Noway2b1's Blog
Chat gpt Ai- has helped me tremendously in working through the mixed feelings I had about my narcissistic exes recent passing.
description of it:
Brenda & Frank are here to help you identify manipulation and gaslighting in conversations, providing detailed analysis and offering guidance on how to respond calmly and assertively.
Also, the ads on this site are out of control for me, I can barely navigate it any more, any solutions to that?
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Been a while. Same old and some new.
I'm pretty disengaged from all things step now. Haven't seen DHs ex in over 3 years maybe 4? .
I didn't go to any of the weddings or wedding showers. This was my choice. Partly because my name was not included on the wedding invites for either granddaughter. Nor was I personally invited to the showers. I received very last minute messages via Facebook regarding them. The first one I already had plans at the time it was held. The second, following the same pattern of a day or two before I chose not to even respond this time to the message.
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O/T credit card payments
So I decided to check our credit card balance. Our expenses are going down over all since my bio moved out and I just wanted to see what we spent Sept/Oct. DH and I have had an ongoing issue I don't quite get. I login to account and what do I see? well ytd finance charges are 350$ and that he chronically pays it late. Why? There's no reason why. So I sent him this ;
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Step kids update.
All quiet for the most part. For now it seems DH has turned the corner with them. I say "for now" because I recognize old patterns of 30 years or so are hard to break.
OSS: After trying repeatedly to connect with OSS (45) DH tells me:
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YSS and YSD will arrive in an hour. Or Four. Update!
"Around 3 pm. Give or take a few hours" glad we narrowed it down LOL.
*They do live locally, about 15-20 minutes away. OSD is not local but in town on business.
update: it's not at all. OSD is in town and YSS and YSD all went out to dinner together instead. Yeah really nice kids, really nice.
Best part of bio son moving out.
Is the very hard boundary I was able to set and get DH to agree to regarding his kids.
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One thing I’ve learned from ST
Is don't delete my account because things calm down. I did that once. I actually joined in 2019. Vented my heart out. Things calmed down and I thought eh I haven't even needed to vent in six months. Guess I'll delete so that all that venting isn't out there.
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Another wedding coming up. Taking bets.
Will my name as grandpas wife be included on the invite? Last time the invite was very specifically just for him, even used his grandpa nickname. Nope I didn't go. Won't likely be going to this one either due to an event conflict with my family. This is the granddaughter that gloated and mocked us over our Covid protocols then made fun of us when we got Covid the first time, literally the day after testing, not knowing if we would even be ok (grandpa has some health issues so this was especially offensive) so I've not felt particularly warm and fuzzy towards her ever since.
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Things I’ve begun saying to DH in the last year
Because grey rocking about his kids for two years didn't work and because I have a big mouth and feel compelled to say something lol.
"Well.... codependent dysfunction doesn't benefit anyone"
when he talks about how helpful/involved and over reaching his children are with each other.
"wow your family is very enmeshed"
"this is called triangulation"
"this is not a healthy reaction"
"it's not your job to fix your adult children's lives after their poor decision making"
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Really Step-DIL? And OSD?
Sooooo OSS wife sent out a group birthday text for my DH. It included BM and not me hahaha that tells me all I need to know. To DHs credit he started a new thread thanking her and specifically saying that he made a new thread that excluded BM and included me. F them. Oh and OSD sent DH and I her "favorite" pic of her dad, it was taken when he was dating the woman before me and they all were on vacation together LOL.
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