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mrsparks's picture

Ok.. we haven't officially been to court yet, due to the paperwork mix up and BM never getting the original paperwork.

BM's phone is still cut off going on week 3-

DH has been paying child support out of pocket, he was working 2 jobs but is now down to one on his own accord and they were originally taking it out of job#2 that he no longer works.

Today we get paperwork from CSEA saying that they are going to start taking it out of his job #1 checks now and that they are requesting that he cover SS fully for medical coverage.

We were going to wait until court for a modification to CS as we were going to try to get SS all summer,every weekend or full custody- pay for daycare and his expenses during that time and with DH now working only the one job as well..

DH was not behind in his support and I'm sure this was all BM's spite. She has covered SS 100% on her government medical since birth so I think that part of the paperwork we rec'd was just a malicious act by BM for DH to pay more, as she knows it will come out of his pocket..

It's not that DH minds paying the medical or anything else, as he was already paying support, it's just that the way it's being done is insane-

Anyone have any advice on this one?


mrsparks's picture

We are all over it :o)
I gave him strict instructions on finding out the additional cost
DH was added to my insurance when we got married, I was going to have him drop his insurance, as it was the exact same insurance as my company provides, but now with the papers that came yesterday, HE will have to carry insurance for SS through his job.. and can no longer drop and I will not be able to add SS to my insurance from what I understand, it has to be SS that holds his insurance..