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mommy in need's Blog

A corner Day another Drama

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I really an shocked to see how far a woman would go to seek attention from others. My DH crazy ex has opted to undergo the most difficult surgery to fix a back issue that could be resolved by yoga or plain stretching. All for attention and let's not forget the most important reason to get the summer off. So then when there is complications due to the fact that she is non- compliant with the MD's orders and also doesn't revile in PAT the she has a hematology problem she is right back in the Hospital two weeks post-op. LOL

Normal finally!

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We finally had a true holiday with out the step kids! What a relief. No drama from their Adoptive mother and no drama at my home. Why can it be this way always? It has been since March since they have been to our home. It heads been wonderful! I love not having them here and there is little or no fighting with our kids. It's really been peaceful. However, I do feel bad for my husband. I know he would like them here but it is just way too many issues when they show up.

I feel bad that I am happy.

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Should I feel bad that I am happy that I do not have to endure another weekend of crazy with a K. My family finds ourselves with out the stepchildren again. It is a relief. Which means no 2 am calls from their mother, waking everyone up because of another fake emergency. No text messages to the stepchildren to have them take pictures of themselves before they leave our home to rides bikes. No threats from their mom about how their hair is done or lack of style to their hair. There will be no complaining that the clothing that they are wearing doesn't meet her standards.

The Big Lie

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So I need some advise. I am a step-mom a twin girls who are ten. My husband and I have one child together and I have two with my ex-husband. My children all call my husband Dad because my ex has been non existent in there life since they were babies. So here is the problem. My husbands ex-wife has a spending and lying issue. She has spent more money in the past 6 years than most people earn in 12. She has had her home foreclosed on, moved in and out with boyfriends and now is not working yet again.