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These BM's are CRAZY!!!!!

Newstep's picture

I know why state the obvious right. }:) }:)

Yesterday SO had a last minute trip planned with his buddies it happened to be on his week with SD. He really wanted to go. So he made his plans I told him to make plans for SD15 because I was not to going to be stuck home all day with her. I'm barely starting to like being around her after all the crap she pulls. She lies makes up stories and I don't trust her. So I will not be responsible for her or take her anywhere or be alone with her. But that's a whole bother blog lol

So anyways he is trying to figure it out when he gets a text from BM that she would like SD on Sunday due to it being her bday. SO was happy problem solved she goes to her moms he goes on her trip everyone is happy. So he texts her back I'm leaving early in the morning so would you like me to drop her off early like 5:45 am or have her spend the night ? She responds yes fine spend the night. So it's all good he drops her at like 8:30 says bye see ya next week. He will be gone all day home late Sunday so she will just start the week with BM. Normally BM is agreeable to this. She must have been bored yesterday.

He gets home around 8:00 pm and has about 20 messages both text and voice. He was out of cell range all day until around 6:00 pm. First ones are about when is he picking up SD?? What time are you picking her up? She wants to go home. She misses you she wanted to spend her last day with you. Really??

Then the insults about what a POS he is for making plans on his week that don't include her. He could have taken SD with him (on a guys trip) he better never do this again. Her birthday is ruined. He couldn't even say happy birthday to her or get her a card he's a bastard ass hole who picks his Newstep over his kids.

Just crazy after crazy he never responded to them they all took place from around 9:00 to 3:00 pm. So he gives her what she wants and she still goes bat shit crazy on him. I guarantee he would have gotten the same level of craziness if he would have said no she can't go to your house we are busy. No winning with crazy!!!!


herewegoagain's picture

Never ANY winning with crazy. They are FREE to take time away from our DH with their kids and see it as "good", but as soon as the DH wants to give them time or needs time for something, he's an whole for giving up time with the skid.

tiny kitten's picture

What a PITA. Is she like my SD7's BM? She once said she didn't want to have my SD on her (BM's) birthday because she "couldn't have fun with her around." Which is weird, because she didn't think anyone should celebrate SD's birthday. Or even her birth. Whackjob.

Also, they're not together anymore!!! He doesn't need to wish her a happy birthday, and certainly doesn't need to buy her a card.

I think he should save those texts and voice messages. You never know when they'll come in handy. No point replying, though.

Newstep's picture

Oh yeah!!! I'm betting most of the vitriol was fueled by SD who was pissy because she wanted to go with Daaaaaady!!!! So she plays BM like a fiddle and she unleashes her crazy. SD could put BM to shame with her evilness and scheming and lying but she did learn from the master of evil herself BM.

SharkHugs's picture

Wow how lovely for you to have to deal with. Sounds like our BM when SS17 doesn’t get included in something. Like when BM bitched us out because he didn’t “get” to join the church music team. Well, first of all he doesn’t sing OR play an instrument. Secondly, he has no rhythm or musical talent. Thirdly, he never expressed an interest to us in wanting to join, only to complain to BM that we weren’t including him. And fourthly, he’s only there EOWE so he wouldn’t be at any practices and only half of the Sundays.