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UPdate to SS30 trying to facebook friend me

MidwestMrs's picture

I told DH this weekend what was going on and showed him the messages from SS30 (never deletd the ones from his other accounts). DH agrred that me ignoring and blocking SS was the perfect thing to do BUT....

Then DH was concered about what kind of things SS30 is saying to SS15. Even tho SS15 isn't on much, So we sat down with SS15 and well the truth came out. SS15 hasn't been on facebook becasue...he is AVOIDING SS30!!!!! DH ask him why so SS15 logged on and showed us the messaages SS30 is sending him.

That assh0le is trying to poison SS15 against DH, telling SS15 how much he (SS30) hates DH and all the "SHIT" that DH did wrong and why DH is "going to hell" and how he wants to "punch DH in the head". DH asked SS15 why he didn't block SS30. SS15 said "Becasue hes my brother. But Dad I can't stand him. He's a real jerk. I don't wanna talk to him."

DH told him it was fine for him to not want to talk to someone who is so hateful. "Dad would you be okay with it if I block him?" Yahoo

So!!!! SS15 now has SS30 blocked. IF SS15 decides when he is 18+ that he wants to know his half bother than he can try to contact thim then. We're waiting for SS30 to call/text DH and spew hate about him "making" SS15 block him.......

Thank you everyone for your suggestions!!!!!!


MidwestMrs's picture

Yes!! We also had SS15 block the accounts SS30 made to try to contact/friend ME. And we won't be shocked if SS30 makes more accounts to try to get hold of SS15 (or me). BUt now SS15 will block anything coming from SS30. Thank goodness!

WarMachine13's picture

Damn. Send SS30 some brochures for psychiatric wards. Somehing real wrong with that dude.