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OT - BMs Say the Darnedest (Delusional) Things

lieutenant_dad's picture

Alright, let's have a little fun as we adjust to the site cha-cha-cha-CHANGES!

What delusional things have your BMs said that they totally believe to be true (or at least want other people to believe are true)?

Some recent postings from BM in my life on social media include:

- Stating that she doesn't need money from a man (says the woman who has constantly had her hand out to DH for anything, and who never worked while they were married)

- Stating that she is responsible (says the woman who has repeatedly had to ask for money to help pay her rent or buy food)

- Stating that she is loyal (says the woman who moved her BF into my MIL's house before telling DH she wanted a divorce)

- Stating she doesn't like drama (says the woman who drove past her married BF's house waving at him in retaliation for him driving past her house and not coming to the door)

Come on, ladies and gents. I know you have some good ones!



notasm3's picture

BM and her DH speak in “tongues” so I don’t know what they are saying. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo bashed cheaters - which is definitely a HUGE case of the pot calling the kettle black.

BioHo is a SERIAL cheater and has been all of her freaking life.  'Ho:

  • was cheating on DH when she was almost 3 months pregnant with SDnow21.
  • cheated on DH their entire relationship/marriage.
  • cheated on Spawn10's babydaddy, which is why he dumped her, moved hundreds of miles away, and married someone else.
  • cheated on her 22 - yes, TWENTY-TWO - live-in boyfriends, which was obvious when some moved out in the morning and the next victim moved in that afternoon.
  • cheated on her current DumbHusband, Mr. Pinhead, less than 4 months after they got married.

Yes, BioHo, please preach to everyone about how horrible cheaters are. Why don't you have someone write your memoirs so they can publish a book about the WORST cheaters??

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Serial cheaters Aniki... I'm starting to wonder if they even get the definition of cheating?

Simpleton21's picture

That she really wants SO and I to be happy because the happier we are the better for SD.  Then the next day texting about how she doesn't care about our family and SD is the ONLY thing that matters and she should be priority over his "new" family. 

goingcrazy00's picture

Lol sounds familiar...during a most recent mediation between them, BM said she just wants us (myself and SO) to have a good relationship and be happy and that's one of the reasons she filed for modifications take way SO's 50/50. 

According to her delusion, if we have more time to focus on strengthening our relationship, we will have a more enjoyable time with the kids when they come on her proposed plan of 4 nights a month. 

Hahahaha...this same BM who one time texted SO and asked, "can you get a new gf? Lol anyone other than goingcrazy00." 

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

That she's an amazing mom. Super involved in PTA and all that for the little one (not the older). But hasn't seen the kids out of school in over a week because she' out partying every night 

mamabear3's picture

Crazy told me once that she was entitled to DH money because she had SS...I didn't hold my tongue with her on that one.

notsobradybunch's picture

BM stated her kids were the best thing that ever happened to her...she has 4 kids with 3 different daddies...has custody of ZERO.

lieutenant_dad's picture

My SSis has been playing the MOTY card a lot recently regarding her four kids that the state stripped her rights to. Constantly talking about how she misses them and loves them, blah blah blah. Sounds great and all, but if she cared, she wouldn't have done the things she did to lose them in the first place.

WalkOnBy's picture

"I am a very loving and involved parent who almost never blows my stack."  Medusa said this in a court filing.  

In DH's response, he included all the texts messages where she raged against him - all the while typing like a kindergartner.  

queensway's picture

Over 17 years ago BM told my DH that she needed to get a Catholic Annulment so she could marry in the church. That part in true. But it has been 17 years and no one has asked the woman to marry her. Wonder why, she is such a catch.

MoominMama's picture

There have been so many it's hard to list them all. But here's my favourite one:-

DH and I met 5 years before we actually did and we had been having an affair all that time until she left. (this from a woman who had several affairs and various sexual liaisons during her marriage). I was living in the southern tip of the UK then and DH was on a military training in Wales (334 miles away). She came to this conclusion because of the fact that his military training was in a far westerly part of the UK and I lived in the UK. So that seals that then...

Too many to list as the woman is a Narc and just makes it up as she goes along.

Thumper's picture

"PICASSO" was a musician 

"It is better to have (underaged) kid drink at the house so thats why I (BM) bought it for them to drink it at home"

"Its better to have her teen have sex in the basement so SHE (BM) knows whats going on.

"I thought you'd want me to do that DH" OR "DH I did it the way I thought YOU would have done it"  "or "I thought you wanted it" --common replies when BM is projecting things SHE is the one that actually  did the action BUT she shifts it as though dh submlimially told her OR asked her to do xyz. AND she also talks and writes in 3rd person.

Sending her clothing to our house...


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

If the kid has sex at home it's impossible for them to get preggo right? Isn't that how it works?

Thumper's picture

OMG there is no telling what she was thinking. Knowing what I know now about her...what I am thinking makes me want to puke.



WalkOnBy's picture

it is, but only at BM's house.  At dad's house, it will be his fault for not "properly supervising." 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

SD14 lost her virginity at a 24yo with BioHo's approval. She wanted Sd to enjoy herself AND be safe!!

WTH is the BARF EMOJI?!?!?!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

- I'm not psycho

-(after a temper tantrum involving cussing me out for trying to be polite) "Oh sorry! Just an anxiety attack" WOMAN! I KNOW that wasn't f***ing anxiety.

- "After the births of both girls I was just all alone!" MIL was with her for both... Also MIL did the majority of the child rearing because the b**** couldn't be bothered when DH was deployed, and when he wasn't deployed she expected him to come home and feed the girls and get them in bed even though she didn't take care of them all day... And she didn't work... Half the time she hadn't even changed the diapers and the kids had been sitting in their own s*** all day starving...

- "I don't make a enough money to support myself! Let alone the girls!" FYI, this was said when she actually had a high paying job (before she got fired... Apparently employers like you being at work? And not high? What?)... I did research on the position on the handy dandy internet. She was making six figures... 

-"Loyalty is SOOOO important in a marriage!" Drove two states over days after marrying my DH to hook up... And did similarly ridiculous cheating during the entire duration of the marriage... But yes... Totally loyal there...

I could go on... But my blood may start to boil... And them h0s ain't worth my hate.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I still can't figure it out either... Considering the jobs mostly pay s*** here... She must have gotten lucky or made a deal with the devil. I'm making basically pennies in this dang town... BARELY scraping by... And she somehow managed to spend every penny and then get herself fired from one of probably like 6 good paying jobs this place has. idk how she was even qualified.

Thumper's picture

Agree about 'going on'.... too many flash backs that I DO NOT want to relive. It is the same for you too Prob Already.

tankh21's picture

BM told the skids that DH cheated on her when she is the one that cheated and she was a stripper. She also said that DH was starving and not providing a good environment for his kids so she was going to bring them food and clean bedding during DH's visitation time whenever she wanted to. BM says that he has never raised her voice in front of her kids but yet on several occasions she has yelled and cussed at DH in front of the skids.

Coco72's picture

BM - we call her Crazy too - tells everyone, including SS that the reason they got a divorce is because of me, even though FH found sexually explicit messages and pictures from her to other men on his birthday, long before I was in the picture.

Tells these same people he financially abandoned his family and that is why she had to move. She takes no responsibility for her poor money choices. Not to mention that we have 50/50 custody and FH pays CS.

She said in court that she spends no money on herself, when the judge asked if she bought herself food she stated she eats whatever is left over.

tells SS10 not to worry that her “friend” is gay, but then has on Facebook that they are in a relationship. 

This is just the short list.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

I have a SIL who has a serious autoimmune disease. As in, diagnosed, almost died, underwent chemo and is on disability for it serious.

Narc GU OSD doesn't do well out in the real world. She can't get along with others and hates having to work, so she's lost or quit the few jobs she's had and switched to having imaginary illnesses that allow her to stay home. She announced that she had the same autoimmune desease as SIL, despite her doctors refusing to treat her for it.

Her crazy BM suddenly " has it too, and feels awful that she gave it to poor OSD ". I had the hardest time keeping my face straight when she said that. Kept seeing images of apples and trees...

WalkOnBy's picture

You remember when Medusa diagnosed herself and BabuVoice with IBS, right?  Not the pediatrician, not a gastroenterologist, but Medusa herself!!

DH kept demanding the name of the doc who made the diagnosis.  Medusa finally admitted that she did some research on the interwebs and came to the conclusion herself.  Now, BabyVoice WAS having some digestive issues, so DH acted like a parent and took the damn kid to the pediatrician to have her checked out. 

BabyVoice didn't have IBS, but she DID have C-Diff!  yep, C-Diff.  As for Medusa, she was just full of $hit  Smile

lieutenant_dad's picture

Oh, BM here is CONSTANTLY complaining about something being wrong, and then all of a sudden she misses 2 weeks of work (which telling DH this is her way of saying that she'll have some money request soon). I do try to be open minded to the possibility that BM may actually be seriously ill, but EVERY time I see her, she has a new brace, a new bandage, a new prescription she has to get filled, another doctor's appointment, another ache or pain, etc.

I empathize with her being in in chronic disco.fort, as does DH, given that I have IBS/chronic back pain due to a previous injury/super sensitive skin and DH has 40% VA disability for his two tore-up knees and destroyed shoulder. What I can't empathize with is not working or quitting jobs. Sorry dear, you have kids. Better suck it up or marry someone with a job.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

She needs a lobotomy. Diablo

Thumper's picture

Did your BM say this OR do you believe it to be true. Maybe BOTH. 

THANKS for the good belly laugh. That was funny

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Goodluck, did 'Ho say... which one?

Most of the things that 'Ho said, she told to her coworkers - and I know them, so they tell me. Diablo

notasm3's picture

The ex wife of a friend’s husband (divorced for 40+ years) told her grandkids (preteens) that my friend stole her husband. 

My bff and I are a decade younger than her DH. We literally were in high school when her DH got divorced from  BM. They didn’t meet until a decade later.  When her DH got divorced we were 2 nerdy little 15 year old girls who didn’t date. 

strugglingSM's picture

-Saying she is an excellent mother who is always helping the children with their homework and working with the school to make sure they get the support the children need, when in fact, both children always have missing assignments (including missing signed syllabi and missing assignments where parents specifically received an email informing them of the assignment) and although both have IEPs, neither IEP is actually directed at student needs and when I gave DH a series of requests for one IEP, BM's only reply was "Yes, me too." 

-Telling SSs that DH "caused the divorce", when in reality she was abusive to him from the time they met and moved her boyfriend and his child into the house, three months after she kicked DH out. 

-Claiming that she's never said a mean thing to DH, when we have texts and emails where she calls him a deadbeat dad, a loser, someone who doesn't care about his kids, all because she doesn't get what she wants or because she has to take care of her own messes (like paying her back taxes or getting her own health insurance after the divorce). 

-Claiming that she is alway friendly and polite to DH when she sees him, even though the first time I met her, I asked him afterward, "why is she so mad at you?" because the scowl on her face when she was talking to him was so hard to miss. 

-Acting as if it was her idea that they stop talking on the phone, even though she fought tooth and nail against it and told him that she had spoken to her lawyer and it would be considered child neglect if he didn't take her calls. 

Some of the many...

thinkthrice's picture

Lauded by her children as their "best friend."  

Board of Education: "SD is failing every subject"

Chef: "Maybe she should be held back. "

Girhippo (bolts upright from her chair) "BUT WHAT ABOUT HER FRIEEEENNNNNDDDDDSSSSSS?!!" (with tear rolling down her cheek).

Livingoutloud's picture

“Judge awarded me spousal support because he knows I deserve it”- no it’s because you never held a job in your life 

“I am a strong woman”- you spent your life on the couch not working and smoking pot when DH was at work so nothing strong about that 

“Admit you still love me”- calling DH when she found out about me. When he hung up and blocked her phone number she emailed him asking  if “he hired people to kill her so he doesn’t need to pay alimony ”. He then blocked email too

“Don’t fuck with me. I’ll ruin your life” when DH told her he wants a divorce 

“it’s ok that you smoke pot as long as you don’t get caught”-

Twix's picture

BM "if you don't give me $120 for your half of skid clothes they will not be coming over"

DH "I buy my own clothes them so please don't threaten me"

BM "I've never threatened you, you threaten me ALL the time, I have PROOF!"

- many variations of the above occur monthly. 

DH "from now on I will be only contacting you through email barring emergencies"

BM "I've been asking you to talk only through email for years but you never follow it"

BM in her next email "can't you be a big boy and just answer my texts and calls. This isn't effective communication"

Or any version of " I'm an excellent mother!" "I know what MY kids need"  "they are MY kids" "I am their MOTHER"

Or all her different names for me, princess, gf, fiancé, wifey or spelling my actual name a new way each time she writes it. Although in her defence (lol) I've noticed she can't consistently spell her children's names correctly either. 

As well as,

BM "the kids only want to spend time you (DH) ... only you. Twix being around all the time makes them uncomfortable"

Skid to me "will you do x with me?" Twix "how about you do it with your dad for some nice time just the two of you" skid "no I really want you to play it with me please"


BM "SS doesn't feel safe at your house because you don't have a full puffer ready for him" DH "I have a puffer"

One week goes by, BM "I need a puffer, are you home?" DH "no I am not, if it's an emergency please call an ambulance otherwise go to the pharmacy and pick one up" BM "your such a shitty dad, make skid a priority or he will not be going to your house"

There's so many more but I think that comes full circle

on an unrelated note, it was so so hard to write this on my phone


Livingoutloud's picture

“I don’t work because with my disabilities I can’t work most jobs”- she doesn’t have any disabilities 


MoominMama's picture

I just remembered this one:-

After giving DH verbal abuse by phone, email and text. Having her friends threaten us and so on she then says 'and I have always been so easy as an ex' OMG

also: 'I have rights but no obligations (as a parent)

But the stupidest delusional thing was to go the court and have a legal document made up to say that her own son should not come on visitation anymore and then 2 years later accuse DH of stopping her son seeing her.


lieutenant_dad's picture

Oh I forgot one. This came after BM claimed CS as income for her house, and the leasing agent told her she needed to go back to court to get CS adjusted because it had been so long.

"Not everyone has to go back to court for every little thing."

Well, BM, you kind of already have everything you could get - DH pays his CS plus voluntarily adjusts it upwards when he gets a raise based on the CS calculator, he (and I) cover their health insurance despite you committing Medicaid fraud, DH has been awarded minimal custody (in writing, it's EOWE, no vacations, no holidays, just EOWE; however, now that kids are older, they stay more because they ask to and she doesn't want them home that much), and he pays for nearly ALL their ECAs, clothes, haircuts, shoes, etc, because if he didn't, the kids wouldn't do or have anything.

It's really easy to think your XH is your best friend and you have this super great relationship when everything you need is taken care of. It has NOTHING to do with you, BM, and what kind of person you are (well, it does, but not in a positive way), and EVERYTHING to do the fact that your XH doesn't want to screw over his own kids. Shocking, I know.


Ispofacto's picture

BM's occupation on FB is "SAHM".  Uhhh...don't you actually have to have custody of a kid to claim that status?

She tells anyone who will listen that Killjoy is "her world".  That phrase seems so common amongst these MOTY types that it has become a trigger for me.  Yeah, Killjoy is so "your world" that you lost custody for neglect.  You almost killed the girl.  POS.

She tells everyone she knows that she is better looking than me.  Heh.  Not even close.  It's great tho, because she never wants to attend events I'm going to be at because she doesn't want anyone to witness what a disgusting cow she is.  She literally looks like a bloated drowned corpse that crawled off a slab at the morgue.