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Ss annoying me

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I'm very irritable right now. BS 6 weeks is colic and won't let me have a second to myself. Only time I get a minute is in the shower with the fan on.

Well this past weekend started skid summer visitation, 3 weeks, and SS12.5 is annoying me with petty stuff.

We go out to eat tonight, ss thinks he can order a soda. Nope nope, not until you learn how to brush your teeth. He never brushes at BMs and this results in his extremely stained teeth. Make me upset, I had crooked teeth as a child and would have done anything for his straight teeth - take care of them.

Had to tell him 3 times to get pjs on and go to bed - result in loss of TV for the night

Caught him playing his DS in bed - loss of video games tomorrow.

Why won't he listen!


hereiam's picture


I don't know where you are but I am in the Midwest, also, and I wish I could come and give you a break!

Midwest Stepmom's picture

Dh works all day. When he is home he is not really the authoritative parent, I am. I would live by "not my kid, not my problem", but dh and I share expenses and accounts.