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Peeing in Public Now... wtf?

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Ok, so this is a new one.

Sunday DH, Good SS and I had to go out. My mom stayed at our place to watch the rest of the kids.

SS10 took off with our neighbor's son around 11 a.m. Then he stayed there for lunch. When we got home at 6 p.m. he wasn't home and hadn't shown sign of life.

We called the neighbor and she said he had eaten lunch at her house and that both of the boys had then left and presumably hung out at the park next to our house. She went looking for them, then we went looking for them. Eventually they were found, hiding in her garage the entire time.


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There are two posters who just ocme here to attack people every day. .

They accuse people of "whining", "complaining", "trying to get sympathy".


If they don't like reading posts that have step parents venting, then why come read them every day? What are they trying to achieve?

They say we should all just give up and leave. Sorry but life is not that easy. Some of us will NOT put our children through another divorce. Does that mean we're spineless, stupid, crazy?

What Would You Think?

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So... I had to go to BM's web site to find her fax number... and I was kind of shocked at how strange it was. I'm wondering what you would think.

Let's say you were looking for a healthcare practitioner in your town and you followed a link from Yelp to a potential provider's web site. The top of the web site looks pretty standard, it has the name of the practice and a nice head shot of the practitioner. As you scroll down though, you see two boy's pictures. Baby pictures, kid pictures, tween pictures, on and on... as far as you can scroll down.

Step Daughter Article

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I don't have an SD, but I thought this article would be helpful to many posters here. It was originally posted by Redcartoon.

Submitted by redcartoon on Fri, 02/12/2016 - 1:25pm.
Recently I sent the following to my mother - although I think she actually meant well. She thought I should be engaged more then "maybe" the teenage girls might like me.

OT--Have you ever had a Stye?

LikeMinded's picture

It hurts, and it's miserable. It feels like I have a staple going through my eyelid.

Has anyone gone through this?

Any home remedies? (as luck would have it, I have an eye exam scheduled on Saturday, but this is really painful right tea bag helps a little)

How long did it last for you?I stayed home today, because my eyelid is so swollen and oozing that I can't keep my eye open... but I can't stay home 7 days over this.

OT-Kids Chores

LikeMinded's picture

Ok, I want to give our kids (Bio and SKIDS) more responsibilities, but hubby is not on the same page.

What chores would you give a 12 year old and a 13 year old.

I'm asking that they make their own school lunches and help with the dishes at night.

They already help fold laundry, make their own beds, and help set the table.
