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As it is the Season of Giving...

Nobratsallowed's picture

I thought that there may be those out there who don't know HOW to spoil a child. Since this seems to be 'de rigeur' when a child is born in this country, I found this online. If you have a friend or family member who isn't up to status quo and raising their child to be a Useless Member of Society, please give them the Gift of Knowledge. (Yes, I am being sarcastic; can't help it, it's in my blood). Wink


HOW TO SPOIL A CHILD IN 8 EASY STEPS (no pun intended)

Raising a bratty child isn't as hard as you think. Spoil your child from the very beginning and you'll soon find yourself joining the ranks of millions of parents who are embarrassed by children who throw temper tantrums in public places. Read on to learn more.

DIFFICULTY: Moderately Easy


Meet every little whim your child has no matter whether it's the best thing or not. Only occasionally say "No" so that your little darling can throw a tantrum and you can get a picture of how cute he looks thrashing around on the floor of the department store.

Ignore good behavior. Only give in to her demands if she throws a tantrum. Children need to learn that bratty behavior is the best way to get your attention, effort and time.

Buy your child lots of expensive gifts. Whenever he asks for something, immediately give it to him. It doesn't really matter if the object in question is appropriate for his age or useful. What matters is the accumulation of material objects.

Feed the child whatever she wants. For dinner, always ask what she wants you to cook, even if it's pizza every night. Candy also makes a great dessert.

Pick up after your child or just let his area of your home be messy. Spoiled children should never be expected to help around the house or do any kind of work. Also give him a huge allowance that he earns just by being adorable.

Ask "how high" when she says "jump." You were put on this world to cater to your child's every request without question. Drive her where she wants to go. See the movies she wants to see.

Never discipline your child, no matter how severe the misbehavior. You can mildly ask a child not to repeat the behavior, but expect him to ignore you since he knows that you won't actually stop him.

In all matters pertaining to your children, remember, they are in charge.


Nobratsallowed's picture

I'm sure the list is endless! In fact, there could be means and ways to spoil them that have yet to be discovered!