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O/T - Feel like an idiot

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

So turns out it is another month I am not pregnant. The reason I feel like an idiot is because I researched hot tub effects on women in early stages of pregnancy just to make sure I definitely wasn't before going into a hot tub. I did not even THINK to research if hot tubs effect men's ability to conceive and guess what. It definitely does. Apparently exposure to that sort of heat cuts down on men's sperm count a lot for several weeks to a couple of months. In April when we went away for a night DH went into the hot tub and then again on our cruise we went once or twice a day on our 7 night cruise. What idiots we are. Definitely enjoyed them and our honeymoon, but possibly could of set us back now months on trying to get pregnant. Only brightish side is if that is the case then it is highly likely that we will have a home before said baby is born, but who knows. I am kicking myself, but at the same time half do not regret it too. 


CastleJJ's picture

Oh hun, you are NOT an idiot. When it is your time to be pregnant, you will be. In the meantime, enjoy living your life; sit in hot tubs, drink the froofy alcoholic beverages and just enjoy being with DH. Your time will come and will all happen at the perfect time. Sending baby dust to you and DH! 

strugglingSM's picture

I think it's easy when you are not pregnant, but want to be, to think about every possible thing you're doing wrong and I also think that there are things that can create an optimal environment for fertility and those that can undermine it, I don't think you should beat yourself up. Just think of all the people who get pregnant accidentally and are probably not thinking about or avoiding any of these things. Just go forward being mindful and trying to be patient, because it can take more time than expected for some people.