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Unusually quiet-but enjoying the peace!

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Well, because of swaps, and my bf finally standing up to his ex witch and's now been about 4 wknds I think since we've seen the SD. She was going to be with him this wknd -but bm took her on a trip-fine by me.

We have been oddly quiet about speaking about the SD or the BM since the last phone call where he stood up finally to BM last week. Perhaps the bm is about to start something-like "punish him" by witholdign (DOUBT IT-she loves her free time too much). We just enjoyed another great wknd together-with my bios-all was very calm and nice....we were affectionate, loving, worked fixing things, pretty much like always....things are so different w/her around!

I know I've detached myself emotionally pretty much from her-just will thrive to be polite at this point-i gave up on the happy unit idea...I think he has also. It's odd-her name rarely comes up. Oh well..guess that's NCP land .