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Problems with SD Bio Mom

ohmygosh's picture

My SD goes to her bio moms house twice a week. The problem is this: We pack her clothes to wear to school (nice clothes, and ones she picks when we buy them) but her mother never likes them and tells her daughter that they are &*^%*& ugly and then gives her one of her tops to wear.

This problem is ongoing and we have to deal with it every week. My SD likes her clothes but is affraid to tell her mother as she says that she will scream at her if she tells her. We cannot talk to Bio Mom as she is the type of person that thinks she is always right. This hurts SD feelings everytime.

We told her that if she did not like her daughters clothes that she could go buy some and leave them at her house to wear when she has her, she refuses to do this. We told her that what her daughter wears is her choice and unless it is unfit or to small that she has the right to choose what she wears, and that her clothes are age appropriate and all nice.

What should we do as this along with all of SD other problems are getting out of hand. Refer to other post regarding her medication and past blogs.

We just want SD to be happy and for her Bio Mother to Stop trying to run everyone's life.


happy mom's picture

I would tell your SD to speak up for herself to her mother, when she is ready to tell her. I think if she did that then I think her mother will believe it's coming from her and not from you guys. Mother is probably thinking that it was you guys' decision/idea to dress her.

-happy mom

happy's picture

She lives with you..

I will never understand unreasonable bio moms.. I am so thankful I am sane..

Candice's picture

How can a person scream at a child over age appropriate clothes? If you were trying to "whore" up her daughter, then she should put up a fight, but it doesn't sound like that is the case! I can't believe some of the trivial things women fight goodness..if she focused on herself, liking moving on, getting higher education, being a good mother, she would benefit herself so much more, than focusing on being a control freak, and punishing her own daughter for her level of misery!

I'm really sad for your heart just breaks for her. You could try just sending her over there w/o any clothes, and what choice would bm have but to buy her clothes? It could backfire on you, and she could not send sd to school b/c of it..but it's just an idea.

I'm so glad she is living with you, and has short amount of time with crazy bm. My goodness! That poor kid!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

biomom needs some medication herself!! If sd likes her clothes, they fit and are age appropriate, biomom has no business saying anything! You're right, she should go buy some clothes to keep at her house!
