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BM called today

Nemo's picture

And said that SO is to take SD EVERY weekend and one day during the week. If he doesn't like it then she will see him in court.and that he has to pay her 100 dollars a week. She also said that, SD said I control SO and that she doesn't want me around her daughter. HAHA! Like she has a choice in the matter. I'm here to stay BM!

UGH I don't really know what to do anymore with her.

Last night, BM called crying AGAIN and said that she went to the doctor and they said she can't handle all the stress that SD is causing her and she could loose her baby, that SO needs to take her more. They already have 50/50!. AND THEN she called this morning and said that she is going to keep her all week... Uh lady, make up your damn mine


caya506's picture

I completely feel your frustration here. My BM is pulling the same crap. Wanting BF to take SS more, which would give him 50/50, but then saying she wants to keep SS the week BF is suppose to have him. Do you guys want to have SD more? If you do and BM is going to continually ask you guys to take her more than the 50/50 then maybe you should try and get primary custody. Otherwise tell her that you will be sticking to the schedule.