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Adult SD After 3 years Not Talking NOW Just Wants to All get Along!!! BARF!!!

LONGTIME SM's picture

Middle aged SD 34 called H to jump H because he called adult SS 35 and asked if SS 35 was the one that prank called H in the middle of the night a few days ago - H said it sounded like SS 35!

During the conversation SD 34 again starts in on her tired old lies about how much she loooooves our two bios and how much she misssssees them!!!!! She then tries to guilt H by telling him that she can not belive that H does not want to see his grandkids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SD 34 proceeds to tell H that he would love one of his grandkids if he got to know them now because they are sooooo funnnny!

I love the way she is trying to all of a sudden re-write history! SD 34 and SS 35 have refused to talk to us for most of three years now over she and her brother not being given my H's mother's estate - small as it was.

It was this same SD that up until about 6 months ago refused to answer a call from her father. The VERY same SD that refused to even call her father back when he left messages. This happened multiple times over the past 3 years!

This is the same LOOOVELLLY adult SD that told her father that she liked it when he was out of her life because it was easier that way!

The same adult SD that screamed at her father that he was "no father" - because he would not do what she demanded at the time over the inheritance and another time because we objected to her screaming and cursing at our children and their friends because they did not invite SDs kids to the show.

In other words this adult SD 34 that acts as though she is several tacos short of a combo plate now wants to pretend that she had no role in any of this and that her father has simply abandoned her and the grandkids for no reason :jawdrop: !!!!!!!GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Yeah right - she just loooooooves my bios so much that she snubed them last summer when she ran into them at the store - oldest bio drove so we were nowhere in sight - this slight was directly made to them!!!!! H and SD seem to have forgotten that little manuever!!!!!! :sick:

Of course H is also so delusional he thinks that it can all go back to a nice little love fest with adult skids and believes it hook line and sinker that she loooooves the bios despite both adult skids continually saying how jealous they are of bios!!!! :sick:

NOT EVER HAPPENING AGAIN! But Skids still trying to contact bios behind our backs - or so they think.

Oldest Bio friended them when asked but then blocked them from everything so I hope they enjoy seeeing NOTHING!!!!!!!! Middle aged skids just want to spy anyway to find things to criticize and talk about with their MOMMY! Yeah you heard right beleve it or not!!!!!

Youngest bio blocked them so they can not even find her and I also blocked them. It is just amazing to me how much effort these wierdos keep going to to spy and stalk on bios and our household!!!!

Everytime I turn around it is something else! I am so tired of this harrasment! I am also fed up with the same stupidity over and over on my H's part!

However, realistically, my H just will not put out the effort to have a meaningful relationship ON HIS OWN with either adult skid. He wants me to volunteer to open up my home to them, entertain them, and start up the free babysitting service again if he just sighs and states that he wishes it could go back to the way it was. This will never happen again as I simply am not that nice anymore! Wink Besides the way it was was never really that great - I always knew they were just pretending. I simply can not ever trust them again!!!!

" I wish I was a bird and could fly far far away" - Forrest Gump


LONGTIME SM's picture

I'm just going to leave it up to H to work on his relationship with skids and I will continue to monitor bios to make their contact with adult skids as limited as possible.

I can rest assured that skids will not make any effort other than to complain about H's lack of contact because they want H to continue chasing after them. They will NEVER apologize and never chase after him.

H will not make the effort because he has too much going on everyday to make the effort to continually suck up to them. I rest easy because I feel certain that if he really wanted to he would. He and adult skids can try to blame me or anyone else they chose to down the road but the statement above reflects the cold hard facts.

The skids dug themselves a hole and are now looking for a way out by rewriting history to mak ethem look bettter - a typical act of a narcisist - and I simply refuse to cooperate and give them a way out this time! They may have wished that they sang me happy birthday now!!!!!! Wink

If things go on as they have been, which I think that it will, the comunication will remain the status quo.

This suits me just fine.

So what if adult skids badmouth H and I around town ahnd try to make us the villans - I simply do not care and my answer to anyone who dares to say anything to me about it is that H and Skids are and have always been free to have whatever relationship they chose to have once skids agree to talk to H again.

Hope that ends up biting them in the B*tt!

LizzieA's picture

I'm barfing along with you. Guess your DH doesn't really see all the games and manipulation. Glad it's in your court, cause it ain't never gonna happen! Ha ha. Typical narcissist abusers.