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OT: Scariest/creepiest movie ever OR real life scary stories. I want some chills!

Oh Margie's picture

Stupid blog, why are they not posting? posting in comments instead....


Oh Margie's picture

Hey everyone, longtime poster who had to delete my profile recently for privacy issues....(but I just can't stay away from you guys!)

So, for the first time in forever, I'm going to be home alone tonight and have the run of the tv. maybe it's because I've had an extra stressful week in the real world, but I am feeling a definite pull towards watching some creepy movies and feeling a little bit of "fun" adrenalin.

So, I am looking for suggestions: Best/creepiest/most suspenseful movie ever???

And if anyone has and spooky stories to get the ball rolling that would be awesome too! maybe even some that DON'T involve skids Wink

Shaman29's picture

Hands down. Exorcist.

I guarantee you'll sleep with the lights on for the next five days.

Tuff Noogies's picture


maybe it was watching poltergeist at the age of 3 that did me in....

Tuff Noogies's picture

u're kidding - REALLY??

it was a double feature at the drive-in, my parents were still married to eachother. it followed Snow White and i'm guessing mom and dad thought we'd fall asleep during that. but i woke up and saw some. still gives me the creeps!

Oh Margie's picture

I have a friend who loves scary movies and is willing to watch anything...just not at her house. She honestly thinks watching something on tv opens up some kind of a portal to whatever it is you're watching. I'm not sure of the logistics, but it's pretty funny.

Cover1W's picture

I will not, and cannot watch this one. Ever. I can't even watch a clip of it without freaking out.

Oh Margie's picture

oooh, loooove the Exorcist. Nice suggestion!
Ha, you realize I'm going to be full of regret at 3am when I have every light in the house burning!

Oh Margie's picture

Heh. We should start a band.

"We are proud to present Regret and Booze and Blazing Lights, here to perform their #1 hit...What the fuck was I thinking?"

::Crowd goes wild::

Tuff Noogies's picture

creepy - i like Shutter, Shutter Island, and Mr. Brooks.

regular ol' rated r kind of scary, i like the final destination and saw movies.

i can do suspense and gore, but i can NOT handle that demon/devil shit. nuh uh. no way, no how.

Oh Margie's picture

Haha, do you mean you don't like them or they freak you out too much??

I loved Mr. Brooks, that's one my favorites.

The original Halloween still gives me nightmares (in all its cheesy glory, it's still freaking scary).

Tuff Noogies's picture

honestly they freak me out too much, my nerves cant handle that flavor of scary.

mr brooks made me check behind doors and curtains! it was great }:)

Shaman29's picture

Oh dammit Dtzy.....I purposely didn't say IT because clowns freak me the fuck out.

Shaman29's picture

I sincerely hope you're sending creepy men in killer clown costumes to their homes at night.

Tuff Noogies's picture

lol! DAMIEN. that's what my brother wanted to name his son.

ironically he settled on DEXTER. yup. that was intentional.

bi's picture

When I was a teenager, I was babysitting my little cousin and we were playing with a Ouija board. I don't remember what I asked it. But it said "You're a bitch." Then it spelled out "Say a p" at the "p", I got freaked out and said "I'm DONE with you!" and put it away. I have not played with a Ouija board since. It was not my cousin doing it, either. He was only around 9 and he was half asleep.

Shaman29's picture

Oh and this is an OLDIE.

Magic with Anthony Hopkins. Freaking ventriloquist dummy! Aaaaaahhhhhhh.

sunny_skies's picture

I guess it depends on what kind of scary movie you like, wether it's killers on the loose or zombies or psychological thrillers..

But I personally *loved* the movie DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK!!!

*ahem* sorry got all excited there. But it is one of the *best* scary movies I've EVER seen. In my opinion really really good.

AAAND it has a stepmom (Katie Holmes) who is actually *nice* and not evil!!! definately worth a watch Smile

Oh Margie's picture

Ha ha I love how excited you got there that's awesome. I am pretty easy to please but I have a soft spot for serial killers

DaizyDuke's picture

Ok I am scary movie queen have pretty much seen them all...Love love love me a good or even cheesy horror flick! I would have to say the movie that scared me the most was Paranormal Experience (any of them) I was seriously scared to go to bed! Another (older) one that gave me the creeps was The Mothman Prophecies.

The slasher ones like Saw don't really "scare" me it's the demon, devil ones that freak me out!

Shaman29's picture

When I was 12, I was staying with a friend and her parents took us to see the Amityville Horror (1979 version).

To this day, I still have a problem looking out a window into the dark. I always expect a pair of red eyes to look back at me.

DaizyDuke's picture

It's Jody!!! I forgot about that one that's a great one too!the book was even scarier! We have all these flies in our house all the sudden cause the weather is a bit warmer...I just said to DH last night..."what the heck is with all these flies? It's like the Amityville Horror around here!" Lol

Cover1W's picture

Japanese horror = the worst (i.e. completely freaky).
The Grudge

The Others (with Nicole Kidman)
Not typically scary but really really good and a mindbender.

DaizyDuke's picture

Ah Stephen King! A horror God! We all forgot about The Shining! That's a great one if you want a good scare

Totalybogus's picture

When Darkness Falls. It's a freaky movie about a tooth fairy that kills children when they lose a tooth. I also liked the original, don't be afraid of the dark. I haven't seen the new version

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Cujo freaked me out. I was too young to watch The Exorcist and The Amityville Horror, and to this day, have NOT!

The Grudge freaked me out a few years ago, but most recently......The Conjuring.


Holy shit. The basement stairs.........Creepy.......

~ Moon

Oh Margie's picture

The Amityville book literally made me sleep with the lights on for weeks. I remember reading it for the first time years and years ago and my fiancé was locked out of my parents house (we were visiting for the weekend) and so he started quietly tapping on the window that was right behind my head.

He's lucky he didn't get shanked Smile

misSTEP's picture

There was a movie I watched. It was a Japanese title so I don't remember it anymore. But I think they remade it into an english version called 13. Very disturbing.

I have a Ouija board story. I was in college and at a friend's house who was having a party. They brought one out. Just general questions and what ever. People started getting freaked out and dropping out. Then it was just me and the younger sister who lived there. She decided she wanted to talk to her Grandpa who had recently passed. She asked and it said NO. She asked again and it said NO. She asked forcefully a third time. Across the room by the kitchen where nobody was at...a picture fell off the wall and shattered. It was a picture of her grandma and grandpa. That was it for me!

Then there was a time at our last house. DH and skids were in the living room. My son was in his room which was the master right next to it. I went to talk to my son. I opened the pocket doors and stepped through. I immediately felt like something had PINCHED my arm HARD. I reacted, of course, and then felt all along the painted pocket doors trying to find a sliver or something sharp. Nothing. A little later, my arm had a huge swollen black and blue mark on it with scratches that looked like fingers. No explanation. A bunch of witnesses. I've always believed in ghosts but that was the first time I had a personal experience that I could not explain away.