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OT - Endometriosis

lieutenant_dad's picture

So, my fertility doc called yesterday to say she wanted to do a contrast ultrasound and scope to check me for endometriosis since I didn't get pregnant via three rounds of IUI.

Honestly, I'm a bit taken aback that she'd jump to this conclusion considering that, of the three IUIs we did, only one had an optimal sperm count and another had an adequate sperm count.

Now, I haven't been on BC since I was 21. Never been pregnant. Wasn't overly careful with XH, but we used condoms 90% of the time and we were lucky to *ahem* once a month. DH had a vasectomy. Anyone else I was involved with (a whole twice) involved condoms. So, while I haven't had a pregnancy scare, I also haven't been a moron about BC.

I looked up endo symptoms, and I can't say that I have them in the severity that would indicate it. My periods are regular (within 4 days of each other), they are fairly average length (3 days with 2 days spotting at the end), I don't bleed through pads, I can take Aleve and kill cramps pretty quickly, etc. My periods have gotten better the older I get (e.g. shorter and less painful), all my hormones are in range (though had to boost Vitamin D and am on a tiny amount of Synthroid to "optimize" for pregnancy, but was still normal). Only time my periods are bad is if they coincide with my IBS acting up, and but that's maybe once a year. Otherwise, I pop some Aleve, take a nap, and walk more to help with the aches.

For those of you who have gone through fertility treatment or have endo, any advice/insight/wisdom? If you did the contrast U/S or scope, what were costs like? Is there a tell-tale symptom that told you something is off? I've only had one doctor tell me that she thought I had endo, but it was when I was early 20s and having issues with my IBS shortly after coming off BC. No other doc has shared concerns until now.


simifan's picture

Our stories are very similar. We did IUI unsuccessfully. Did the exploratory surgery - found out I had Endometriosis. Was cleaned out - skipped a cycle & did IUI the following cycle & got pregnant. DS is 18 now. 

I always had bad cramps - still do never thought anything of it. Magnesium works wonders. MY cycle has always been regular - I used to have it down to a 2 hour window - 1 day heavy 2-3 day regular, 4-5 spotting.  I wouldn't have guessed I had Endo. I think it bothers my GYN more then me. She's always asking about symptoms/pain. 

Best of luck to you. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

Thank you for this! Was it costly to get it cleared out? With the sale of the house, we have money to do IVF, but I don't have any indication how much clearing out costs and what is the more cost efficient procedure. I hate the healthcare system!

Thumper's picture

I had awful awful endometriosis. For years I suffered with pain and heavy periods. My fair share of I wish I could forget. (not ready to tell that story)


TMI alert..Finally found a GYN in my home town,,,younger Doctor who said he could help me. Well I was  cut hip to hip---He lasered it all. .it was everywhere including my bowel, outside my uterus. Any place in there,,, it could find --it stuck to me.

After my surgery, I was told in my mid 20's that it was doubtful I could ever have children. I was ok with that because I was pain free and free from this awful debilitating disease.

Surprise. I beat the odds on this one.

The pain from Endo is awful---if you have any questions let me know. I lived it




ndc's picture

I had fertility treatment, but mercifully got pregnant on the third clovid cycle and didn't have to move on to the more invasive stuff.  My cousin had more extensive fertility treatment a year or so before I did, and she got pregnant on her own the month after they did the contrast thing, before they moved onto IVF, which was the next step.  For her they were looking at the uterus but moreso at the tubes.  The doctor speculated that the dye they injected might have dislodged a blockage in a tube.  She'll never know for sure, but she has two kids now.

Good luck to you.

thiscantbenormal's picture

I got pregnant after hysterosalpingogram as well.

OP, have you had this done yet?

lieutenant_dad's picture

No, this is what she wants to do. The more you all talk about it, the more I'm leaning towards getting it done!

Thumper's picture

My insurance paid for my surgery---gosh then I think i had Blue Cross/Blue Shield.