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How would this be taken?

overit2's picture

Hey Hon,

You might find this note confrontational, but please know that this is me trying to protect myself and also protect our relationship. If I continue to allow things as they have been then we will not have a chance of making it, because I WILL walk away for my own good. There ARE ways we can work through it, but you will have to respect those “ways” that I feel can help me/us right now. Yes right now I’m trying the ‘disengaged route’….and I’m not sure I’m ready to change that quite yet. It’s the only thing I can find to do that works.

I don’t know that I’m emotionally ready to bring the kids back together on weekends yet, at least not in my house, perhaps they can go skating or meet up somewhere else and see how it goes. I know the boys asked if they could see her this wknd, and I’m sure she wants to come over, but I’m not sure I’m ready to open my heart yet or can handle the stress, nor that I’m ready to have the tough talks with her that need to happen yet. There has been a LOT going on for me with work, the crazy situation at moms, the issues with "SD", financial stresses, the shooting I saw the other day.... I feel just traumatized right now about everything and I’m struggling just to make it day by day with my own life…I don’t need another setback right now.

In addition, I don’t know that anything I have said or the articles I gave you will change anything for you in how you are handling this. I appreciate that you did read them, I know we haven't yet discussed how you felt about them (I gave him two artciles w/highlights lol and

I still don’t know if/when you will ever be actively helping her find some help or therapy to help her through these things. I don’t know that you arent’ willing to stop giving her adult status or bending over for your ex and the childs demands, or that you will ensure she will respect my home, my privacy and my family. I know we spent a very rough few weeks and it seemed we wouldn’t make it, and now we seem to have made it through-but with everything going on lately, I need more time and I need to see action on your end eventually.

I know the next couple of months you will have her anytime the ex dictates, which includes most of thanksgiving week, as well as the two weeks or so during Christmas break. I’m planning on taking some time off and I do not think it is fair for me to be straddled with anther womans child who refuses to take any time off (or does and doesn’t spend it with her kid) every single year-and then again all summer. Nobody will talk to your ex about taking HER damn vacation time to care for her child-or perhaps finding alternate arrangements with HER family that aren’t always you-similar to say, how I do it. If she doesn't take time off then the actualy Holidays/wknds that she IS off should be spent w/her mom. Last year and year before she only spent less then a day over a 2 1/2week period with her mother-

I’m sorry, I know you think that is selfish perhaps-but fair is fair. And they way I feel right now I’m sick and tired of life being ‘unfair’ and me just taking it in the ass. It’s not fair for me to have my home turned into a war zone, nor me having to provide food/shelter because her mom refuses to take anytime off or spread the child-care arrangements fairly, nor will neither you or your parents say no and force her to be responsible -but in the end it ends up being MY problem as you/her will be at my house 95percent of that time. So maybe I can be the selfish, insensitive bitch this time-it seems to work for your ex just fine, maybe it will work for me also.

As to WHEN I’m ready, I don’t know-it may be after the Holiday mayhem-that means we may not see eachother too much. All I know is I have ‘rules and conditions’ that will have to be met in order for her to be allowed to come over. You may find it harsh, you can accept it or not but I will stand by this for my own sanity and to protect our relationship:

• I will make a list of ‘house and behavior rules’ and she will have to read it, sign it and agree to follow them or make every effort to.
• You will have to make sure you DISCIPLINE consistently every time, and not ignore any bad behavior or breaking of my rules. If you consistently ignore-especially if I speak up to you about it- I will have to ask you/her politely to leave.

• As I said before, I no longer want her in my room to change, shower, place her stuff or going through my stuff. She can use the guest/kids bathroom. The master bedroom is the ADULT room and I will keep it that way. Nobody is to enter w/out permission. I want CLEAR boundaries.
• I will not allow phone calls from her mom while in my house, end of story, please respect that as that is my right. I don’t care if you have to take away her phone while you guys are visiting and leave at your house and perhaps you can turn yours off. That womans presence even over the phone will NOT be tolerated in ANY way or fashion. I do NOT call my kids/ex on their weekend and I am going to demand the same damn respect. She can make arrangements w/her mom about activities before coming over for her weekend or while NOT at my house.
• I do not want to see pictures of your ex in anyway, from her phone, in a wallet, etc…nor receive phone calls or hear from your parents about her or have a million conversations come up about her from you or Kenzie. Don’t ask me or get angry if I cannot handle running all weekend around to please your kid and her demands and activity list. Don’t expect that I am ok with seeing your ex and her family and being around the ‘old family’ every weekend or every other wknd running to all the shit your ex signs her up for, I can’t handle it. I do not do that to you. If you want to do that, that’s fine-but I don't have to.
• When/if you guys come over please continue to bring sufficient food/snacks for her and help contribute towards any meal/grocery bills that happen those wknds-otherwise we can have our meals separately at our homes and then meet again. I’m not in a financial position to provide for another woman’s child, nor do I think it is fair for you to expect me to or assume I will.

These are the basics and where I’m at right now. I love you and want us to work, but this is how it will have to be moving forward if we think we have a slight chance of making it long term.


alwaysanxious's picture

It sounds like a lot of venting but also laying down your rules. Letting him know how you feel. I do like the letter.

One thing, if it were me I would make things more of a WE instead of I. I think what you want is a united front with all the children. this is more of a unilateral do it my way thing.
ex) "I will make a list of ‘house and behavior rules’
Do you want that to be WE? We will sit down and create a list of house and behavior rules. WE will enforce it.

That being said maybe you want it this way and don't want to convey "we". So take what I say with a grain of salt.

I know you don't want BM's presence in the house. however if the skid is texting or talking to her mom once over the weekend I cant' say that I would have a huge problem with it. Maybe yours is abusing that contact?

Let me know if I am not understanding the situation completely.

cant win for losin's picture

Are you guys married? Im assuming not. How long have you been dating? JMHO the letter is too long. Guys need it explained short and simple. I would stick to the key points.

TryingSoHard's picture

I agree with Can't Win. There's a lot of information in this. If you want results, I suggest keeping it more concise and to the point.

I have felt many of these same things in my relationship. This letter could have been written by me.

LauraKR's picture

I agree, stick to bullet points.
He may switch off if its too long and wordy.
All the best!

overit2's picture

Thanks for the tips, AA I could definately approach as more of a "we"...because right now it is MY home, hence the "I"...but eventually if we have a life together then I'm sure there will be rules and behavior he wants to see improved from my kids I kind of like the "WE" approach. TO be honest I've been enforcing 'rules' daily w/my kids but it would not hurt them either at ALL to have a list of rules on the fridge that we present to ALL of them and enforce.

As for the contact-BM DOES abuse it. IN fact for over a year when he changed his phone n his ex did not even have his n because she abused her contact with him. he got sick of it-the only reason she NOW has his phone n is because she took it from SD's phone-she's still somewhat careful on contacting him but she does sometimes call SD repeatedly over the wknd. The thing is, I never call my kids...if there is a time/date to arrange because of a game him/I handle this at drop-off...there is no reason for her to call, text to say hi, send pics, nothing other then to 'show' she is still part of a package deal (golden uterus article explains it). She can talk to her mom while NOT at my home-the reason I have to do this is because his ex abuses it and I feel I have to become strict about it so she doesn't continue this.

Can't win-we have been dating close to 3 yrs...and are plannign to marry one day-I agree it's long, i never know how to condense, that's the problem-I agree guys need it short and simple..I don't know how to do that though? LOL Any tips appreciated.

Things are looking up a bit-he's stopped the incessant "SD" talk-though it comes up on ocassion..but the last solo wknd we had except for one talk Friday night we both kept it to US and not the kids.

alwaysanxious's picture

OOOOH no no no. I thought you didn't want BM calling SD on SD's phone. No I have those rules as well. Very minimal contact with BM. I even got on to SO last night because BM sent him a sports schedule for SS. I said you can get that schedule online she does not need to send that to you.

And yes, if she is abusing the phone calls with SD then that should be under control.

Stressed Out Mom's picture

I think you did a great job laying out boundries. I hope it works out. Keep us posted.

overit2's picture

It is my home and it is my right and yes I solely pay the bills. They don't spend the entire wknd here...though sometimes they practically she can talk to her mom when she's w/him and his place or when visiting her grandparents w/him.

As much as I want to re-word 'another womans child' IS a reminder to him, that I AM in fact doing this for another womans child. DNA has said so as of a few years ago but he has not acted on it. MY knowing that makes things 10 times more difficult on my end, he knows this.

I did scale down the hostility-I agree, perhaps too confrontational, especially because we seemed to have moved to a better place (back and forth) so the hostility may open a whole new set of hurt feelings-BUT I DO have to be firm.

overit2's picture

Condensed-a BIT-is it still too long?
And modified a bit after a few more tips.

Hey Hon,

A few follow up things from me this time (no articles) 

I don’t know that I’m emotionally ready to bring the kids back together on weekends yet, at least not in my house, I know the boys asked if they could see her this wknd, but I’m not sure I’m quite ready yet. There has been a LOT going on for me lately as you know… I feel just traumatized right now about everything and I’m still struggling emotionally.

In addition, I still will have to say that you will be taking some action on the things I shared with you.

I know the next couple of months you will have her anytime the ex dictates. I’m planning on taking some time off and I do not think it is fair for me to be straddled with anther womans child who refuses to take any time off every single year to care for her child-or maybe share the care with HER family, as how I do it.

Maybe you think that is selfish perhaps, but it’s not fair for me to have my home turned into a war zone, nor me having to provide food/shelter because her mom refuses to take anytime off or spread the child-care arrangements fairly, nor will neither you or your parents say no to her, but in the end it ends up being MY problem as you/her will be at my house the majority of that time. So maybe I can be the selfish, insensitive bitch this time-it seems to work for your ex just fine.

As to WHEN I’m ready, I don’t know-it may be after the Holiday mayhem- All I know is I have ‘rules and conditions’ that will have to be met for my own sanity and to protect our relationship:

• I think BOTH of us should sit down and make a list of ‘house and behavior rules’ and have ALL the kids read it, sign it and we will post on the fridge-and then we apply consequences for breaking the rules. They’re older now and it’s time we lay stronger limits. I have ideas, and I know you do, we can work on this together. Kids learn through reading right? Lets make a point then.
• Please make sure to DISCIPLINE her every time it gets out of hand, and not ignore any bad behavior or breaking of the rules. I expect us both to be the main discipline person for our own children, but I want us to speak up and also back eachother up everytime w/eachothers kids to show we are consistent and a united front. I don’t think this should wait till marriage.
• I no longer want her in my room to change, shower, place her stuff or going through my stuff. She can use the guest/kids bathroom. The master bedroom is the ADULT room and I will keep it that way. Nobody is to enter w/out permission. I want CLEAR boundaries. This will go for all the kids.
• Please no phone calls from the ex while in my house to her or you, please respect that as that is my right to request. Perhaps she doesn't need to bring her phone while you guys are visiting -That womans presence in my home will NOT be tolerated in. I do NOT call my kids/ex on their weekend and I am going to demand the same respect.
• Please speak to her of not showing any pictures of your ex in anyway, from her phone, in a wallet, etc…nor receive phone calls or have a million conversations come up about her from you guys. The least she is ‘present’ thos weekends the better-it adds an extra poisonous element and makes things worse for me. Don’t ask me or get angry if I cannot handle running all weekend around to please her never ending activity list her mom has signed her up for. Don’t expect that I am ok with seeing your ex and her family and being around the ‘old family’ on weekends, as I do not do that to you.
• When/if you guys come over please continue to bring food/snacks for her and help contribute towards any meal/grocery bills that happen those wknds- I’m not in a financial position to provide for another woman’s child, nor do I think it is fair for you to expect me to or assume I will.

These are the basics and where I’m at right now. I love you and want us to work, but this is how it will have to be moving forward if we think we have a slight chance of making it long term.

alwaysanxious's picture

I think this is better.

Concise and lets work together.

On another note and again just wording preferences, you have
" Don’t ask me or get angry if I cannot handle running all weekend around to please her never ending activity list her mom has signed her up for. Don’t expect that I am ok with seeing your ex and her family and being around the ‘old family’ on weekends, as I do not do that to you.
• When/if you guys come over please continue to bring food/snacks for her and help contribute towards any meal/grocery bills that happen those wknds- I’m not in a financial position to provide for another woman’s child, nor do I think it is fair for you to expect me to or assume I will."

what do you think of this?
"I expect that when your daughter is visiting you will handle the transportation and finances for her outings that she has been signed up for. I will not be doing these any longer for several reasons, one of which is that I don't need to be around the "old family". I don't put you in that position. I expect the same.

I also appreciate that you bring food and snacks for your daughter and that you contribute to the meals while she is visiting. I expect this to continue. "

I think it comes out how much you dislike the exW and that could come off as an attack. Your goal here is to make SO become more responsible and proactive with his child. Instead of "the other woman's child" its His daughter. I know that it doesn't feel that way, believe me, but I think his response to it will be less defensive.

ThatGirl's picture

I think it's much too long. It's just going to end up sounding like "blah blah blah" to him, and even if it doesn't, there are too many points for him to remember. A short list, without any explanations would probably work better. Of course they can be discussed after he reads them, but I think a list of rules that can be easily referred back to would be helpful. Something like this:

1) No children in my bedroom/bathroom
2) No BM phone calls in my home
3) No BM discussions in my home
4) He needs to be the one to enforce these rules

giveitago's picture

Yep, I get all of your points because I have been in a similar situation, only there was only OUR house in the picture.

As the other posters said, guys really do need it in black and white, spelled out, NOT open to interpretation and in short bursts.
DH here would analyse EVERY word, phrase or sentence I wrote and I'd be furious! He did it because he felt 'under attack' and tried to justify his position and find a loophole, I suspect you might encounter the same?
I'd also suggest putting 'we' in as much as you can, without imposing on his free will. I'd say, also, that you are tired of all the negativity and the impact it has on 'us', as in both of you. Ask him what he thinks would make the difference too, if it comes from him then you are NOT doing this all by yourself. Tell him you need his help with the issue if it boosts his ego??

overit2's picture

Giveit...thank you!! "I'd also suggest putting 'we' in as much as you can, without imposing on his free will. I'd say, also, that you are tired of all the negativity and the impact it has on 'us', as in both of you. Ask him what he thinks would make the difference too, if it comes from him then you are NOT doing this all by yourself. Tell him you need his help with the issue if it boosts his ego"

I really like this...guess I'll keep working at it lol

Girlly30's picture

I have been fighting these battles for are not alone. The 2nd letter is alot better but wth men, I really agree that bullet points are the BEST way to get your point across. With my SO, if I clutter with too many filler words, he can't decifer and it is too much..after all...remember, most men don't process like us so if you want to be have to SPEAK their language (and yes, my oh so awesome shrink taught me that about 6 years ago).

Try putting a sign on your bedroom door and close it. It helps!

Willow2010's picture

I like most of this…except

• Please no phone calls from the ex while in my house to her or you, please respect that as that is my right to request. Perhaps she doesn't need to bring her phone while you guys are visiting -That womans presence in my home will NOT be tolerated in. I do NOT call my kids/ex on their weekend and I am going to demand the same respect.
I don’t agree with this. Maybe limit it, but I don’t think you can/should say that she is not to talk to her mother, wherever she may be. DH on the other hand can just not answer his phone if she calls. (what are you going to do if you move in together) Will he ever be able to talk to the ex, or will you consider that…invading your home. Just something to think about.

• Please speak to her of not showing any pictures of your ex in anyway, from her phone, in a wallet, etc…nor receive phone calls or have a million conversations come up about her from you guys. The least she is ‘present’ thos weekends the better-it adds an extra poisonous element and makes things worse for me
I used to have issues with SS ALWAYS talking about BM. I talked to. Then SO and told him how annoying it was. He said it annoyed him also, but that SS spends 26 days a month with his BM so of course most of SS life is about BM. Hard to make him stop talking about his life just because BM is in it. Also, just something to think about.

• When/if you guys come over please continue to bring food/snacks for her and help contribute towards any meal/grocery bills that happen those wknds- I’m not in a financial position to provide for another woman’s child, nor do I think it is fair for you to expect me to or assume I will.

Apparently his is already bringing food over since you ask that he continue to do it. So why even bring that up?

I would sooo talke out the whole “other womans child” comment. IMHO…it would piss me off to no end to receive that comment.

Just in general…Im not sure you and SO are made for each other. You have so many demands. I am not downing you, but since you are not even married why try to change EVERYTHING about him and his kid? KWIM?

overit2's picture

i think we disagree...she has plenty of other opportunities to talk to her mom while not in my home. It's about teachign BM boundaries also here. She does it on purpose...believe me, otherwise she doesn't care WHERE the girl is the remaining time while she is in her care-at ALL.

There is NO REASON a BM needs to call and talk to her kids for 48 period when w/their dad-anybody that tells me otherwise is a control freak, I'm sorry. She's doing it to interfere in our lives and mess up her kids head... we are both 100pct certain of this. She has done this repeatedly the entire time...trying to organize activities for her, havnig her come home earlier on Sundays at random weekends, call to tell her about BIG "surprise" she has for her when she gets home, sending pictures of a new puppy (to give it away next week), she'll try and set up for him to take her to some birthday party that SHE has to meet up with him for, all KINDS of crazy stuff-

My kids don't go to their dad and show them pics of me or show me pics of their dad. This is about the 4th time there is some picture inserted from BM-one was an old wallet her BM gave her the wknd she came over-with pics of them as a family, of their wedding, and of them when at prom...that was INTENTIONAL-and then SD 'forgot' it in my car for weeks. I finally gave it to bf-sd kept 'forgetting' to take it w/her-he finally just threw it away. They had been divorced for several years then- BM decided to go the lesbian criminal, junkie and beat you up drama way....and was pissed he didn't take her back when she came crawling back.

She's been on vacation and sent her dad pics of her and BM together....she showed me pics the other day of her and bm at the amusement park I was going to take us all to, the WEEK BEFORE-which BM found out our plans and 'beat us to it'...there's BAD intentions here Willow.
I'm not dealign with an average mill BM.

I dont' intervene in my ex's relationship and time-it's about respect if she cannot refrain and show us respect then I will be a bitch back. I'm dealign with a Golden Uterus entitled bitch-and I will show my ass because she will not control or influence w/her negativity my home, my weekends or my family or time or life . You have to be forceful w/people that violate boundaries over and over, otherwise they run all over you and RUIN your life.

It's not about 'being made for eachother'....people will always struggle in their relationships-we love eachother, there are things I can't live with so they have to change-he doesn't have to accept that. I'm not being unreasonable here. If I knew he felt very strongly about something i woudl do my best to work on it for HIM. WE ALL grow and adapt and compromise in life. I would and will do the same.

These guys don't know HOW to parent, it's up to women most of the time to teach them, they are weak on boundaries and used to being beaten over the head by the court system, society, the ex's...I feel like I need to stand up for him also!

His child? Just because I think HER issues are not a mix for me at all doesn't mean I wont try to at least apply some basic rules that allow for respect in my own home, nor does it mean my lack of agreement w/her behavior should dictate my relationship w/him-I'm in a relationship w/HIM not her. He can improve how he deals w/his ex and child-it's up to me to make myself loud and clear. If he can't, then I walk, sure. But I think what we have IS worth fighting for and working on things together for....and changing for, yes.

skylarksms's picture

Wow, I didn't realize the BMs in our lives were so similar. Ours ALSO would do the adopt a pet/discard a pet thing along with other things to attempt to interfere with the good time we would be having when the skids came to visit.

I STILL think there's GOT to be a "Crazy" handbook that they are passing around!

overit2's picture

LOL-yep she's discarded at least 5 that I can remember....but she alwasy would call on Sundays if she was in the area, whatever was convenient for her and try to get her to come home early-which was like getting SD to turn down a justin bieber concert-lol, NOT happening. So she would try bribery, saying she had this BIG surprise to tell her, or send pics of a puppy (which my bf did not show her), or tell her they had these big plans. ANYTHING she could to interfere in our time, she has done, repeatedly. We had peace for a few months while she didn't have his phone...well somewhat, she'd call his parents his parents called him ughhh- BUT now that SD has a phone?? It's picking up QUICKLY.

overit2's picture

Just wanted to clarify-the one that calls is BM...typically SD doesn't give two craps about her mom, she doesn't like being annoyed or called to go home early, or what she's doing... she hates living there and is mortified to be seen in public/games/events with moms 2-3 week revolving door of lesbian lovers that look absolutely horrifying. Criminals, butch, overweight, agressive, just fugly as sin. Sorry-tis the truth.

MOST of SD's problems boil down to she wishes we were married and she lived with us....but that will be a cold day in hell for me to ever accept that.

As far as her talkign or showing pics----her mom has her very well trained on what to do-mom always gets her way no matter WHAT-and she will ensure her mini me does/feels how she wants her to (golden uterus).

overit2's picture

Ok-i keep working on this- it's definately sissified though lol Smile Also ladies, i think some of you are thinking this is just a regular run of the mill 'checklist' i'm running off to him-you have to understand that this brought us to almost never seeing eachother again, there was a LOT of hurt and there needs to be BIG changes for us to continue...I want to convey a little more then a bullet list 1-4 and be done... I want to remind him of my feelings on some issues and be honest about where I'm at. This is breakign point for us. I know the first was too long though and I am really liking ALL contributions, it's really helping me do a better job communicating with him and modifying the letter. I know I keep leaving my feelings of the ex here lol-sorry I can't seem to part with ALL of my feelings on this. But truly THANK YOU SO MUCH for the time you guys are taking in helping me right now!!! You are my rocks!

Hey Hon,

A few follow up things from me this time. I don’t know that I’m ready to bring the kids back together on weekends yet, there has been a LOT going on for me lately as you know… I feel just traumatized right now and I’m still struggling emotionally.

In addition, I still hope we can discuss more how you plan to address the concerns and issues I brought up by sharing the articles moving forward.

I know the next couple of months you will have her anytime the ex dictates. I’m planning on taking some time off and I do not think it is fair for me to be straddled on my treasured vacation time with another responsibility while your ex refuses to take any time off every single year to care for her child-or maybe share the care with HER family a little more fairly, or perhaps have you and your parents say no on ocassion and force her to be more responsible.
Maybe you think that is selfish perhaps, but it’s not fair to me, in the end it ends up being MY problem as you/her will be at my house the majority of that time. So maybe I can be the selfish, insensitive bitch and bad guy this time-it seems to work for your ex just fine Smile

Perhaps we can start working on this after the Holidays? But there will have to be some ‘rules and conditions’ we agree on. We both know that these issues have caused a big impact and a lot of strain, negativity and struggle in our relationship -and I need your help and suggestions also as to what we can do moving forward that will help ALL of us.

• I think BOTH of us should sit down and make a list of ‘house and behavior rules’ and have ALL the kids read it, -and then we apply consequences for breaking the rules. I have ideas, and I know you do, we can work on this together.

• Please stay consistent on the discipline with her as that is KEY in any home. I expect us both to be the main disciplinarians with our kids- but I also want us to back eachother up everytime to show the kids that WE-BOTH ADULTS are in charge, consistent and a united front. I don’t think this should wait till marriage.

• I no longer want her or her things to be allowed in my room/bathroom or in my stuff. Nobody is to enter the adult room. I want CLEAR boundaries. This will go for all the kids-but especially because I’m trying to draw some boundaries with her which we BOTH agree she desperately needs as she has taken a very 'adult spousal' role in life.

• Please no phone calls from the ex while in my house back/forth- I ask you respect that being my right to request. Also please I would prefer no pictures of the ex and for all to limit any conversations about her during that time. I think you can agree that the least GU is ‘present’ those weekends the better-it adds an extra poisonous element to our weekends and our relationship.

• I hope you can understand that there will be many occasions that I do not want to run around to the very long list of activities SD in- as it forces both families together and I partially think that is intentional on the GU end- but I don’t have to expose myself to it You have told me this is why your own mother does not attend these, so I ask you to be understanding of my feelings as a woman on this issue.

• I also appreciate that you bring food and snacks for your daughter and that you contribute to the meals while she is visiting. I expect this to continue.

I love you and want us to work together moving forward to improve our lives, our children’s and our relationship-I’m open to hearing from you on this more.

alwaysanxious's picture

Sounds good. I'm happy with your earlier venting too. No need to sissify too much. If he needs to hear you out again then that is the case.

i write to my SO when we are having big issues. Its easier and he can sit and process it.
Sometimes its pretty long, but sometimes, it needs to be said.

Willow2010's picture

come home earlier on Sundays at random weekends, call to tell her about BIG "surprise" she has for her when she gets home, sending pictures of a new puppy (to give it away next week),
WOW!! OK...that is different than what I was thinking. And this reason is totally understandable why you don't want her intruding on SO's time. What a nut ball. Amazes me that women do this to kids!

emotionaly beat up's picture

Your letter can be easily shortended by just leaving out some of the bits that could be incorporated in the house rules that you both sit down and agree the using your shower and phone calls.

I'd also leave out calling the ex a bitch etc., you'll lose his intrest at that point. She is more than likely complaining about you, your complaining about her and he'll just feel caught in the middle you want his support here not to just make him throw in the towel. He is a man you know, he will try the easiest road for him here Smile

I wrote my husband and 11 page letter some months ago, I went over it everyday for a week and a half, managed to get it down to 4 pages by sticking to the points and not bringing too many other people into it and keeping the anger out of it. It was hard because I just wanted to slap him over the head with it, but I kept the original on the computer and when I re-read that after finishing the letter, I was glad I didn't send it it just made me look and sound like a vicious old cow.

I think your letters are getting better with each re-write. Perhaps if it makes you feel better, shorten the letter by removing the shower/phone etc., stuff, and attach a list of house rules that you would be thinking appropriate for him to discuss and add too,, including the phone/shower in there of course. That way the letter is kept to the minimum.

Given that this is your home, not a joint home with you and your partner, I don't think you are asking too much here. It is not the SD's home when she is with dad - it is YOUR home and she needs to treat other people with respect in their own home.

overit2's picture

Only issue is the phone is not a 'household' issue i have to share w/my sons...

the using my room/shower/using my stuff isnt' something I have a problem with with my own's quite 'sd' specific. These are things I DO want him to address with her privately-coming from HIM.

I don't want to create animosity by telling SD "you cant talk to your mom' but HE certainly can say, please no calls to your mom during our visits, it's our time and she can wait to see you on sunday'.

I also want him to learn to apply the child/adult boundaries by telling her she needs to respect my room and my place as the adult and the woman in his life, and not use my things or my room/shower, but she can definately use the kids. She has a very big boundary/adult spousal role confusion-HE needs to be the one to take that away, not me. THis is why that issue is "SD" specific and I left in that note.

The other list will ahve stuff that IS SD specific but CAN be applied towards all. I also dont want my kids knowing she is being 'addressed' abotu these issues because it's not their place to know either. Does that make sense/

AlexandraL's picture

The exBM once in my life was like yours...constant texts and SD had severe separation anxiety, even at age 9...exbf finally set a boundary and had SD call her mom at bedtime -- that was the set time they could talk. Her mom "missing her" and all that crap was interfering with his time with her. How can a mom and a child miss each other to the point of the child crying at age 9 when they see each other every effing day? (They have EOD so SD saw her mom every day, either before school or after school).

Not allowing a child access to speaking with their other parent is sort of rigid but setting limits/boundaries IS appropriate.

Did you suggest that you wanted to talk about your letter in person? Just be prepared...I am worried he might get defensive...but good for you for setting limits/boundaries and saying how you feel/what you want in your house. They are guests and should respect that.

emotionaly beat up's picture

That's fair enough. Nice to see you aren't causing divide between the kids by not letting your children know the full extent of what is going on, that is VERY fair and right of you. Good Luck with this.

FML's picture

Damn it all u posters drop the fucking calling her mom issue. It's not up for debate. The evil will not inhabit her home. Get over it please. I hate it when you have settled your mind and told people this and they keep arguing the same mute point. }:)

overit2's picture

Geesh, I know right...the issue is again, most of the time SD wont' initiate contacting her mom-so it's not like SD wants to communicate and i am prohibiting it!

SD is busy with us...BM wants to insert her prescense and make her mom status known every time....even on HIS weekends-never's about putting BM IN HER PLACE-which is NOT my home.

You are telling me it's unreasonable for me to ask him to not have her accept calls from mom (several a day).... How about when HE decided to NOT give her his phone n for well over a year, REFUSED to hear from her or talk to her at all....he cut evil and bs out of his life but I'm not allowed to do the same when MY HOME and OUR RELATIONSHIP is strained because of her harrasement??? I think you guys are gravely mistaken here.

emotionaly beat up's picture

It is basic manners after all, she is in visiting someone else, she is not in her dad's home and she should not have to be breaking off her playtime with the other kids every 5 minutes to take calls from mom. Anyway I have a thought, why doesn't dad just switch off the phone or leave iti the car or at his house when he comes to visit you. I would not like the constant chat to her mom going on in my home either. He can text mom or his daugher can before they leave his house and say all good, phone will be off for a while call you later or tomorrow or whatever. Any absolute emergencies, and there should be none could be directed to dad, if she then starts on dad's phone, he can also turn his off, then she has been treated fairly. I know a lot of you will not think she does not deserve the courtesy and she may not, but it is not for her sake I say let her know the phone will be off, it is for the peace of Overit, SD and SO if you push moms buttons so much, you pay so I would think of self preservation first.

All of this aside, his is supposed to be HER TIME with dad, so mom should let that happen in peace, if the child wants to call that would be different, she could do so from dad's house, but mom calling repeatedly on dad's time not on.