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Translation needed from someone legal savvy

MrsL920's picture

So DH went to court this week and and order was entered to grant DH sole custody and suspend BMs visitation.... that's where my question comes in... the order says "the defendants rights of visitation are suspended with prejudice to her right to file a motion to request it"... help! I get visitation is suspended but what does the rest mean....


Rags's picture

I believe it means that she can petitition for reinstatement of visitation though the court will hold prejudice against that petition.

I am no legal scholar but that is how I would interpret it.

anita...sigh's picture

What it means is:

When something legal is marked "Without Prejudice" it means that anything suggested/mediated, etc. can't be used in Court, but when something is "With Prejudice" it means that it can still be used against or for her in the future.