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Summer Update

momjeans's picture

This summer has been rough, as you can tell by all the recent blog entries. With that said, I’ve managed to put more than usual distance between me and skid this summer. I’ve reached a point where I’m hyper aware to not allow myself to getting duped into “hanging out” with skid because “She’s older now; she’ll be helpful. It will give you a break!” nonsense. 

Um, no, she’s not helpful. She also never shuts the heck up. Ever. 

I mananged to dodge, or otherwise be busy and gone with the kids, for the last two weeks, avoiding skid altogether. When skid is around, the in-laws are never far behind, ready to pounce on anyone who dares to make poor COD skid feel anything other than 100% the bestest and most adored of all.

When she was over the other night, she barged in on our two youngest bathing in the tub. It made them want to get out to visit, not even 5 minutes into it. No regard, just barged in basically all “Hiiiiiiii! Did you miss ME!?” to a 3 and 4 year old. I wanted to say something, but no, “She’s just a child, momjeans.”

While I’m trying to dry off and put jammies on two littles, skid proceeds to tell me about her trip to the zoo; how all the wildcats looked directly at her and roared; how her baby brother is now 3 months old; that when she gets home, she’ll be getting braces right away (this is the first we’ve heard of this. whatever); some irrelevant nonsense about her BFF back in her home city. Just on and on and on. She is constantly inserting herself in adult conversations. She thinks she’s incredibly funny with her random clapbacks. No one corrects her. No one says a word. I, on the other hand, sit there with a smile on my face, internally screaming. 

I thought I’d never see the day where I cringe at the thought of having to be in the same room as skid, but I’m pretty sure that’s where I’m at. Skid is entitled and mouthy. She’s loud, she’s an “airhead” and plays it like it’s some sort of cuteness pass. Always inserting her opinion where it’s not needed. She’s materialistic and immature. She’s almost 12, so I’m hoping for full disengagement by next summer.


Maxwell09's picture

Yikes. And while I love to blame GUBM's for a lot of things, I do think the ditzy, "airhead" personality is in every single kids's tv show out there. It is extremely difficult to sit through that. Why can't they have model characters for children who don't pretend to be dumber than they are or teach obnoxious quirks to our children at home who think "this is what is means to be cute." The dramatics? The preteen attitude? The "language" they use but don't understand the meaning of....I am not ready for this. I usually am very grateful my skid is a boy and only 7, but he has a flare for the dramatics that has made me swear off having a girl of my own.