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Just another vent of the same frustration.

LRP75's picture

"You didn't ASK me to make time to talk to you tonight. I can't read your mind."

So I call you, tell you that if we can't pay off the $600 on my student account by August 23rd, I won't graduate, get a copy of my transcripts, or even a letter from the Univ. stating that I have completed all graduation requirements. You blow me off and tell me, "we'll talk about it later." Then, "later" comes and you tell me that you didn't make the time because I didn't ASK you to make the time?"



I can't believe I blew up in front of SS.


Why didn't I just stay in bed??


stepintexas's picture

What a dick. No you do not have to "ask" him to be an involved participant in the relationship. That is nuts. I'm sorry he is being that way. :?

ImpishTendencies's picture

I'm sure SS was fine. Don't feel bad, you are HUMAN. You can't be perfect and under those circumstances, you should focus on being PROUD that you didn't scream up a storm.

I also think SS's "fear" was a front to get more attention from Dumb Husband. SS must be the smartest preschooler, oops I mean preteen ever.