay and he says yes. So BM goes to visit them first while the worker talks to FDH getting some background on what's happened to get things to this point of the kids being in foster care and all that stuff. He says they have been extremely nice and receptive. So then he goes for his visitation, I guess they talk to her, he has a good visit. He says SS7 looks SO much better, not sure if his meds are reduced or not. But he's in a different town in a home with a family that specializes in children with behavioral issues. SS10 was apparently happy as well. He said they looked bright, and they were talking a lot, and SS7 just looked like someone breathed life into him, they talked for the entire visitation, asked about me and my parents and the kids, etc. Well it was time to go, so he went to say goodbye and hung back in the room after they were taken out so he could regroup and not have them see him cry. So they went to say goodbye to BM, and all apparently you could hear was her and SS7 arguing and SS7 started screaming and yelling, so the social workers caught FDH on his way out the door and asked if he could please attempt to calm SS7 down, so they went with him into the room, and he basically calmed him a little but not much so fDH picked him up and took him out of the room and got him calmer, then left. THEN the social worker called back and asked some more questions about SS7's fit and if it's often occured (YES) and if he could speak to him on the phone because he was still at the office too volatile to transport back to the foster family. So he calmed him down, they asked some more questions, and they told him that they hope he gets everything resolved because they don't need to be with her. Period.

Sigh…we did find out out of the fees that have been paid to the attorney and the GAL…he hasn't used them all yet so right now we still don't owe attorny or the GAL or anyone! Attorney told FDH if BM attempts to call again, go on ahead and answer, make sure the recorder is hooked up, and just let her rant. Apparently there is a chance, but no getting hopes up, that he could have the kids next week at the hearing, but who really knows. the state and GAL do NOT want the kids going to their mother right now.


sandy1234's picture

Hope they come home with you guys. Sounds like they need you both. Keep us posted. Praying <3

pixiedust10's picture

I hope they make notes about it. I know they spoke with each of them separately while the other was visiting the skids. It's nice that someone got to really see the difference between dimwits interaction and FDHs interaction

notagain2012's picture

Praying for you, and I hope the center reports on the incident, and maybe try to get a copy?

sandy1234's picture

Agreed^ I would have DH call them and ask if they made notes on it(probably did considering what they said to DH after the incident and the fact they had to call him). But if they did not, have him ask them to or at least vouch for him/the incident at the hearing.

pixiedust10's picture

I have no idea what started the argument, I'm betting it's something she said. She has this very nasty tone to her voice to begin with, she talks down to everyone, and her and SS7 just butt heads, everything she says and does, same with him, she doesn't try to reason with him, she just keeps egging on and on and on, she will take a subject and build it up and won't let it go, and then he gets all worked up, she starts yelling, etc...