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My kids get puzzles, his get a Kindle Fire. Sweet!

Love Them But...'s picture

Can't wait to see the look on my kids faces when they see their stepsister open her brand new Kindle Fire my husband bought her on Christmas morning after they open puzzles and socks and boardgames he bought them (which I think are fine presents for a child). I hope he spoils her so bad she makes his life hell. His fault!!!


Lauren1438's picture

how old is your SD.

most teenagers I know dont read that much so the the point is a kendle. That is stupid not to mention would she even take care of it. I hope your kids give him a hard time. Equal presents for children how is a blended family supposed to work. The "golden child" rises above the rest it is going to cause resentment.

Lauren1438's picture

That is Bull S#!+. A 10 year old does not need that. It has internet access and preteen girls love to get on chat sites...what is your SO thinking. has he thought about Face leads to trouble, cyber bulling, stalkers, kids dont know not to put personal info out on line and they get into trouble. My cousin was raped when she was 16 because she posted her work times and photos of her as well as pictures of her car. HELLO WALKING TARGET!!! That happened last year and they caught the guy. It turned out she added him as a friend.

I am sorry but your SO is an Idiot and I want to scream at him right now...she is 10!!!!

imjustthemaid's picture

I am glad I read your post because SD is 15 and DH has blocked her from the internet altogether in our house because she kept posting where she went to school, our address, her cell phone # and he had a fit and told her something bad is gonna happen to her.

She says she is the only one is school with no internet. Then we find out she opened a facebook acct under a fake name and guess what-all her personal info is on there again!!

Lauren1438's picture

I hope nothing happens to her. My cousin learned the hard way about how dangerous it is. There are also cases when people will post about leaving for vacation and when they get back their home has been cleared out. It is bad. All I can say is try and scare her straight. find stories and show them to her.

AliceP's picture

I OK'd going all out for his daughters because mine are young enough not to care, where as his think the world owes them but in the long run it will bite everyone in the ass.

stepgin's picture

What an asshole! This is where I'd be tempted to get my kids an x-box 360 to share and his kid some crayons. Smile
I remember the Christmas I was 14 and my SS and I both wanted one of those swede coats with the fringe all down the sleeves and across the shoulders. Yes, it was the 70s!!! Anyway, she got the real deal and I got a cheap fake leather knock off from my stepmother. I never wore it and was always borrowing SSs coat when she would let me. My SM confronted me and I remember yelling about how unfair it was since that was the only thing I asked for. She couldn't even respond. Miserable Christmas...

Love Them But...'s picture

ya she is 10 years old. as if she is really going to use it to read novels anyway. pretty sure he is spending $200.00 so she can play Angry Birds. Lame.

really wish i had the money to get my kids something badass. i make way less than he does.

stepgin's picture

I have a friend that owns a pawn shop and you can get FABULOUS deals on electronics there. And they do layaway. I think I would skip buying anything for DH and spend the money on the kids. Smile Just saying!

Love Them But...'s picture

I just feel bad for my kids because my husband knows that their dad is a piece of crap who isn't going to buy them a damn thing. Is is as if he tries to impress his daughter or something...I honestly think he wants her to favor him over his ex. Idk...I am gonna hit up the pawn shops and try to come up with something amazing for my kiddos so they don't feel like poo on xmas morning...even though games and puzzles are awesome and they should appreciate it! Great...let the competition immature!!!

NCMilGal's picture

But a plain Kindle is $79 - a Kindle Fire is $200.

If she wants to read, the cheapest one is plenty.

BM wants us to buy SD15 a Kindle Fire or some stupid huge GB iPod Touch. Once BM realizes they both have essentially unlimited internet access, she'll take them away for good, so why should we spend the money?

We'll get her the cheapest Kindle out there, and hope that BM is too stupid to realize it has a basic web browser. (that you can't really use for anything intensive like FB)

stepgin's picture

I liked to read at that age too but I don't think that's the point here. The real point is the unfairness of buying the one kid the hot new (expensive) gift for this year and getting the other kids after thought cheap gifts. When Christmas morning comes, trust me, all of the kids will know where their place is in this blended family. Very sad.

Disneyfan's picture

DF and I do not buy gifts for each others kids. I buy for my kids and he takes care of his. That way we don't have to worry about keeping things fair.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

I know how that is. Last year I bought ALL my kids gifts AND the Skids gifts as well except for 2 purchases my SO made on Nintendo DSXL's for his kids. I thought it was ridiculous and the bill was more then 400.00. I even suggested him buy them used because his kids are just not careful with things, they don't appreciate stuff like that and if they aren't getting their way I feared they would chuck them and break them. He still insisted to buy them brand new, whatevs. Yes they've been dropped, yes they've been rough with them and yes they've been thrown in fits of rage when they aren't getting their way just as I suspected. Hell his daughter hasn't even really got to play hers too much because anytime his kids act up it's the first thing to be taken away, and she acts up A.L.O.T. I asked him if he was spending hundreds on them again this year for elaborate gifts, he said NO. We shall see.

mystiery's picture

I am sorry that your kids have to go through this at Christmas, however you have me thinking of looking into a kindel for my ss8 (the basic one). Before I get flamed for this response, my ss8 reads more than we can keep him supplied, currently he takes out 5 books from the library on the weekends and finishes them in about 3 days then at his moms he gets more from the school library. This kid does not read the small kid books either. So for us a kindel might be a good idea for him. As far as your kids go I like what another poster said, skip buying your DH anything and go nuts with your own kids!