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New to all of this...

Lvl85Stepmom's picture

New to the whole idea that theres a community of people going thru the same crap I am. It make days like today a bit easier. I figued I'd post a note from my FB that is ment for BM so that ya'll could get a bit caught up on whats going on before I post more. Sry... its long. And I took out some names, Probibly forgot a few :?

Here it is, out in the open. I know you seem to think I was cause for your marriage fail but close you eyes and think back to all those moments many years ago. It was over in 2004. If you read his blog he wrote back then (that is still available online) you would have known. He changed everything about himself, his true morals, his religious views, his likes, everything, to save that marriage and inevitably it wasn’t enough for you and he couldn’t fake being a Stepford Husband anymore.

That said I am honestly amused by your harassing text messages to (DH). You know what you did and said to sour any chance of us having a decent co-parenting relationship. I spoke my feelings without slandering you publicly. My friends chimed in with their feelings about you. (BTW since your BLOCKED from my FB, who did you bribe to get on theirs so you can check up on me? ) You however LOVE to slander myself and my family at any given chance. I particularly loved the text where you re-canted what you said about Carly. I reference the Protection from Harassment order I had you served with April 28th 2010. I also reference the 3 incidences summarized in said order.

April 28th 2010: You attempted to have me arrested for kidnapping (SS) from daycare. Your attempt failed cause I had authorized paperwork from the attorney saying that because I was listed as (Dh)s alt I could pick up the kids. Officer Caron of the Sanford PD verified this and helped me file the above complaint.

April 23rd 2010: You were caught on camera at Wal*Mart talking loudly to an associate (Whom I could name but I like her and she’s never caused drama) about (DH) negatively and the divorce. During the conversation you were quoted to have said “I hope that her fucking bastard child dies. I want (DH) to be fucking miserable.” You then were heard saying that you plan to stress me out so I will miscarry. Management was notified by concerned associates and since you were in the ladies dept when it happened all of the conversation was recorded on security cameras. I was then called by management to come to the store and review what had be said. I sat in Asset Protection with store manager Bill and several others and saw said footage. Sanford PD has a copy of this video.

January 14th 2010: You conspired on FB with another manager in my store to have me fired. Previously excused absences were changed to look like I had un-excused absences. I was terminated. When Maine Unemployment contacted me to figure out why a good employee was fired I told them. They (Maine Unemployment Bureau) launched an investigation that lead to the truth of my absences being changed and since I presented them with the exact FB message you had sent to the other manager MUB fined Wal*Mart and gave me full bennies. Also is the stipulation that should I desire to go back to WM I must be given back a Dept Manager position.

Those are the three incidences referenced on the PFH order you were served with. We went to court in May and upon further discussion with MY attorney, not (DH)’s (contrary to what you though) I had the case dismissed without prejudice.

Now since you’re not an attorney nor have one and I am a law student Ill explain. I (the Plaintiff) dismissed prejudice (loss or damages) so that in the event of a future case involving the same issues from current case I could use past evidence. MEANING… You harass me or my children in any shape or form and I can and will take you back to court and use the three above incidences against you.

All three have full evidence, video, written and verbal testimony if you so want to travel that route. I however do not. I have tediously labored with my three step children to help them get over the mess of divorce that you created. I can gladly post (DH)’s several written statements to the police about your dirty laundry and all that happened and scan the actual documents to my pics folder for all to view, however I don’t think that would solve anything and actually just make you out to be a shrew because everyone would see how much you lied about. So lets avoid that route shall we?

NOW… addressing the weekends event. I graciously informed you of (SS) and what was going on. Keeping a parent in the dark about ER visits is wrong. (Future reference for you. Let us know when it happens, not a week later.) You came in to the hospital shortly after and that was good. What caused issues is that you did not allow me to go back to the room and check on (SS). You also rudely took over the admit process from (DH). He brought (SS) to the hospital and he was fully handling the situation without leaving you out. You however left all of his information out of admitting records despite the current custody order. Later at MMC we changed the records to reflect that (DH) had 50/50 and to list his phone and info incase of emergency, not just yours, since you knowingly and willingly left that out. After hearing how rude you were with (DH) and staff and given the hour I was reluctant to go back and see (SS) while you were in and hogging the room. But I did. Granted he was exhausted and watching TV and thus not talkative I still showed him that I wont disregard his situation over the fact that you were hovering in the room. He is recovering and I would leave it at that but I do have to speak up about my distain for you parading him about WM yesterday for all to see when he should have been home resting. You didn’t need to bring him out. Your mom or Barry could have watched him while you got his prescription. That said…

Your rude and foul text to (DH) about being the one and only mom to those kids. I will attempt to put this as nicely as possible. You are their mom. Yes. No one can ever take that away. And I am glad that the kids have the opportunity to have so many people care and love them. However, your actions over the last year have left a lot to be desired. Your poor choices not only affect the kids but your mom, the boys and your brother. Given the vast amount of money you had at the start of last year which was calculated to be able to support the house for 6 months you should have made better financial choices to avoid the current problem, not to mention the ridiculous and contested amount of child support you get weekly should cover all bills save the mortgage.

This is where I the step mom come in. At your poor choices. I have to quiet the fears of three kids who worry about Grammy and Trigger and everyone else when the bank locks you out for good. (They hear every argument and comment you make and your 90 days to vacate is almost up) That’s just the tip of the ice berg. I have weekly parent teacher meeting to prevent (SD9) from staying back because she skips class (nurses 3 times a day) and doesn’t do her work at kids club. I have her tutored so she will not stay back. I make her read age appropriate material, not teeny bopper magazines and books for (SD4). I refuse to allow her to fail at school or life. I know she is better than that and I expect her to live up to her potential.

(SS) is a great student and kid. He’s just like (DH) was when he was little. Very quiet and imaginative. He worries about what you did to his dad and over last summer became vocal about it. As with all the kids and if they bring those things up I say “Momma had a hard time and couldn’t express her feelings appropriately. But that’s over now.” We have a strict no (BM) bashing policy. (Cousin)can attest to that as I’ve had to ask him to keep his opinions to himself a few times.

(SD4) is four and usually oblivious to what’s going on with you and (DH) thankfully. What bothers me is she talks more highly of Carol than you. Its “Kiki took me here and Kiki bought me that” no mention of you. So I have to reinforce that you are busy with work and that she needs to ask you to make special (SD) time. I don’t dare tell those kids the truth as we see it. I know that you have it in you to be a better parent to all three and stop your sick hate of (DH). It brings unnecessary drama into their lives when all they hear (and see you text and message) is how much you hate their dad and step mom. I am not trying to replace you at all as their mom, never crossed my mind nor would I allow the assumption to be furthered, but you need to understand that your staging all the drama has left holes in parenting that I step in to mend in order to keep those kids whole.

As for my observations of the past year. Some quick things for you. I’m flattered that you (apparently so) tried to be more like me. Radical physical change in body appearance and clothing and change in your likes. Just putting this out there. I hate Twilight the movies. I liked the books but the movies sucked. I do love vampires but its zombies that capture my horror heart. I have for my entire life thanks to my dad listened to industrial and goth metal. I know for a fact that you hate Type O cause of Peter Steels voice. Also, I am professionally trained by Laliberte Driving to drive the way I sometimes do when goofing around or when racing. I do not recommend trying to copy this without the proper vehicle to do it in and without training. Again, I’m flattered. But really the only alts this world needs of me are the ones on my Warcraft account.


mae fender's picture

Welcome...sounds like one heck of a situation.

Just wanted to let you know that people are crazy. Not that you needed a reminder, but do not let your guard down. I would hide any identifying information about yourself as you can be tracked DO NOT want this to happen. trust me.

one of our sTalkers was recently identified by her BM and others, and it was terrible. I don't want this to happen to you.

Lvl85Stepmom's picture

Thanks. I posted that a few weeks ago when shit hit the fan. BMs blocked from my FB but a couple of her friends can see it. This was after 1 1/2 of saying nothing at all. No FB, emails or text out of me. Then she posted how shes queen bitch and DH and my new baby is ugly. I lost it and that huge note was the end result. She read that and go sooooo bent out of shape she had to call out work. }:)