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BM Deliberately Tries to hurt minor BD's feelings!!!

LONGTIME SM's picture

I know that I am very protective of my minor BDs but as hard as I tried BM was able to find a way to be ugly to my youngest BD behind my back!!!

Before the inheritance fiasco exposed adult skids for who they really are we used to trade off on occaision and let my minor BDs particularly the youngest that was closest in age to SGKs play or once in a while spend the night at SD 33's home. Usually we were the babysitters and SGKs were at our house.

Youngest BD just recently told me that BM used to come over to SD 33's house almost every time she was playing at SD's home with stepgrandchildren (SGKs). When BM came over YBD said BM always brought a gift for each SGKs.

According to YBD BM would look at YBD (this occurred off and on between the time my YBD was only 7-10 years old) and would tell her that she would have brought YBD a gift also but that she (BM) had not known that YBD was even there! YBD told me that she had asked SGKs if BM always brought them gifts every time she visited. SGKs told her that no she did not!

YBD then told me that she had since figured out that BM had lied to her about not knowing that she was visiting SD 33's kids because she said that she had on numerous occaisions overheard SD 33 on the phone telling BM that YBD was at their house and the next thing YBD knew here comes BM loaded with gifts for SGKs only! YBD had figured out that BM only brought gifts when YBD was there so that BM could deliberately leave YBD out and hurt YBD's feelings.

Now I would not expect BM to purchase anything for my YBD nor would I want her to but giving the SGKs gifts in front of another young child on a routine basis is deliberate and cruel. Especially since my YBD had no idea why BM would not like her as I had never even hinted to her that BM was the devil incarnate! At YBD's age I doubt that YBD even really understood who BM was! YBD knows now.

YBD figured out on her own that BM was only doing this to make YBD feel badly and for her to feel left out when BM was visiting! What young child would not feel envious or hurt to be excluded from open gift giving to all but her??? If this was not intentioal then BM and SD would have waited and given the gifts to after YBD had left. BM lives just 15-20 minutes away from SD 33 and does not work fulltime so there would have been no problem to even return at a later time with the gifts!!!

That B**** got off seeing a look of pain on my little BDs face from being left out! It never occurred to me that BM would try to get to YBD when she was playing at SGKs! And to think that I had gone out of my way to never say anything ugly about BM or adult Skids to my BDs and the whole time she is pulling this stunt behind my back on an innocent child! If I had even known or suspected that evil BM visited when YBD was there I would have put an immediate stop to YBD's visits!!!!

Now I see why SD 33 objected so strongly to my not letting YBD visit at her house anymore after all of the horrific things that SD 33 and SS 35 pulled as a result of the inheritance issue! She lost her ability to be ugly to YBD behind my back!

I suppose YBD did not say anything to me about BM being there because I never said anything ugly to her about BM.

Well the Skids fixed all of that on their own by the tirades they had two years ago over their father's inheritance. BDs got to see both skids in action as well as BM. They go tto watch BM's inappropriate behavior at H's mother's funeral! At this time they were now old enough to understand what was going on and to ask questions. I felt that they were now old enough to tell them the truth because of what the skids were saying about them and how jealous they were of Bds. I tried to take the high road and mangaged to for years but felt that I now had to whatever was in BDs best interests for thier own protection.

Hopefully karma will catch up to BM for her lifetime of nastiness!!!!! It just goes to show how jealous of SDs that BM and SS 35 and SD 33 are to have them stoop so low!!

"The best revenge is success!"


herewegoagain's picture

I would/will NEVER allow crazy ex anywhere near my kiddo...even her mother, who lives close and associates with my DHs family...when I have seen her around at any party, we IMMEDIATELY leave...she has tried to make small talk or say hi or something to our kid and I just immediately take him away from her and get does DH...