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Books, Books, and More Books

Lori Fisher's picture

I'm reading a batch of books right now about stepfamilies. I need help! As a lifelong reader I can breeze through 3 or 4 books a week, unless of course the house is falling apart or burning down. (life happens!)

I hope to post some reviews on this site if I find useful books for stepmoms and for blended families in general. I will probably only post the ones that are "positive" --- in other words I won't be warning you about what not to waste your money on. I'll try to focus on what's good and helpful.

Frankly, I need to learn a lot and I'm speed-reading through as much stuff as I possibly can. I need the help!


Dawn-Moderator's picture

I look forward to your recommendations!!! I think we will all appreciate any info that we can get.



Leanne's picture

Hello! I am stepmom of three kids and I spent ALOT of time looking for the book that would save my life. And I found the one!
Give this book a read, it's written from a Christian perspective but I firmly believe that any bioparent or stepparrent, regardless of religious beliefs, will find this book life-changing.
It's called «The Smart Stepfamily: Seven steps to a healthy family» by Ron L. Deal. This book completely opened my eyes and changed my perspectives on my role as a stepmom, and everything else. The author has many many years of experience counseling stepfamilies. He talks about the common pitfalls, what to avoid, and many other topics including your marital relationship, your relationship with the ex etc. I have been so much happier and way less stressed since reading it. I can't recommend it enough. You can get it on Amazon. Happy reading!