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Summer Blues Cont.

loveandfitness's picture

So SS12 is finally here for the summer.
This is how it's been so far:
1. DH swore he would file in court once he had him, but has yet to do so. He's the worst procrastinator in the universe. Either that or he doesn't want to deal with it, which is probably also the case.
2. SS woke up to a wet bed after swearing he didn't do it anymore and refusing good nights. He at least does his own laundry now. Thank goodness I had the foresight to put a vinyl cover on the mattress.
3. SS rarely says anything to me or looks at me. I can say good morning and I get a grunt in return if DH is not around. If he is around, I get a begrudged "good morning" with no eye contact.
4. We have a specific summer rules plan that all of my kids follow.
It's a list of things to do before they get screen time. Things like brushing teeth, making beds, cleaning rooms, doing assigned chores, playing outside, reading and writing/coloring.
BD2 colors a picture.
BS6 has a coloring journal where he draws a picture and writes a paragraph to go with it in a composition book.
SS12 goes to his room and 'writes in his journal' on his iPad and refuses to let anyone read it. I'm against this as I don't believe he is actually writing and if he is it's probably nothing productive or possibly a bashing session. DH lets him as long as he is writing and won't disrupt his privacy by even looking at it. Technically this is screen time and I don't approve and suggested something else, but it's not my battle.
5. Already it's "SS for the nth time don't do this/do that." It's only been three days.
6. When DH and I are together he does this thing where he starts a sentence, catches himself and then plays dumb.
Example: SS is walking around aimlessly in and out of the house.
DH: "SS what are you doing?"
SS:"Mumble mumble, er um, yeah, I mean um I'm just going to my room."
DH:"Okay. If you're done playing outside please pick up your toys."
SS:"I mean, uh yeah.... I, I didn't mean to."
Me:"... you didn't mean to go to your room?"
SS:"No, I mean I uh, yeah. No."
DH:"... ... Okay. Please pick up the toys."
SS:"Ugh. k."



Acratopotes's picture

and to add to SuperJew - ignore the little snot, if he does not greet who cares....

let him walk around like a lost soul - leave the parenting up to DH..... shut down the internet, SS can journal when ever his teeth are brushed, hair washed and room spic an span clean.... bed made and all....
oh his laundry needs to be sorted as well seeing he pees in his bed...