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The dreaded event is upon us…

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Hey there Stepers! It’s been a stretch since I peeked in on every body (I got a minor promotion at work that has put a MAJOR cramp in my interweb viewing time!) but I do still follow everyone’s adventures and am always sending my thoughts and strength to you all! *hugs*

A while back I posted some worry over our BM’s (Mother Russia) mother flying in for the holidays from Moscow (I really don’t know what part of Russia they’re from, but Moscow sounds scary enough for the occasion). A very brief history here… Grandmother Russia raised her daughter to be a U.S.$ machine. She drove her into the ground with education, shipped her to one of the best school’s in the states for college and basically gave her one command: “Make monies to fly me to America and take care of me forever”. Period.

Well her cash cow went and did the unthinkable… got pregnant by a “filthy American” (her words). Her advice to her frightened daughter… abort. (nice huh?)

Well… she went against the family’s wishes and married the American Scum and had the baby. After a brief “cooling down” period (and a year of Mother Russia and my husband sending hundreds of dollars back to Mama in Russia) she flew to the states to meet her grandchild… it went horribly… resulting in my husband forcibly having her flown back to Russia.

Fast forward a few years… and Mother Russia gets knocked up AGAIN by the American Scum. Her mother’s advice again… abort. Because, ya see, every child born is another road block in the way of her getting her hands on her daughters “monies”. Instead of seeing her “grandchildren” this monster sees little obstacles. And it makes me want to puke… there are so many stories about this evil woman and her daughters history I could fill a book. But the long and short of it is she’s horrifically emotionally abusive. And I don’t trust her around those kids as far as I could throw her (which would be back to the USSR).

Ever since the divorce Mother Russia has been very lonely… and this weasel mother of hers has finally gotten back in her daughters “good graces” and she flew her in for TWO MONTHS!!!! The plane landed last night at 11:00… and I’ve been nauseous ever since. How the hell am I going to relax with this woman being around the boys for two flipping months?!?!? And she has them for Christmas… from Christmas Eve till after New Years to be exact… DH is going to be completely inconsolable… his family back home is completely inconsolable… and I’m ready to crawl the walls with worry… any advice would be appreciated.

Love and Good wishes to you all…


Moon Child Step Mom's picture

I keep thinking about that book “Flowers in The Attic”… if there are ANY cookies being made by the old hammer & sickle I’m gonna shove em down her evil gullet.

Seriously… she’s pure evil.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Thank you so much… she really is a problem. We’re trying to keep a bubble of positive thoughts around them (while keeping our guards WAY up!). I’m just hoping the next two months go by really quickly… I can’t believe she actually made it into the country! (where’s homeland security when you REALLY need them?!?)

RaeRae's picture

There are plenty of issues with my exH and homeland security. Don't put any hope in them!

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

*laughs* believe me... I don't! This woman hid illegally in the country for years yet they keep letting her back in... go figure.

The absolute crap of it is, DH has put on his rose tinted glasses and keeps saying things like, “She’s just going to melt when she meets SS3!” and I have to gag a little… the woman hasn’t ONCE asked to see a photo of this kid or speak to him on the phone since the day he was born. Neither of the children in fact… she only calls her daughter at work when she knows for a fact that the kids aren’t around… and what is KILLING me… Mother Russia is making the boys call this woman they’ve never met or spoken to “Grandmother”.


That’s no grandmother I’ve ever heard of… that’s an unfortunate blood relation.

ddakan's picture

Gag....this hag is good at getting. They all are. Freakin hoe. She'll be a bitch and ruin the trip and the daughter will be sorry she even considered a relationship.

Our BM lives 45 minutes away. I wish we could ship her nasty ass off to Russia.