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Contact has been made, I called it, Christmas must be coming!!Warning...LONGGGGGGG!!!!!!!

Nightshade's picture

I have just been lurking for a while, no drama here because there has been ZERO contact with SD since last March. The last blog I wrote was about being invited to SD's house for Christmas dinner with her mother, grandparents, and aunt's family. We didn't go...DH didn't want to and I always have done Christmas at my house. And my 90 yr old Dad wasn't invited, nor was my son or his GF, my daughter and her BF were invited.Whatever.FF to end of January and we get together at my house for Christmas. As usual, I go way overboard and spend $$ on her, her DH, and the kids. I do believe it is the thought that couonts so I spend a lot of time and put a lot of thought into gifts.

She comes in and hands me a flat paper bag. There is a picture of the kids in it. Now, I LOVED it!!! But really, you couldn't go to Walmart and buy a $3 frame????You couldn't have put a freakin' bow on the bag???Writ TO and FROM..anything??? Then for my kids and their significant others, there were (1 for each couple)a small bag of M&M's(like in the supermarket checkout line)a trial size hand sanitizer, and 6 pieces of Andes mint candies, again, thrown in a paper bag. My kids who work, are in college, and pay all their own bills bought them much more thoughtful gifts than that!!!!!!These 2 are both professionals in their 30's.

I was mortified but kept my mouth shut. We ate and talked. I told her one of my best friends(who she supposedly really likes) had been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, my Dad was in the hospital with failing kidneys, and my friend's granddaughter had been born with a brain injury and didn't have long to live...among other things as we hadn't seen them in about 8 or 9 months(they had been invited to my dad's 90th bday party but never said yes or no, waited until an hour before and facebooked DH to tell him to say Happy Bday for them, they had plans...

Okay,we hear nothing else from them until March when we get FACEBOOKED with an EVENT for the kid's Bday party!!! Neither of their bdays is in March, it's just convenient for her. Keep in mind that I overnight mailed a gift in February to get to the kid ON his bday. 12 days later, I see her DH is on facebook and I ask, Did GS2 get his gift?? Oh yes, thank you and thanks for MY birthday card as well. I say you're welcome and end the conversation. She later facebooks a rude comment saying she hasn't had time to call and thank her dad. :jawdrop:

She still doesn't call and we tell them we cannot make the party. The other GS's bday comes and again we send a gift, again, no thank you, no call to say it was DH calls her. He tells her that she is very selfish and could have at least asked how my dad was or my friend or my friend's grandchild. She says, "You never take the kids overnight" He says, "We don't care about the quantity of gifts or the amt of $ spent, but you could have put some thought into it" She says "You don't take the kids..." well, you see where this is going. He ends the conversation with, The ball is in your court, we call you and you don't call back, you ignore nightshade and her family, we are always the afterthought...I love you and your family but I won't be treated like crap and I won't have you treat my wife and my family like crap.

There has been no contact since then.She blocked me and my kids on Facebook but DH says that she has been changing pics of the kids daily. I said she is waiting for a response from you. He does nothing. Last week, he gets a message..I hope YOU had a good Thanksgiving. He types, Yes, WE did.

Ah, the holidays. I called this last summer, I said she will ignore you, your calls, any contact..but come December(I was off a week)she will be trying to get back in, after all, Nightshade gives great gifts. Right honey, not this time!!How about you??? Any kids or skids that only know you around the holidays??


twopines's picture

SD26 is the same. They are so predictable, aren't they? The Twit thinks DH is too stupid to notice her game.

sixteensmom's picture

I could have written this! Same thing. Last year I got a $5 lotion from SD and SSIL. They opened all of their expensive gifts along with our other 5 kids and their SOs. They gave DH gifts and participated in our secret santa between the kids.(I got lotion) My kids each get DH a $50 or so gift every year. They've known this and watched this for 10 years and I got lotion. bitter much? lol. They attended dinner (didn't bring anything to contribute to the meal,) Opened gifts, then left. no thank yous, no hugs nothing. Still no thank you for letting them live here rent free all year...

Didn't hear from them for weeks. We took them to dinner just to get together in January. I didn't have much to say but I went along and was nice. Didn't hear from them for weeks. Called and took them to dinner for SSIL birthday. Trying to make some kind of effort to be a family. Didn't hear from them again. No acknowledgement of my major surgery or mothers day or fathers day or my birthday....

I take that back, the week after fathers day dh got a text that they were mad they weren't invited to fathers day dinner. he told them he didn't want them there. they never call or text, they never invited us to their house, they never call their grandparents who gave them $10k to buy their new house, so no, they weren't invited because he didn't want them there. sd responded she was still hurt from things I said. he told her so was I and she should grow up. and until she could behave and be respectful he didn't care if he ever heard from her again.

When MIL and FIL were here this summer they expected to stay at sd and ssil house that they helped pay for, for a couple days, or at least be invited to dinner. nothing. sd and ssil came to our house for 20 minutes to visit. didn't speak to me, didn't help prepare dinner or clean up. mil and fil were so disgusted by them. they told us they didn't care if they never saw them again. there was a huge drama after sd left as mil saw the belated fathers day card sd brought for dh and was so upset by it. i said something youngest ss overheard (he's 20.)

he told dh and oldest ss (23) what i said and DH was pissed AT ME AND MIL. I called them all out. sat all three MEN down and told them everything i felt about sd and why i felt that way and how ungrateful and bratty she has been. none of them have ever appreciated what i've done for them at all and i let them all have it. dh too for jumping on me about this. i just let loose. I told them everything i ever said about her and what instigated it. asked if they knew everything i'd done for them and how i felt that they never said thank you or had any idea how hurtful they've all been to me, and if they didn't know after ten years i say what i think and i think giving dh the card she got was the bitchiest thing i'd ever seen.

MIL and FIL were so upset this confrontation with the boys happened after sd and ssil left. Sd has been taken out of both dh and fil wills and estates. anything that used to be pledged to her has been reassigned to step sons.

Thanksgiving I decide ONE MORE TIME I will try and then THAT IS IT. I tell dh he has to text her and see if they're coming for christmas and if they're participating in secret santa exchage with others. he texted. they said yes.

Nightshade's picture

Sorry you are all going through the same thing. It sucks. But, I know I have tried to I left the mess without any guilt. SD is a self-centered, ignorant, stuck up bitch. All of my friends tried to like her...none could.The only time I ever saw this brat truly happy was on her wedding day, she was the center of attention and was finally after 8 years getting what she wanted. Although even on this day she bitched at the waitstaff because she had a private room for the wedding party with bottles of water and soda and cheese and crackers, chocolate dipped fruit, etc. This was between the ceremony and the pictures and reception, so people were starving...a few of the older guests thought it was for everyone and went in. The bitch flipped her shit!!! And then the following day she called the florist and demanded some money back because the CENTERS of 3 of the flowers in each table arrangement were the wrong color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Who the hell notices this crap???There had to be 12 flowers in each vase and they were beautiful!!I've realized that it isn't me, she's just a bitch that will never be happy because there is never enough for her. I LMAO when her DH told me that sometimes he can't stand to be in the same house with her, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to him!!Better you than me buddy!I'm done.

Nightshade's picture

Oh, forgot to add...Sixteensmom..a few years back SD graced us with her presence for Christmas..she brings my friend(the one who had cancer, she is fine now, Thank God)and my cousin a large Yankee Candle jar..and she gives me a candle holder from Dollar Tree....Kept the sticker on it and in the original box so I would see it. I thanked her profusely..ruined her little show..what an asshole.

buttercookie's picture

OMG too funny my daughter did the same thing, Haven't talked to her since last january when she blocked me on Facebook and yesterday all the sudden I get a friend request, Do these people think we are that stupid we don't see their contact as a "gift grab" and come Dec 26 we go back to nothing? I'm sorry your dealing with this but I know I'm not alone anymore.