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MammyO’Hara's Blog

I don’t want to do this today.

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This is just absolute emotional vomit. 

I'm tired. I have a 15 hour day tomorrow. After a long day today and coming home spending an hour cleaning up after the boys. Then cooking dinner. Getting the kid to bed. Who WONT GO TO SLEEP. And SO won't be home until midnight. 

I'm still recovering from a major shoulder surgery, the winter weather is killing me. I don't want to be responsible for a child. I want to take a sleeping pill and go to bed. 

You’re right, I’m not his mom...

MammyO’Hara's picture

"You aren't a parent, so you wouldn't understand..." 

"Try all you want, you'll never be his mom, you're an outsider..." 

You're right. You're damn right. I'm not his mom. I'm not even A MOM. 

I never got to feel the "magic" of a tiny human growing and moving around in my body. 

I never got to experience the "miracle" of giving birth. 

BM made no appearance for holidays

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So, SS(11) didn't hear from his mother over thanksgiving or his birthday in early December. She did call in the midst of a tantrum last weekend, to brag about the new car she got, and the "fancy brand" of car it he gives a crap about her BMW while he's crying over being abandoned. So I held out hope that she would call or show over Christmas. Nothing. NOTHING. SO said, "we'll, you should just go ahead and adopt him," since it appears BM isn't coming back around. 

Holidays are rough...

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First time posting. Thought I'd try this because I don't know anyone in even a remotely similar situation. All these women give me advice, but they are actual mothers.  We have my boyfriend's special needs son full time. His mother is a drug addict.