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The final mile to divorce

looloo's picture

Two days left and the nerves are really setting in. As I pack my last bit of necessities, sleeping is now officially difficult! My mind is filled with what do I need, when should I do this or that, the pets, and mostly...are you sure???

My plan is I am openly going to to visit my daughter and he thinks, a week or 2 and I will be back. What he does not know is that he will be served over that 2 week period and I will never come back.

However, as I am putting all this into a plan, something very peculiar is happening with my husband. He has seen to it that the 2 devices that receive (her) texts are sealed down and protected 24/7.  No more is that cell phone left unattended for even a moment and if it is, it is passcode protected (it never was before SD34 came back in our lives, nor was mine)

Now we have this total distrust and deception in our home! The sneaking is literally driving me nuts! 

His iPad, same, passcode protected and now even the open notifications are turned off so I wont even see a preview of a text. Now mind you, he has 5 other computers. NONE of these are passcode protected. ONLY the ones that might show texts. And he is acting funny. He had his phone on him all night last night, checking it CONSTANTLY! and he's looking up stuff. I think he is making dinner reservations due to the fact that it is SO busy around here lately you can not get in to any restaurants. And SHE must enjoy the finest dining!

Now he needs to know when EXACTLY I am leaving and other than that, his interest in my trip is very superficial and obligatory.

When he would usually be very concerned about when I am returning he casually said, "So I guess you'll be gone 2 weeks then?" 

I did not reply instead changed the subject!

I have SO many emotions going through house is so gorgeous! To leave it in his hands, in THEIR hands...makes me sick! I know he is planning to bring her into our home while Im gone and wont even show me the decency of telling me so. Honestly if he were making plans with a mistress it would not feel any different! I think he enjoys making me crazy with all this! Now mind you all, she was just here 2 weeks ago. This after we both agreed we would only pay for her (all expenses) 2 times a year, Christmas and summer. Of course when I mention this, his memory is foggy. So I believe she is going to be his house guest the whole time I am gone. Driving his 80K car as an uninsured driver and usually drunk, going to the finest restaurants, wined dined, laying around my pool and the kicker??? She will charge us for hours ($25 per) because they might discuss work! See how this goes? All expenses paid, plus an hourly wage if they discuss any business at all! These people are sick!!


Yet, after he is served it will be all my fault!

I am the sick one, I am crazy, "Loo needs help, Loo needs intervention. Loo is the one who has been sneaking around! Just look, she left me and I didn't even know until now!"

What shall be my explanation to friends and family? What should the summary be? I don't want to hash it all out. I just want a very simple explanation that they can take back to him if necessary! I want to stay classy yet thorough...

Any suggestions are much appreciated!  


A quick background for first time readers. SD34 only came back into our lives when she needed money. She has in the past, used emotional blackmail and cut him off for years, calling him and me the most vile and vicious things, she slandered him on FB, ruined our credit by skipping out on a car loan which we had to pay off while she was no where to be found. 

 She has skipped out on student loans and taxes. Been through at least 4 apartments in this past year, because there is always a "bad roommate"

She is a mess. If you were to look up dark triad? This is HER! She will use extortion whenever necessary!

She is working for our company at 2500 per month and now wants more. She started working for us without my knowledge then when I found out (through reading his texts) he lied and gaslighted then 3 months later, gave her more hours and more money without discussing it with me, when I found out that time, I left him. He threatened to take the business down so I came back. We are selling the business and once complete, I am done and he can not threaten me with our livelihood anymore.

There is no co-existence with this woman! She is so toxic her own mother has disowned her. Her brother, her sister! NONE want anything to do with her! Only MY husband because he is just "so much nicer than the rest of them!"

He is noble because he wants to take care of her....just a little more money and she will soon be ok!


tog redux's picture

I know this is hard, just put one foot in front of the other and get through the next few days. Grieve for your house and face your fears of the future. 

As for what to tell friends, "irreconcilable differences" sums it up for those you aren't close to. Your close friends and family can know more detail. 

Big life changes are scary - hang in there. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

Eagerly awaiting your posts where you state you are FREE. Free from the hell of the emotionaly incestuous daddio and mini wife.

When my marriage ended. There was conflicted feelings, only because he tried to chip away at my self esteem. Guess what I have never been more free and happy.

You can do this. All of step talk is cheering you on girl.

looloo's picture

Thank you...sometimes it helps to see someone else call this what it is and shine the light on its sickness! Sometimes I wonder if it is just me that finds them weird! 

AgedOut's picture

when people ask, tell the truth. Say he was lying to you, explain how. why should you not tell the truth? 

ESMOD's picture

First, you need to be easier on yourself here.  You need to stop worrying about what way they will twist it when you are gone.  Why care what people you don't care about think?

Second, The people who value you will not be interested in the salatious details of the WHY's.  A cryptic, well, things often look better from the outside of a relationship than within is sufficient.  If pressed, you can either answer "Why do you need to know those details" to people who are less close to you and "There were issues with trust within our relationship that became too big to overcome" is fine for those close to you.. It is the truth.. the thing you seem most knotted up about is that he lied and went behind your back on so many things.


The_Upgrade's picture

At some point you're going to have to not give a crap about explanations or what people think. I was raised in Australia. My parents were refugees who came from a culture where divorce is a no-no. Three decades later my mum finally left my dad. And what stopped her all this time was "what would people in the community think?!". People in the community who weren't there when he beat up his children, his insecurity and rages accusing my mum of cheating on him, his gambling addiction combined with financial control and spousal imprisonment. Looking back recently I was shocked that I grew up in a household rife with domestic violence. It didn't even register as DM because to me it was normal. No one stepped in to help. So why do we owe them explanations and need their approval? It's your life, you're the one that will be stuck living with your choices so just make it the choice that you can live with and screw what other people think.

The Neverending Story's picture

Good luck Loo!! It's almost time!! Yay!!

When we get out there's always something we have to give up and it's sad. But your new home will be ALL yours!! What we leave behind can't even compare to the freedom we find. A life of your own on your terms is an amazing gift to give yourself. There is just a whole fabulous world out there to see with fresh eyes.

When people would ask me why I left usually I just gave them something simple and changed the subject. Y'know things sometimes just don't work out, so how are you and the kids doing?

There was one very nosey person who kept bringing it up and pressing me for details. Remember all those dumb commercials for Sling (tv streaming service)? So one day I got a snarky little grin on my face and said well I'll tell you a secret, I decided to become a slinger but H wouldn't go for it. She didn't like my joke but she quit asking me anything Wink

You hang in there!! Keep us posted!!



shellpell's picture

YOU CAN DO IT! It's none of people's business. If they press, say that you guys had a lot of problems. If they continue, smile and say, it's a long story or why do you ask? 

Get these dysfunctional people out of your life!! We're rooting for you!

CLove's picture

And then a lifetime of even MORE freedome!

YAY> cheering right now.

So, youve got everything lined up, the lawyers are all ready to go like racecars at the starting gate, and you are looking over at the soon to be ex, and he apparently could not have a care about you leaving for 2 weeks.

But, you arent certain - it could be that he is also lawyered up. Or planning time with mini-wife. Dont let it get to you - get your nerves back to steele mode. Youve come this far and its almost time to break free of this toxic sludge of a man and his toxic sludge DNA sample mini-wife user.

Im so glad that you have come this far. Just a little bit more and you can breathe easy!

I would torture him like the others suggested, and threaten to come home early then dont.

Meanwhile I hope that you have some MAJOR self-care ready to go to get you ready for the stuff that comes after he is served his papers. I hope you post!!!

Harry's picture

Get a little payback.   Keep coming up with stories, like maybe you will have to push it back a week or two because.

your daughter getting her house painted ..."..  getting new carpet.......  She may have to go somewhere.   ...  Her ***** grandmother is sick and she may go there to support ******.    Cant go because there a full moon.   You may only can go for a week because you need your hair done.  

caninelover's picture

Almost to the goal line so stay focused and good luck!  Getting yourself out of this mess is a really great thing you're doing.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

The stress of the divorce will be a lot I you. But you will still be away from them and that's the most important thing. 

Each day you will start to find your strength again, your self worth. As long as you stay committed to your decision you will find that it was the best decision you made. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

The stress of the divorce will be a lot I you. But you will still be away from them and that's the most important thing. 

Each day you will start to find your strength again, your self worth. As long as you stay committed to your decision you will find that it was the best decision you made. 

looloo's picture

My son-in-law is a very intuitive person. He gathers bits from my daughter and then when she stops talking he gets suspicious that she knows something she doesnt want to tell him. Well, it was true...she does know everything and she has simply stopped sharing with him. I feel just awful that I have forced her into such an awkward position. I talked to him because he was incessant about talking to me. He went on and on about how divorce is not the answer and on and on....I told him..We are going to simply take a break while I am away and I want to wait until the business closes because I don't want it weaponized when i lower the boom on him the way it was in the past! Once it is sold it is off the table and out of his arsonal of tools to threaten me with. he seemed to get that! I said lets just see when i bring it up after the close what he will do. HOWEVER! how do you go back and try again with the trust issue??? How many people live with someone who lies with such ease whenever it suits him? I hate living in this constant deception! I know this is not normal in marriages. Passcodes...secret texts... I am SICK OF IT! Anyway..that is the latest...My stomach feels like a volcano! I am now counting down the hours. My biggest fear right now is if he wants to take me to the airport! UGH!!! I need my car when I get back! Pray for me! 

The_Upgrade's picture

What time is it? Tell him you're catching up with a friend before the airport so you'll drive directly there afterwards

DPW's picture

I've been following your story for a while now as it was similar to mine. You are an inspiration because you are choosing to end this, at the right time, at the right place, it is over. Hang tight! We are behind you. If you need anything, let us know.

Simply insist that you are taking your car. That's it. "I'm taking my own car."

looloo's picture

That is what he said! He said, "what time is your flight"? Oh, early I said,,,very early! Gotta leave at 530! He said..."you should take an uber"!   HAHA! How about that for sensitivity! I had him pegged all wrong...silly me! I thought he would say..."well I wanna take you!" Ha nope! Take uber....well...I said...No, I will drive myself...and just like the cheapskate he is...Oh, you don't wanna have to pay for parking THAT long...Good grief! worked out! Im driving myself..


tonight he has acted so weird! All of a sudden he is interested in EVERY part of this trip and he has said at LEAST 3 times...'Are you sure you are coming back?' 

Why does he keep asking that? 

I said, yes (but not to you) of course I am! 

He says...hmmm im not so sure...


If I wasn't  trying so hard to avoid as much confrontation as possible I'd have asked..."Why would you think I would not??" 


The Neverending Story's picture

Your daughter being in a bad spot sounds more like your SIL has some control issues of his own. Your not doing anything to her.

Who is he to tell you not to get a divorce??? WTH??? He sounds a bit like a bully himself.

Any chance your SIL talks to H? I'd be careful what you tell DD or SIL for now. Be careful Loo but get the hell outta there while the gettin' is good!!!!

looloo's picture

I never thought of SIL being any of those things but it doesnt surprise me that this is his passive agressive side coming out! He certainly has a very controlling father and we always wondered how he could have turned out to be so nice. Anyway...yes, I was somewhat disappointed that he was being a little callous about my feelings. It was as though he thought it was just fine that I have been lied to and gaslighted and driven to the point of walking out so many times!

I have to be careful that this does not interfere in their marriage however. My daughter is a bit biased. She HATES my H, so she has her own agenda. My SIL loves him so its all a bit weird! Everyone agrees on one thing however, that SD34 is TOXIC! No one likes this creature! Her own family disowned her! Only my Dear husband...the benevolent, the rescurer, the ENABLER will have anything to do with her! Narcissistic supply in any form is better than nothing! 

looloo's picture

So I get up at 5AM to be absolutely sure I get the hell out of there before he wakes up. Tip toeing all around getting all the last minute stuff out (I am taking my sheets and comfortor dammit! ) so I had to bundle all that stuff and I think I made too much noise. As I reached the bottom floor I heard stomach dropped...OH NO!! He IS going to want to take me to the airport! NOW WHAT??? I am hurrying all the last minute household items ahead of my luggage... hair flying, now Im starting to he comes down the stairs in his underwear. "I will take you!" 

Oh god...what do I say??? 

No thats ok! I found out the flight actually leaves a half hour sooner than I thought!" 

'I can take you and drop you RIGHT off in front!" 

I don't even remember what else I said I was such a wreck. But for some reason he backed off. 

As he asked for one final hug he says "You sure you don't have a boyfriend??" 

Gah.. I just hate so many stupid questions! How many times does he have to accuse me of stupid crap??? Why do narcissists do this??? And no he doesnt have a GF. I don't know why he says stupid crap! Do I have a boyfriend?? Its dam 5AM! NOBODY is my friend!!!!! 

Anyway...the relief I felt as I drove out of the neighborhood was like tons had been lifted off of me! 

AND it looks like the business will close TOMORROW! Which means the money will be in our account! 

Looks like things are going my way...this must be the answer to my prayers!! 

The_Upgrade's picture

As he asked for one final hug he says "You sure you don't have a boyfriend??" 

Wow he's fked up. Hands up all the people who think it's ok to casually insinuate their partner's cheating on them. And what a cowardly way to go about it. Gives him the perfect excuse if you called him out on his bullshit because he was only joking wasn't he, and the problem's all on you because you didn't know how to take a joke, rinse and repeat. So glad to hear you've stepped off the crazy train. 

looloo's picture

Its so strange to me to read your comment calling him "f'ed up" I have been listening to this kind of crap for SOOOO long that I don't even give it a second thought usually! How many times has he said to me, casually of course, "wow you sure have been going out a lot lately, Im gonna think you have a boyfriend stashed somewhere" This was when I was heavily into gardening and planting my flowers!

Or even lately since I am moving things out and looking for apartments/attornys He has said it too. 

I guess it isnt until I present it to strangers that I realize how dysfunctional it is. I really need so much to share this stuff just to know because like i stated...I have been mentally conditioned for 20 years! You tend to accept this stuff as normal! 

But this time as I was leaving was more uncomfortable than it ever was before admittedly! 

Of course mostly because I was leaving him and he did not know it. Maybe he felt there was something different and tackled the feeling in the only way he thought he could? 

IDK. the guy is a trainwreck socially! 

The Neverending Story's picture

Thought about you so much yesterday. Was so glad to read your posts about leaving!!

Manipulators will use the cheating angle even when there is no merit. Its just one more way they can throw us off kilter and maintain control. ExH did that crap to me for so long. Very dysfunctional and just damn rude. It would hurt my feelings but he used it as a way to keep track of me. It was one more way for him to put out there that I was again doing something wrong or bad. My dumbass would work even harder to show him I was faithful, thus helping him know exactly where I was at all times, paying extra attention to him and whatever he wanted, etc. 

If I complained then it was always about how he was either just joking and i was too sensitive or how every other woman in his life had hurt him.

I'm wrong, can't take a joke, other women hurt him...therefore he can be an ass to me??? 

YEP cuz that's how they roll and when we're being manipulated we can't even see it. It's just becomes normal.

Every comment just chipped away a little more of me. My self esteem, my sanity, my spirit all just being crushed one day at a time. Yes it is so messed up!!

You said your DD has her own agenda, sounds like SIL may have one too..... Loo you focus on your agenda. That's all you gotta worry about. This is your situation, your life. These first tastes of freedom are like the 1st chapter in a new book. Don't let anyone else do any re-writes or editing. They may mean well or they may have other agendas. No matter, this is your story now. Be your own editor and publisher.

Your DD is a grownup...don't take on her issues as your own. You can love her, support her, have her back....but her marriage is hers. If your leaving H or any other decision you make is somehow a problem in DD's marriage then its just that...a problem in HER marriage. Nothing you've done wrong, nothing you can fix for her. H has controlled your life long enough, don't let someone else manipulate you. You do not need to alter your plans for anyone!!!

Don't give up, enjoy every breath of freedom. You've worked hard, pulled it all together and got out. You've done an amazing thing for yourself and you're WORTH it!!


AgedOut's picture

they know when their life is about to change, they can feel it in the air. His paranoia is probably more to do with him knowing he's created a disadster than him actually having a clue. He knows he's lying to you, hiding things, etc. He's paranoid because he knows he's guilty and he knows you've caught on. Keep those feet pointing forward. And don't lie for him when people ask what happened. You'll find out that most people aren't surprised by you leaving, they've been surprised at how long you stayed. You've got this!

shellpell's picture

Really so excited and happy for you. It takes guts to do what you are doing. Rooting for you all the way! Please keep us updated.